:clap: :clap: :clap:
This afternoon while the wind blew at 15 to 20 MPH across Laytown beach and at about 45deg off the advancing waterline my CM Pro Discus CS eventually took to the air.
It was launched from shoulder height at beach level.
It was a devil to assemble.
Loads of little fiddly things that I just kept putting off doing.
Cockpit floor too narrow and needed to be adjusted.
Wing incidence bars not centred in the pre drilled holes
And of course the fear that when completed I would have to fly the thing.
Well, bit the bullet this afternoon.
I waited till the tide was almost in so the available beach area would add an extra challenge. (Next time must remember to check tide times)
Ran out of elevator authority on the first launch.
It nosed in to the sand at a shallow angle but at a low ground speed.
Thank goodness for the strong wind.
Loosened the tailplane and packed a slice of ply under the trailing edge.
Tide had advanced another 10 feet or so.
2nd flight was better. Had plenty of up elevator available so held it about a foot off the sand till it approached the advancing waves then let it sink softly onto the sand.
Was going to pack it in till tomorrow morning, when the tide would be out, but did changed my mind and did 5 more flights.
So that is what it looks like after the first flight.
Small band of tape added to replace cockpit front latch which escaped on first flight.