I also like a 2.5 or 3m version (was designed to be 3m originally), but the 2 meters one is easier to transport everywhere 
I think that the 2 meters version is the best compromise for this aerobatic very dedicated glider.
Volume of the glider is not that small (big fuselage) and not that easy to hide in the car instead of madam wanting a calm week-end near that beautiful slope...

More seriously, the 2m version can fly everywhere and you can have it always with you. Even on smallest slopes, even on high mountains with 30 minutes walk-to with other gliders on your bag, etc...
A 3 meters version should be really competitive and great but very big ! Not that easy to launch alone and not motivated to launch on weak conditions (where you will have a try with the 2 meters's)
In fact, if you look at history and to the "Voltij'" full composite glider from Toulouse manufacturer "Aeromod", it was a 2 meters class glider, a very good one (I've got one !). There was also a 4 meters version (scale 2 !) that was awesome, but it was no more an easy glider ! Weight was 12kg to 18kg dependant of pilots style, but was far better around 15kg, that means not self launchable on slopes, and even with help hard to launch. On flat field a big tow plane was needed, and it was an aerobatic only glider... It was very impressive to see it fly, like a big whale doing aerobatic effortissevely close to you. I even fly one, one or two times on a flat field, and it was a blast ! But that's the one that you fly only few times a year...
A 4 meters scale 2 Quark should be very fun builded very light like 8 kg... To fly on slope close to you... Based on my Quark weight, 1.6kg, a scale 2 glider should be around 8x this mass, that means 12.8kg... That's coherent with Voltij' experience but leads to the same conclusion... Fly not that much if you can't go to slope directly with your car and have not a good launcher or bungy !

Would prefer to have a big modern scale model like ASH26 at 5 meters... More polyvalent, can do thermal flight and high speed flight with aerobatics for the same weight...