Thanks Bill, we'll do
We can talk about that in 2 weeks with a good pint
Alright so, I had 2 hours to kill today, so I got a lot of work done on the glider.
First, the clasic fitting of the control snakes in the fuselage. Trace, slice with cutter, insert control snake, pour thin cyano. Et voila, done!
Oh yeah, by the way, did the radio bay with a piano wire shaped in rectangle, an fixed to my solder iron. Classic.
Next, moved to the wings, and fitted the ailerons servos. Quick job.
Traced the ailerons, all ready to be cutted.
I then sprayed the entire glider with 3M 77.
And finaly, the part that took me 1h30 out of the 2hrs I had : covering the entire glider with re-inforced tape and painting...
REally hated the taping part. That's a nice way to completely destroy a rather good looking machine in something full of wrinkles etc etc, especialy around the nose! :evil:
My plan was to cover all that with white vinyl, but after a minute of hard thinking and a cuppa, what's the point! That thing is supposed to be flown like there's no tomorrow, all terrain and all that! (plus, why spending hours on a foamy thingy to make it look like it's all molded!?. my own personal opinion of course, hope I did not offended some hardcore foamy lovers!
Anyway, I sanded the entire glider to prep it for paint (nope, could nt left it tape naked either!
) and sprayed it with glossy white (hard enamel for radiators... They did not had white colour appliance paint at the local DIY shop :!: ).
Painted the canopy blue... looked too toyish! Back to black!
And here is the result! All done, just need to make the servos linkages, my job for tomorrow night
And for size (not easy to smile with the sun in your face!
Overall so far, happy with the look of it, not so happy with my finishing !
First flight this week end wind permitting, or during the fly-in.