GliderIreland - Ireland RC Forum - Flying Model forum in Ireland

Gliders => Slope Soaring => Topic started by: Fred on August 19, 2011, 15:47:22 PM

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 19, 2011, 15:47:22 PM
Yesterday, received the prototype kits of the Quark, like the EPP one, but in wood, and with a 2m wingspan.

Quick build last night, a bit of time, and a fresh bottle of cyano, and here we go :


I can already see a few things to change, and also to make it much much lighter, but will see how it goes like this!
I have modified the plan already, I might put it for download after the first flight.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on August 19, 2011, 19:04:28 PM
C'est prévu pour une aile Quadro flap ?? :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 19, 2011, 19:20:49 PM
Salut mon Erwan  :D

Revenus de la peche ?  :D

Non, pas prevu, mais faisable avec un coup de scie, y'a la place pour  les servos  :D

No quadroflaps, but do-able, lots of room for the extra servo in the wing. the plan shows the quadro version  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on August 20, 2011, 10:48:39 AM
Yes petite partie de pêche avec les mouflets , 8 maquereaux dont 4 péchés par Romarick.

Bref le bonheur. Il faut que je post des photos de ce que je monte en ce moment :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on August 23, 2011, 08:58:01 AM
superbe  :clap:  :clap:
j'ai hate de voir cela jolie travaille FRED
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on August 24, 2011, 05:33:58 AM
ça a l air marran ton truc :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 29, 2011, 12:02:06 PM
Thanks both  :D

A bit of progress this week end, with a bit (lots!) of sanding and the start of the wings.
All that is an hour worth of work  :D





With the daughter  :D


A relatively big machine by the way. A tad over 2m but actually looks bigger. Might be due to the generous wing chord or the high fuselage  :?:



Left to do : wing sheeting, servos, covering! Not much, but I really like how this glider "feels" so far! (Autosatisfaction ON!  :D )

It is also possble to make this glider extra light, I have added a few options in the plan for a very lightweight version.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on August 29, 2011, 12:14:55 PM
superbe Fred  :clap:
j'ai hate de recevoir
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: orionis on August 29, 2011, 12:45:06 PM
oui, bien sympa et beau brin de fille!  :)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on August 30, 2011, 18:23:15 PM
It is magnificent in which weight fate(spell) he(it)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: woodstock on August 30, 2011, 20:22:35 PM
Looking VERY nice Fred!

Will kits be available?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 01, 2011, 07:59:30 AM
Thank you all  :D

Chris, no plan to kit that one yet, but might consider it, not sure if there is a demand for this kind of stuff. More and more people don't want to have to glue things together before being able to fly  :(

We'll see how that thing fly anyway  :D

On the build, not much done so far, kids are taking all my free time! A few yeards back, I could have finish this model in a day!   :(
I'll make some photos tonight of the wing sheeting.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: woodstock on September 01, 2011, 13:43:23 PM
Are there people that can do the cutting of the parts from a plan of yours then, Fred?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 01, 2011, 14:13:20 PM
Hi Chris,

Yes. This is how I do all my kits for the shop  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 16, 2011, 08:02:33 AM
Alright, a bit late on that one!
Very busy at work and with the shop  :cry:

First : Thierry, c'est dans la boite!

And just for you all, here are the plans for the Quark  :D


I can print the plan for the price of the paper for the one that want the full plan. Contact me! (sheets are 800x1470 and 800 x 1200 approx, not small!)

Photos of the finished model, soon!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on September 16, 2011, 08:13:26 AM
merci beaucoup
thanks you
j'ai acheter les servos et récepteur
une nouvelle radio

la colle
i ready
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Alan_Perse on September 16, 2011, 19:38:36 PM
Great Fred  :D  :D . Look like an interesting glider to have in the boot.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on September 27, 2011, 19:56:30 PM
toc toc toc toc
alors  quoi de neuf docteur cela avance fred ....
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on September 27, 2011, 20:26:30 PM
Quote from: "rasemote"
toc toc toc toc
alors  quoi de neuf docteur cela avance fred ....

