GliderIreland - Ireland RC Forum - Flying Model forum in Ireland
Gliders => Slope Soaring => Topic started by: rogallo on January 17, 2023, 08:18:36 AM
Hi Lads,
looking to get the ball rolling, I am proposing the following dates for our meetings in Mount L.
If anyone has any other suggestions please feel free to add.
March 25, 26
April 29, 30, May1?? Just an idea seeing as it is a bank holiday
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJune 3rd and 4th note change of dates XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
June Shannon date
July/Aug need to contact CMAC for a weekend for Aerotowing, any suggestions?
Sept 2,3
Looking forward to seeing you all
Fred, can you please make a sticky? Thanks
looks OK to me Ralph
Super. Will try and make those if I can. Let’s hope for good westerlies!
Amen to that!

Thanks Ralph, I’ll be at all of them! Sticky done also
ISR, NIMSA & PSSA dates all on one handy calendar
Good man Bill.
Fred and I were talking and suggested maybe a bring and buy at our first meeting. If anyone has any bits they would like to sell/share/swop with other members please feel free to do so.
I have a 4 inch Record vice in good working order, if anyone would like it.
See you in 2 weeks.
I have a canopy for your.
Brilliant, thanks Ralph
For the bring and buy, I have some brand new in box Graupner receivers if anyone interested + a vario.
I have an Irvine Tutor 40 powered by a SuperTigre G51 if anyone is interested. The SuperTigre engine has not been run for 10 to 15 years so I don’t know if it still works.
Ooohhhh bring it Alan :). I like trainers!
AIr Jordans? Never seen you run Fred :)
Me too!

Fred and I were talking and suggested maybe a bring and buy at our first meeting. If anyone has any bits they would like to sell/share/swop with other members please feel free to do so.
I have a 4 inch Record vice in good working order, if anyone would like it.
See you in 2 weeks.
A long time ago (2015) we had a conversation about some Frsky V8R4 receivers, more precisely, not being able to bind them. You mentioned you had one to two at the time. In the meantime I got mine to bind (to a different radio).
If you still have them, lying in the bottom of a drawer somewhere, I could be interested in taking them off your hands.
I've a developing interest in sub 250 g models...
Hey Chris,
I check what I have, but I may have give everything away!
I check, and all I can find is yours!
Hi everyone,
Is the planned meeting at the end of April still on the cards - I might not make it this weekend .
Are you expecting a crowd this weekend? Westerlies tomorrow but blustery .
Hi to everyone and good flying.
Thanks Fred
Hi Jim,
that is the plan, 2 or 3 days in April.
look after yourself.
Any pics from the weekend?
Sorry Bill, Fred has the pics
Pity I missed this one, the forecast looked blustery, hope you got some good flying in.
Andy, thought we had lost you. no 2 good days flying, Waiting on Fred for pics.
great Jart weather
Hey Andy, good to hear from you! Hope all is good with you :)
Alrighty, sorry for the delay, had a mad week! And camera was used every nights, but here are a few photos.
As for the weekend, Mount Leinster delivered once again! Slow day on the Saturday, warm (for once!) with plenty of flying done in the morning, but wind turning slowly but surely South from West. We are lazy (or getting old!) we could not face going up the South West slope, so it was an afternoon for the electric twirly machines or for the ones who did not mind going for a walk :) Anyway, it was good, and warm, so we had a bit of a win :)
Sunday, all changed, and the wind was dead on NE, so up to the 9 Stones car park.. And it was flying for all, brilliant flying conditions for any machines, so we were out with our ASW15 and a few others. Cherry on the cake, coffee trailer was up there to keep us warm (NE winds, it was cold!! Never happy those flyers! ;D )
A great day for flying :)
On my side, one bad news.. My little Pilatus crashed :( after investigation, the receiver gets a tad warm after 5 minutes and keeps rebooting, so that explain the "telemetry lost/telemetry recovered" constant messages I got until it hit the planet at full speed :( But that is a solid machine, and other than the wing joiner tube inside the wing that broke the root ribs, nothing else that cannot be fixed in 10 minutes! Very lucky, but I am glad to know what the issue was! Receiver is in the bin now (shame, was a good one with Vario etc :( )
I also tried a new toy! GPS logger from SM Modellbau.. I like it! And that will go in all my models, that thing is deadly, and extremally precise, even without the TEK pitot, but the 3D view of your flight is great (see photo).
Anyway, once again, a great weekend of flying, and good to catchup with friends :)
Bring on the next meeting!! :)
A few more :)
Had a quick look at theh data logger Fred. Not cheap at almost £100
I though their Vario looked interesting as I have failed to get my Jeti vario working and have run out of patience!!! ;-)
Fred, do they just take a static pressure reading? Alot of images on the website showing what look to be external piped connections or maybe these are just optional extras for better accuracy?
