Ha! :lol:
Well, actually Fred, since I posted that message the winds are forecast to drop and be coming from the South. At the moment the prediction is for speeds of around 10Km/h. Of course up on the ridge they are likely to be a little bit stronger than that but I should think most pilots would consider those winds to be "gentle", wouldn't you agree? :wink:
The only thing I've got that will fly in those
breezes is your old Flat Vee Tailed thingy, (Which has clocked up a surprising numbers of hours in the air over the past 6months)
I might take the newly repaired Filip as well. With my new Tx I can increase the wing camber so I might be able to keep it in the air, in the predicted "Light" conditions
I'm just on my way up to Big L. now..............to get some practice in!
See you Saturday,..........anyone else interested in catching a few 'rays' whilst improving their flying skills?