+1 :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on September 27, 2011, 20:42:05 PM
pffffffffffff et il se la pete car il a volé au mont ce we :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 29, 2011, 14:47:01 PM
Nan, toujours rien, juste decoupe les ailerons Pas le temps malheureusement, 12 hrs/jour au boulot en ce moment!  :!:  :!:  :evil:

Nothing done, only managed to cut out the ailerons! Too much work with 12h+ days at the moment!  :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 22, 2011, 22:47:36 PM
Hi Fred

Started the Quark 2m, and so far may I say that this is a great model to build and quick to stick together. I have had no problems yet with the plan except I had to put extra ply at the fuselage joints for strength, this was due to the cnc cutter, I think. I like the new tail design, which saves a lot of time during the building process.

All parts cut out and checked against the plans.

All the formers, lined up perfect except C5, however a little triming and everything was fine.

Checking the formers before adding the other fuselage side.

The two sides of the fuselage are now added and supported with rubber bands before any glue is applied. As I said, this is a great model to build, all this done in less than 2 hours WoW!

Less than 2 hours work, i am starting to like this build already!

Next I need to add the top and bottom sheeting and start on shaping the nose, keep you all updated soon!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on October 23, 2011, 07:06:44 AM
Hmmm, it certainly looks like an nice easy build. Well, so far anyway. (Didn’t know you wore spectacles JP, could it be that you’re getting old!!! :roll: )

With all this building activity on the forum I’m beginning to feel a bit ‘left out’. :(

I might have to buy something new to play with :?: ………………maybe a 2mtr Quark. 8)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 23, 2011, 21:59:39 PM
Another bit done tonight on the Quark2m,


All formers glued and the bottom sheeting applied.

The next step was to mount the bell crank for the elevator, I had no 4mm tubing at hand therefore I used some metal rods with a plastic cover which I had spare, It proved to be perfect and the system work well.

I used a push rod to connect to the bell crank, an old way to connect control surfaces.

I decided at this stage to build the elevators, again a simple process due to a good design.


The elevators can be removed for transport.


A quick check to see if all is o.k., yes works perfect!

I finished the top sheeting and give the fuselage a good sanding down and removed all the rought edges. Next I will build the cover and add the nose than sand the edges round  and smooth.


Build so far, looking good I think :?:  :?:

Thats it for now, can't do any more tonight, I have run out of glue :oops:  time to call Richard  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on October 24, 2011, 10:18:37 AM
Looking very good John. Be interesting to see how it flies compared to the 2m EPP version.

Imagine running out of glue!  :shock:
What are you going to sniff tonight? :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 24, 2011, 11:22:44 AM
Very good John!  :clap:  :clap:
Really lokks like this is coming along nicely!  :clap:

By the way, for the rudder, you think the one on the plan is better, or the one you have? (to me, the one on the plan, looks more "rigid" if you see what I mean)
I agree with the cutting, asked them to do a quick job for prototyping, and looks like that's what they did!  :!:
Remember that the plan you have, if the final one  :D
The hard bit, are the wings now! Have fun, and go get some glue! (Mr Harry Potter's glasses!  :P )
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on October 24, 2011, 18:42:50 PM
ha john i'd need to get my finger out or you'll be in the air before me  :lol:

must say the kit goes together rather well :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 24, 2011, 22:44:20 PM
A little more done tonight, between brushing out the workshop of all the water which has ran down from the patio straight in front of the workshop door, handy if I was a marine modeller :lol: . So finished sheeting the front hatch, and added the nose which needs to be sanded to shape.


Fuselage ready for an over all sanding to shape.

The tail I have is the prototype and Fred has changed this on the plans, However I just used a few strips of hard balsa along the edges of the rudder and fin to make them more rigid see below:


Tail with added strips for strengh


How the tail looks when added to the fuselage.