The data looks cool though!
Hey Kevin,
I’d say it’s a good investment. Let’s say I’m happy to have it, and that thing is really precise as well!
Full option with vario etc etc, so cost wise, if you add all the features, it is actually relatively cheap.
You have a TEK option with it, so might put a pitot on the bigger gliders to have the proper readings, but as is, it’s close to perfect.
And dead easy to use or move model to model, of any size for that matter.
Anyway, I can see lots of use for it, especially if you look at improving your flying patterns etc. And the 3D view is class I think :)
Fred , j'attends de voir tes captures d'écran de ton vario, tu me montreras ça :)
We have French visitors the first week of June so we are going to move the date in may to the first weekend in June.
June 3rd and 4th note change of date
Mount Leinster
Any dates for Tountinna yet?
Hi Ralph,
When you say move the May dates to June, do you mean the April dates?
Or to put it another way, is the 29th and 30th April still on the plan?
Yes Jim, April is still on the plans.
See you in 2 weeks
Thanks Ralph,
Hope to see you at the end of April
Looking forward to catching up this weekend.
Can't make Saturday but I hope to get to Mt Leinster on Sunday. Light models?
Have a great weekends guys. I just can't be sure I cold get there and back safely at the minute
I will only make Sat as I cannot find a suitable bed for the night.
Looks nice, Light models as Jim has pointed out.
See ye tomorrow
Well, thank you all who came today for a very good session at 9 Stones. It was surprisingly warm and windy!
A few more photos soon, but for now, one of my biggest model yet who made its maiden flight(s) today without issues :)
Oh, and hello and welcome Philip! (hope I got the spelling right!! :) )
Yes good day at the nine stones. Nice to see you all again. It was quite warm when the sun was out. Here are some of my photos.
What a great days flying, thanks again to all who traveled as always you make the events.
Looking forward to the June bank holiday already and hopefully a date in Tountinna soon after.
Hi Gentlemen, Did I miss the memo?
It was quiet at Mt Leinster today. Just me and a new comer. I had a good flight from the SW slope - my first flight since Mt Leinster last spring.
Looks like you had a good day yesterday.
I have been asked to recommend a RC transmitter for a returning aeromodeller getting into slope soaring. I have used Multiplex for over 30 years but I know they have changed. (the 3010 / 3030 was the very best radio system I ever used).
So what do you recommend with capabilities for full house gliders - I assume it would be foolish not to have telemetery capabilities.
Jim, all depends on budget and what type of models he's going to fly.
Budget end I'd go Frsky. RX's are cheap
Spektrum has much better quality than it used to but RX's are a bit dearer
If he has money and plans on flying bigger, more expensive stuff, Jeti is the way to go
Hi Jim,
sorry bout that, I could not find a bed for the night in Bunclody so only made it up for the Sat.
Looks like ye had a nice day for it, I ended up back in Wexford for a removal afterwards.
It is a toss up these days for radios, I would say FrSky for budget and Jeti for the long term investment. Starting bout 550 euro for a tx. Expensive but around a long time (30 years plus)
Again sorry for the miscommunication.
See you next month (I have a bed sorted)
Specktrum not a good radio for full house gliders IMO
Thanks, Bill, thanks, Ralph, for your very prompt replies. Sounds like Jeti then.
There was a good breeze yesterday - probably a little too much for the old 100" I had brought expecting the conditions to be lighter. I could have gone back down to get the Flamingo but I could see a shower coming so I went ahead anyway. It coped fine!
The first shower came about 1:00!
Had you many fliers on Saturday? Had the French contingent gone home?
Thanks again,
Hi Jim,
it was lovely and warm with SW breeze and plenty of lift. We flew our Lentus models from MPX while Alan flew his MPX Solius.
Fred entertained us with a 1/10th scale Phoebus. Dinky little thing with rudder and elevator.
There was also a lad from Portugal working in Tuam came an joined us. He is looking to join the club and get involved.
The lads from France had returned home a week ago, however there will be another contingent arriving for our June bank holiday meeting.
Look forward to seeing you there.
All the best,
Thanks, Bill, thanks, Ralph, for your very prompt replies. Sounds like Jeti then.
There was a good breeze yesterday - probably a little too much for the old 100" I had brought expecting the conditions to be lighter. I could have gone back down to get the Flamingo but I could see a shower coming so I went ahead anyway. It coped fine!
The first shower came about 1:00!
Had you many fliers on Saturday? Had the French contingent gone home?
