from MACI Sec, Chris Clarke
MACI Council requires all clubs to comply with GDPR. The council directs all club secretaries attention to the GDPR link on the MACI website where detailed information is available. We make the following points at this stage. Clubs are data controllers as they collect data e.g. names and addresses from members. It must be shown that all collected data is consented knowingly and freely and that members are aware they can have their data deleted if they so wish. Junior members (under 18 in our case) must have their ages verified on the application form i.e. date of birth, and have a guardian sign their consent for such information to be gathered. There must be a positive action (a signature) on members behalf when agreeing to these conditions. To comply with this, all membership application forms must have a statement to these effects included which can be signed by the applicant. Unless this is included MACI will not be able to accept or process membership applications. We ask that all clubs amend their application forms accordingly. This is the only step clubs are being advised to carry out at the moment. There will be further changes as the compliance pathway becomes clearer. We will endeavour to keep the process as simple as possible. We are currently developing policies on data processing.
Because of this we will be asking all members to fill out an application form, at the March meeting this year.