So that's about it for now, not a lot done tonight, however I am still making good progress with the the Quark 2m and by the way my glasses are an old pair which I keep in the workshop, and yes Fred, they do look like Harry Potter's :oops:  :oops:


Cheers for now from Harry Potter!!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on October 25, 2011, 07:01:41 AM
[quoteThe tail I have is the prototype and Fred has changed this on the plans, However I just used a few strips of hard balsa along the edges of the rudder and fin to make them more rigid see below:


Tail with added strips for strengh

It’s statements like this that throw me completely off.

When you say you’ve “added some strips of hard balsa along the edges” do you mean;

a) that you have stuck some kind of balsa veneer strips onto the original edges of the rudder & vertical fin? (I’ve never heard of such veneer strips,…but that doesn’t mean such things don’t exist of course.)

b) That you’ve stuck some balsa of the same thickness to the edges of the rudder/fin? (Thereby increasing the surface area of the rudder/fin in the process. Which is what the pictures look like to me.)

This probably sounds a daft question to all you experienced guys, but to a Numpty like me :roll:

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on October 25, 2011, 07:05:08 AM
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on October 25, 2011, 08:37:18 AM
It's a strip added to the edge of the existing rudder, usually with the grain running in the opposite direction to the main structure.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on October 25, 2011, 08:55:13 AM
Okay Bill, thanks.
 But this begs a further question…… :?:
Did JP reduce the original rudder & fin by the thickness of the  edging pieces, or are the rudder & fin now a little bit larger than the original parts?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 25, 2011, 11:19:25 AM
Keith! I reduced the size of the rudder and fin, then added the strips of balsa, as Bill remarks 'cross grain' for strengh, the rudder is now back to the size on the plan, an old builders trick :lol:

Fred question, I have no cardon tubes, therefore could I use Aluminum 10mm tubes for the wings, the 1m tudes are 50g each, also how did you join the wings to the fusleage??
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on October 25, 2011, 12:49:54 PM
hey john i'm planning on using a couple of cup hooks on the wings  and a small rubber band or O ring to hold it together

another question fred what about the position of the CG i'm gonna put a tow hook on mine and use the bungee  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on October 25, 2011, 12:57:26 PM
A-Har, That’s the reason! :o

These little tricks are all very interesting to know.

Thanks to both JP & Bill. :D

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 25, 2011, 16:53:31 PM
Half day today, so with the sun beating down, wow!! I got the fuselage sanded down on the belt sander, so next comes the wings tonight.

Fuselage ready to cover
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on October 25, 2011, 18:03:12 PM
looking good john  :clap:  :clap:

that's the bit i hate the most the sanding down

i have the servo's installed in the fuselage and i'm now putting servo's in the wings more photo's soon  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on October 25, 2011, 18:30:11 PM
looking good John. What colours are you going to use?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 25, 2011, 18:34:13 PM
Hi Bill

I will have to have a look what's in the box, I may ask Terry to make up a set of graphics for 'Islandmodels' if Fred can send me the Logo!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 25, 2011, 19:41:00 PM
Hey folks!

Well, lots of chat in here!  :D  Sorry, had to deal with some flooding in the garden!
All good, all the water is in the neighbour's garden now!  :lol:

John, the build is really looking good!!  :clap:  :clap:  Hats off Mr P!
Or should have said Harry?  :?:  Scary one for sure! Good photo anyway, made the daughter cry!  :lol:  :lol:

Ok, so, for the spar, I have to admit that using aluminium went into my mind at some stage... I'd say, why not!
After all, this is a prototype, so why not trying! Just don't crash the thing, you might bend a wing!  :lol:  :P  (well, no, I would be surprised!)

