So once again the south slope provided the lift although with the wind being just a slight bit lighter than it had on Saturday, only the lightest of models took to the sky,….. or those that had the benefit of a little mechanical thrust :evil: . Some members of the group managed to stay aloft for ages :clap: , others struggled and eventually had to take that walk of shame. :oops: At one point I even saw Fred walking down the slope to collect his model……So he is human after all!
Stephen benefited from the occasional use of his Phoenix’s propeller while JP and Andy did their best to maintain height and indeed succeeded for the most part. Big Keith,,,,,,you need a model with a lighter wing loading my friend :!: ,……with winter approaching,…..get building!
Justin kept launching his totally home made and home designed models, :clap: perhaps a little refinement is needed for such light conditions?
Incidentally Patrick showed up on the slope in the morning,….. without a model!! :shock: Nice to see you again Patrick but if you want to be an Aero Modeller, you need a model aircraft. (The clue is in the title, Patrick :wink: )
Unfortunately the skies darkened around midday and a little precipitation descended upon us all. Not a lot, indeed some pilots kept flying throughout the shower. Fortunately there was only one shower and other than that the sun shone warmly down upon us.
It seems that the “Moss House” mob had had a riotous time the previous evening. So much so that they had recorded their activities on a phone and proceeded to serenade the entire Nine Stones car park of people with it during Sunday’s BBQ. (There are some mighty strange goings on in that B&B,… I’m tell you! :roll: )
So there we have it. The last official Glide-In of the Ireland Slope Rebels for 2014, and certainly the most populated. Talking about the numbers who had attended, during the BBQ on Sunday, we recon there must have been a total of 25 -30 pilots the previous day. Certainly a record number.
I saw plenty of people with cameras during the glide-in, may be some of them will be kind enough to post the fruits of their work on the forum.
If not before, I’ll see you next year lads………
Little Keith