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Messages - barrytheunissen

Pages: [1]
Hi folks,

An update to the aeromura app for all RC pilots is now available.

Now you can also keep a logbook for each of your aircraft, and see who has been flying what and when at your local slopes!

More than 12000 flying locations available, and 1000s of slopes, all around the world - find yours now!

The app is *** FREE *** to download and use, and you can also use it entirely anonymously. ***

No funny business.

Join the 15000+ model pilots already using the app, and get yours today!

As a pilot, you want to know...

■ what the actual weather conditions are currently at the slope reported by a pilot who is actually there
■ keep a flight logbook for each of your gliders
■ just open the app when you are at the slope, and be automatically checked-in, easily, conveniently, and electronically
■ who has checked in to your favorite slope recently with what aircraft
■ who is currently also on your frequency when at your slope when you are not on 2.4Ghz
■ if conditions are good to fly at the moment at your local slopes
■ what flying opportunities there are to fly at your local slopes according to the weather in the next 10 days
■ which slopes are available nearby or close to your destination to fly your glider according to wind strength and direction
■ what pilots are in your local area or at the destination of your trip and engage with them
■ what gliders your friends and local pilots have in their fleet
■ what glider kits, plans and manufacturers are available and their technical specifications (such as centre of gravity settings and more)

As a club you want to know what...

■ who has flown what and when at the slope
■ who has checked-in to the slope recently
■ who is on what frequency at the moment
■ flying opportunities there are to fly according to the weather in the next 10 days
■ pilots are local to the club
■ gliders are local to the club

Fly to live! Live to fly!

Bringing the pilot community together...

Get yours FREE today by searching for "aeromura" on your play store or app store or tap on one of the links below.

Android pilots download it for free on the Google Playstore here :

Apple iPhone download it for free on the Apple App Store here:

*** The premium weather is only free for the first 20 days, on a trial basis. After that, you need to purchase a subscription, but only if
you find the premium weather useful, otherwise you can still continue to use everything else in the app, completely free of any charge.

*** We would love to make the premium weather also free, but unfortunately our weather providers charge us, and we need to recover
the cost somehow.

*** Subscriptions are cheap though, just $2 (USD) per month, or the discounted rate of just $ 15 (USD) per year - less than the
cost of a mere 2 litres of flight fuel, and you can cancel at any time with no penalty.

** No scams, dishonesty, or funny business - just open, clear, and honest business.

For Sale / app for glider pilots on top of their game
« on: September 19, 2023, 13:18:36 PM »
Hi folks,

An update to the aeromura app for glider pilots has just been released - get yours today!

Now you can also see who has checked in to your favorite club recently, eliminating the need for a manual sign-in register at the club, where appropriate.

It's easy, just open the app when you are at the slope, and be automatically checked-in, easily, conveniently, and electronically.

As an added bonus, a frequency board has also been added to all clubs, for those clubs that still have pilots on frequencies other than 2.4Ghz, eliminating the need and cost to clubs of erecting a physical frequency board at the club.

*** Provided completely FREE-OF-CHARGE to all pilots and clubs, as a service to the glider pilot community and all flying clubs ***

The world's largest database of model airfields and slopes, with around 15 000 model pilots around the globe now actively using the app.

As a pilot, you want to know...

■ who has checked in to your favorite club recently with what aircraft
■ who is currently also on your frequency when at your club when you are not on 2.4Ghz
■ if conditions are good to fly at the moment at your local slopes
■ what flying opportunities there are to fly at your local slopes according to the weather in the next 10 days
■ which slopes are available nearby or close to your destination to fly your glider according to wind strength and direction
■ what pilots are in your local area or at the destination of your trip and engage with them
■ what gliders your friends and local pilots have in their fleet
■ what glider kits, plans and manufacturers are available and their technical specifications (such as centre of gravity settings and more)

As a club you want to know what...

■ who has check-in to the club recently
■ who is on what frequency at the moment
■ flying opportunities there are to fly according to the weather in the next 10 days
■ pilots are local to the club
■ gliders are local to the club

Fly to live! Live to fly!

Bringing the pilot community together...

Get yours FREE today by searching for "aeromura" on your play store or app store or tap on one of the links below.

Android pilots download it for free on the Google Playstore here :

Apple iPhone download it for free on the Apple App Store here:

For Sale / New version of aeromura app for gliders available!
« on: March 22, 2023, 09:05:44 AM »
Hi folks,

Fly to live! Live to fly!

A new version of the aeromura app for glider pilots has just been released.

Now you can also see what gliders are local to you and what your friends and other pilots have in their fleet.

The world's largest database of glider slopes, with around 12 000 RC pilots around the globe now actively using the app.

As a pilot, you want to know what...

■ flying opportunities there are to fly at your local slope according to the weather in the next 7 days
■ slopes are available to fly at, near the destination of your trip
■ pilots are in your local area or near the destination of your trip and engage with them
■ gliders your friends and local pilots have in their fleet
■ active slopes are available to fly your glider according to wind strength and direction

As a club you want to know what...

■ flying opportunities there are to fly according to the weather in the next 7 days
■ pilots are local to the club
■ gliders are local to the club

Get yours FREE today by searching for "aeromura" on your play store or tap on one of the links below.

Android pilots download it for free on the Google Playstore here :

Apple iPhone download it for free on the Apple App Store here:

The world's largest database of model airfields and slopes with integrated real-time weather and forecasting just got better!

Now also with runway layouts and dynamic cross-wind identification!

Your local flying club most likely also features in the aeromura app, similar to what you see in the attached screenshots.

With around 10 000 model aircraft pilots around the globe now actively using the app, we thought you might like to share this message with the membership of your group for their benefit.

Android pilots download it for FREE on the Google Playstore here :

Apple iPhone pilots download it for FREE on the Apple App Store here:

You can check out aeromura app promo video here :

Pleased to announce that a new version of the aeromura app for RC pilots has just been released!

Get yours today by searching for "aeromura" on your play store or tap on one of the links below.

Some of the great new things in this version include:

■ Now takes into account wind direction for slopes when calculating flyability
■ Added wind direction overlay arrows for all flying locations
■ Added a windsock to all flying locations
■ Added optimum launch direction to all slopes
■ Added flying box overlay for all slopes
■ Added landing zone overlay for all slopes
■ Added a setting to ignore temperature limits when calculating flyability

The app already includes thousands of model aircraft clubs and flying locations and slopes around the world with integrated weather, with predicted flyability for each so you know when to fly and where according to your own personal preferences in terms of wind strength and much more.

Also included are hundreds of kits and manufacturers, with technical specifications like CG and recommended control throw settings.

Endorsed by flying associations around the world.

Your local flying club is most likely also listed within the app.

Android pilots download it for free on the Google Playstore here :

Apple iPhone download it for free on the Apple App Store here:

You can read all about the app here :

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