To hold the wings, if I remember, all is on the plan  :?:  But as Andrew said, the design use a hook and rubber band (good old fashion!).
In N1, you have to glue N1'. The hole in the middle, is where you screw the hook. Holes in N0 and fuselage should align to allow to put the rubber band (should have plenty of access through the canopy. Designed the shape to have maximum access to the radio  :D ).
Well, I'm sure you know what I mean, but let me know if not, and I'll take a photo for you.

Logo now... Funny enough, I don't have one for Islandmodels!
What format do you want for the file?
I can make up a 3 view with the logos / names, and I'll send you the files to scale if you want.

Anyway, all that is looking good, I'm happy! (autosatisfaction full on!  :D )
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 25, 2011, 19:44:57 PM
Found a photo for the hook!

That's on the right of the picture  :D

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on October 26, 2011, 20:24:27 PM
hey john
i was in with bill ervine the other day and he has some nice transparent oracover first time i've ever seen clear covering but it's £17.99 for a 2m roll  :(

i'm sure terry would be delighted to make a glider Ireland logo
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 26, 2011, 21:18:37 PM
Thanks Andrew!

I have went with the carbon 10mm tubes, which I got today. The Aluminium tubes required epoxy for fixing ribs to much work and added weight to the wings. So hope to get back to the wings tomorrow night and over the weekend, and get it finished by the end of next week, fingers crossed.

I will have to contact Terry and see what he can do for us Andrew!

By the way Fred, look what I picked up today, two big sexy ladies */~# 'I mean glass fuselages'


Can't wait to get these big models onto the slope!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on October 26, 2011, 22:04:53 PM
Look like a really nice finish on those John....nice job :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on October 27, 2011, 00:58:47 AM
Quote from: "JohnPearson"
Thanks Andrew!

I have went with the carbon 10mm tubes, which I got today. The Aluminium tubes required epoxy for fixing ribs to much work and added weight to the wings. So hope to get back to the wings tomorrow night and over the weekend, and get it finished by the end of next week, fingers crossed.

I will have to contact Terry and see what he can do for us Andrew!

By the way Fred, look what I picked up today, two big sexy ladies */~# 'I mean glass fuselages'


Can't wait to get these big models onto the slope!

Hi John,
My green monster is breaking out.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: woodstock on October 27, 2011, 13:47:27 PM
Quote from: Brian
Quote from: "JohnPearson"

Hi John,
My green monster is breaking out.

And here!  Those look like great aerobatic / VTPR planes!  What wingspan is going to be used?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: woodstock on October 27, 2011, 13:49:21 PM
BTW, I'm loving this timber Quark  :D !
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on October 27, 2011, 15:28:24 PM
loving the big fuselages did you and richard make them  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on October 28, 2011, 13:44:10 PM
very nice .....(http://[url=][img][/url][/img]
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: woodstock on October 28, 2011, 16:13:42 PM
So, it / they are / is Kostez(s)!  Nice!

Did you ever sell your one, rasemote?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 28, 2011, 17:02:39 PM
Hi Chris,
Yes, they are, I have the moulds  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 28, 2011, 17:23:56 PM
For the WS, mine will be 4.5, but you can go between 4 and 5m ws  :mrgreen:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on October 28, 2011, 18:24:03 PM
Mine will be 3M  :shock:

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: woodstock on October 28, 2011, 18:39:18 PM
Quote from: "Fred"
Hi Chris,
Yes, they are, I have the moulds  :D
Aha!  AHA!!!! :twisted:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 28, 2011, 18:59:55 PM
OOpps, mean Molds!
We don't want mould!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on October 28, 2011, 19:05:30 PM
Quote from: "Brian"
Mine will be 3M  :shock:


That's gonna make for rather a high wing loading isn't it Brian?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 28, 2011, 19:35:06 PM
Stummel Kostez  :lol:  :lol:
No fear!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on October 28, 2011, 21:41:36 PM
Quote from: "Happy Days"
Quote from: "Brian"
Mine will be 3M  :shock:


That's gonna make for rather a high wing loading isn't it Brian?


