Hey Cian, been reading your new site. You’ve obviously got a lot of enthusiasm for model aircraft, and that’s very good! :clap:
There are a number of points however, that you've written, that are not quite correct.
Look, this is the sort of thing I mean.
Quote from your site,….. “Battery: The batteries we use in an RC plane are called lithium polymer, usually known as lipos.”
That’s is a bit like me saying that: “Car’s are propelled by internal combustion engines that burn Petrol.”
You see,…..what I’ve just said isn’t actually true………….because some cars burn Diesel. Some don’t have internal combustion engines at all, they have batteries that power electric motors. And some have both internal combustion engines and batteries/electric motors.
Now, ……going back to your statement about RC planes using batteries called Lithium Polymer, that’s not quite true either.
Some models use Lithium Ferrite batteries, some use Nickel-Metal-Hydride batteries, and there are other types of battery that are used as well.
I suspect that when you wrote about batteries you meant that the type of battery YOU use in YOUR plane, is a Li-Po battery.
Look, here’s another mistake;
Quote from your site: “Vertical Stabilizer: This is the tall piece on the nose. It keeps the plane balanced when in flight.”
What do you think is wrong with that statement? (There are two mistakes.)
Don’t get me wrong Cian,…..I’m not trying to ‘pure water on your bonfire.’ It’s good that you enjoy aero modelling, but if you’re going to run a good website, it’s best to be sure that the things you say are correct.
Do you think it might be a good idea that in future, before you publish an article, you get it checked by someone who’s experienced in R.C. aero modelling?
Good luck,