I for once, agree that all clubs/fields should be registered.
This is done everywhere else in Europe, and putting you on a map, other than making your existence official to the authorities, gives you some advantages:
> Defend your slope etc against "invaders". It's hard to claim this patch your "own" for another group of flyers if you can historically prove you were here "first". Numerous example in France where paragliders tried to gain access to slopes, and it was only refused to them because the glider club was registered here first with the DGAC (IAA)
> You are on a map.. Other sky users know where you are, and this can open the door to exemptions. I do not know of any registered club that is not allowed the go over the 120m in Europe when they ask. You have general exemptions, and meeting ones (with NOTAM).
Now, saying that, the 120m rule in Ireland is far from new.. And that never, ever stopped any modeling activities, so why should it continue now?