Author Topic: PLEASE READ! - SLOPE FLYERS INSURANCE  (Read 11826 times)


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« on: April 27, 2015, 10:14:57 AM »
To all Slope flyers
About 2 or 3 weeks ago, some concerns were raised to me as a Glider Secretary about insurance for slope flyers.
Concerns were raised as usually, slope sites are public sites, so I popped the question as the MACI rule book was not very clear for our case.
I can now confirm that:
>If you fly in a MACI REGISTERED slope, you ARE covered for 3rd parties damages.
>If a non insured flyer crash into you or your property, you are NOT covered
>If you fly in a NON REGISTERED MACI slope, you are NOT covered.
>If you crash into another MACI member / properties, you ARE covered (aka, member to member)

**Please note that the same apply when flying in Western Europe. of course, check the local rules etc**

I think in our case, we are pretty much covered fully everywhere. I have registered a number of slopes a while back, but this can be reviewed of course. If you need more registered, please let me know! If you are a ISR member, we will do it under the club name. If you are not a ISR member, ask your club to do it, or let me know, and I can do it too under the ISR name.
Please note that the slopes to be registred must meet some requirements (see MACI rule book).

Also, NON CLUB MEMBERS, it is my understanding that you are NOT INSURED, unless the slope you are flying IS REGISTERED, like club members.
NON CLUB MEMBERS cannot organise MACI MEETINGS unless they have a B Cert, but I will have this confirm in writing as this was a question that was asked at the AGM in January.
This Non Club Member rule might be redefined at the next AGM, but I will let you know of course. And as usual, let me know if you need some clarifications or want me to bring issues to the council meeting, but basically, we are all covered, and that is the good news!

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Happy Days

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« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2015, 15:53:05 PM »
Thanks for that clarification Fred.  :clap:
I had heard that there had been some confusion over what was and was not covered.

Funnily enough just yesterday I was flying off the north slope of Mt Lienster and a member of the public walked up to me and asked if I had any insurance to cover personal injury to other members of the public who were milling around the landing area.

I know from experience that the only time people look at the small print of their policies is when they come to make a claim, ie when it’s too late to change anything on their policy.

Thanks again Fred. :wink:

Little Keith
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« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2015, 19:34:47 PM »
Quote from: "Fred"

How do i know if a slope is actually registered one ?
MACI seems to keep it secret.


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« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2015, 20:05:48 PM »
Quote from: "Happy Days"
Thanks for that clarification Fred.  :clap:
I had heard that there had been some confusion over what was and was not covered.

Funnily enough just yesterday I was flying off the north slope of Mt Lienster and a member of the public walked up to me and asked if I had any insurance to cover personal injury to other members of the public who were milling around the landing area.

I know from experience that the only time people look at the small print of their policies is when they come to make a claim, ie when it’s too late to change anything on their policy.

Thanks again Fred. :wink:

Little Keith

Thanks Keith :)
Yeah, situation was not very clear, and I heard the same thing, so as we say, better ask God than his Saints, so I went straight to the MACI Insurance officer to have a proper reading of the rules to clear that up in language that mortals understands :)

But I kept all communications, just in case :)
More things to come anyway, I try to clear out a few more concerns, I will of course communicate over all of them in due course :)
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2015, 20:07:57 PM »
Quote from: "DennisZ"
Quote from: "Fred"

How do i know if a slope is actually registered one ?
MACI seems to keep it secret.

Hi Dennis,

This is not secret, as this is generally down to your club to do it :)
I think for Dublin, all are covered under the ISR. I did that when we created the club with Joe, so that is a while back!

I'll review the list when I can put my hand on it and will update everybody.
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« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2015, 19:51:42 PM »
Hi Fred. Do you know if the slope at Lacken is covered?


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« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2015, 19:55:02 PM »
Hi Alan,

I believe it is :)

I try to sort out my club access to confirm all that, but I think all Dublin is covered, Mt Leinster and a couple more in the midlands if I remember.

Cork is certainly done by the CMAC, so as Tountinna, with the Shannon club, but that need to be confirmed.
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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slope insurance
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2015, 21:17:17 PM »
wel lads
all i can say is before you land always have a quick look behind you before you commit . becouse sometimes on lookers creep in silently behind you without saying a word . 'sneaky f****rs  better safe than sorry