Very little time at home this week

but I managed an hour in the workshop today!

Moved a bit forward on the Grunau.
Rudder: Sheeted and stained. I usually use "teak" varnish, but this time, I went for something lighter, and I really like it! Varnish is "Antic Pine".
Rudder horns are in steel, that I have for years in a box. Happy with them, they do look nice! And solid!
Waiting for it to dry, and I can cover it.
Nose: I went with a balsa block. The sheeting will them go over. I usually do it "hollow", but I wanted to try it this way.
I made the tow hook, very classic with a 10mm Aluminium tube with a piece of piano wore going through. Epoxied on the block, itself epoxied on the first former. Just need to sans in shape after that.
Battery shelf done also.
Fine sheeting started, so as the canopy area.
Hopefully, more progresses next week!
Sorry for the dark photos, did not paid attention when I took them