Years ago I could have quoted the details off the top of my head Alan, but now when I try to remember it all becomes a bit fuzzy.
The Dleta peak is (as I remember) relative to the capacity of the cell, which is probably why you’re getting different results for different size cells. The matter is slightly further complicated by the fact that effective cell capacity changes with age (use) of the cell.
In the past when I used to use Nicads or metal-hydrides a lot ( in a different hobby) the difference in actual current stored didn’t amount to very much. (maybe a hundred mA ) And because I never used to use all the capacity of the cells before re-charging, (except when deep cycling them) the fact that a particular cell was not charged to it’s ultimate max didn’t seem to matter.
I used to set the D. peak to 15mV and charge everything at that. The purists will no doubt say that was wrong but I never had any bad experiences from doing so.