Thanks again,
Hi Jim,
Many of my clubmates are using Radiomaster T16S for everything - drones, power, gliders. Most are on EdgeTx (vs OpenTx). Steep learning curve, but quite an impressive radio. Not that I fly gliders (anything) very often, but I've been moving all of my gliders onto it. It has the potential to become my single transmitter, for all modes of model aviation. Probably not a good bet as a first radio as my first interactions with it were admittedly very frustrating, but very powerful once one acquires some familiarity with it.
Tountinna glider gathering,
Saturday, 10th June 2023.
All welcome
Dame, I’ll be in Germany that weekend
See you there Ger.
Hello everyone,
Are there plans for Mt Leinster over the Bank Holiday weekend?
I cannot make it but a friend, an aeromodeller from 50 years ago, is interested to see you fly. I told him you guys are good and I think he fell for it!
Have a good weekend, and also at Tountinna
Hi Jim,
we will be there 2nd 3rd and 4th. Feel free to pass on my contact details if you think your friend might need it.
Cork Aerotow 1st and 2nd of July if that interests you Jim?
All the best,
Thanks Ralph,
I will pass the news. I have no plans yet for early July - so you never know!
Looks like warm weather and good wind on the 9 stones, so I think flying and ice cream all weekend long.
See you there
Hope to be there Saturday. Missed the last two Mount Leinster outings due to work.
Roll on the weekend....
Myself and Eoin will be up for the day on Sunday. See you then....
Hello all.
Thanks for the great time this past Saturday. Some pictures that I took from the weekend.
I am putting the RAW version of the picture file and not on a standard format, so hopefully it will be visible.
The previous files take too much space.
Hopefully these will be easier to visualize.
Hi all,
Just a reminder about the glider gathering next Saturday, 10th June on Tountinna.
All glider fliers and glider types welcome.
Gerry Buckley
Hi all, due to unsuitable winds (SEasterly) and rain forecast for Saturday, we have decided to postpone our glider gathering for the time being. We will organise a future date next time we meet on TT. I hope people are not too disappointed. Regards, GB
No problem Ger. Thanks for the update. Always a great meeting. Looking forward to catching up sometime over the summer.
Our next meeting at Mount L is on Sept 2,3.
I am going to book my lodgings for the night, anyone else coming?
CMAC flying on the 12th Aug if anyone is about too.
I’ll be there :)
I’ll only be able to make the second day, 3rd September. I’ll be coming home from Cork on the Saturday.
Our next meeting at Mount L is on Sept 2,3.
I am going to book my lodgings for the night, anyone else coming?
CMAC flying on the 12th Aug if anyone is about too.
I'll be down Ralph
Hi all,
Revised date for Shannon MFC Glider gathering on Tountinna is now Saturday 9th September.
All glider fliers and glider types are invited to attend.
If this is your first time attending, you can contact me here regarding directions to the site.
Regards for now,
Gerry Buckley
Hi Gerry,
unfortunatley I will not make it this year, I am away for the Aerotow in Falaise. Bset of luck with the event and hope to catch up with you soon. Ralph
Hi Gerry. I hope to make it.
See you all on Sat
A Bientot
Looking light for Sat, SW by lunchtime, bring out the thermals and electrics.
Hope to be there with one of my budding pilots, probably sans avions though... :(
I hope to be there on Saturday too. Maybe just for a chat - I had 2 flights in 2022 and 1 so far in 2023. Covid broke a 30 year routine.......
Just a few photos from the Sunday flying.
Well done Alan, great pictures. and well done to all who traveled, We all got some flying in.
Great to see everyone Saturday and to get some flying in. Thanks for coordinating Ralph.
Looks like ye had some great flying over the weekend.
Just a reminder, Shannon MFC are holding a glider guider’s gathering next Saturday 9th on Tountinna. All glider guiders welcome to join us on TT.
Regards, Gerry Buckley
Sorry Gerry, can't make TT :( Mother in Law birthday, I will only be able to escape for a couple of hours that day :(
Anyway, for the last "official" meeting of the year, we were very lucky with the weather! Was like summer up there!
Great to see some friendly faces, and catch up with people we haven't seen in a while!
All in all, a great weekend!
For my part, people who were there on Sunday will be glad to know that the Stinger is fixed! Very lucky, but lesson learned, don't mess with the trims with something that small and lively close to the ground! Expo now at 60% 8)
I only took a few photos, but here they are, with a couple of visits from some old cars Rallye or friendly gathering, waving at us each time they were driving by :)
Sorry to hear you won’t be travelling to TT Fred, hope you have a great time at M-I-L’s birthday.
Talk soon, GB
Great day's flying Saturday on TT - thanks Gerry and Shannon MFC for organising. Well worth the trip down the M7.
Report on glider gathering on Tountinna, Saturday, 09th September
I’ll post some more pictures later