That might be the chord  :shock:  :shock:  :?:
Dunno Fred ,I'm staying stumm  :wink:

Seriously though are those available ?? from who?? how?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 28, 2011, 22:06:26 PM
That would be with me  :D
I'll send you a mail, we are destroying the Quark topic with all that  :oops:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on October 28, 2011, 23:31:30 PM
Thank you.
I did ask on the toons thread.
Back to Quark.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 30, 2011, 00:15:16 AM
Hi Guys

Sorry, for not answering your questions, I have had a busy few days, between weddings, work and going to see Lee Evans in concert. So!!! I did a little work tonight on the wings of the Quark 2m, one side completed.
I went with the 10mm carbon option on the main spar and used the 10mm aluminum on the back( the model shop had only 2x 10mm tubes instock.

A little glue and all the spars are in place

The wings do take time to build, however you must be careful to get everything straight and level for maximum performance in flight.


Starting to sheet the wings in light balsa


Oneside of the wings finished

Not much done tonight but I should get more build time tomorrow and maybe get the wings finished.

Andrew the fuselages, build by a professional glassfibre company.

Cheers for now!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 30, 2011, 22:45:51 PM
Hi all, well I managed to get the wing finished today and sanded, already started the next wing, so will try to get this finished for Tuesday evening, then we can get covering and install the servos and control rods. The wing has taken slightly longer than I expected, however with the design used it is both light and strong!

Port wing finished and ready to cover with solarfilm 'colour ????' :?:

I think Fred is ready to go for a test flight, so I will have to get my finger out and get moving.

Happy landings

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on October 31, 2011, 10:14:03 AM
That's a BIG aileron  :shock:
Should roll at some rate.

Looking good John. You & Andrew are coming on well. Mr Richard has been surprisingly quiet  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 31, 2011, 17:56:00 PM
Good work as usual Mr P!  :clap:  :clap:
Building part of mine is done. Starting the finishing stage now  :D



Weighted it at this stage (never weight my gliders, but I know the question is going to pop at some stage!), and it came down at 900grs.
Only the covering and electronic to go, so that is going to be a relatively light glider, all without trying to save weight, so it can even be made lighter for all the grams chasers!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on October 31, 2011, 19:04:32 PM
Looks good Fred, not sure about the weight at this stage of the build, you could make this model very light if you wanted to, however I like a balance between weight and strengh, due to the landing zones on the slopes I fly off! no short grassed rolling hills here! :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on October 31, 2011, 20:16:35 PM
very nice fred
i like the made lighter for all the grams chasers!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: woodstock on November 02, 2011, 13:34:31 PM
Quote from: "rasemote"
very nice fred
i like the made lighter for all the grams chasers!
Is Thierry saying you should set it on fire to lighten the airframe  :roll:   :D ?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 02, 2011, 22:08:11 PM
Hi Fred

Just finished building the Quark 2m tonight, therefore, I hope to cover the model over the next two nights and install the gear. Weight at present is 1.5kgs 'dry'

Quark ready for covering.

Could have her ready for test flight Sat or Sun maybe??? :?:  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 04, 2011, 22:14:00 PM

Well just finished covering the Quark tonight. I have kept the graphics simple until I test fly the model, then I may go crazy with the design :roll: Just need to install the gear and balance the model, by the way Fred, what is the CofG, not on the plan??


Quark 2m ready for test flight can't wait to get her onto the slope!

Keep you all updated how she flys!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on November 04, 2011, 22:40:25 PM
looking good JP
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on November 04, 2011, 22:44:48 PM
Hi John,
          That looks really nice, is it available in kit form?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 05, 2011, 00:12:04 AM
Hi John

This is one of the prototypes designed by Fred,that Richard, myself and Fred will be test flying soon. Not sure if this version will be available as a kit (all wood), that will depend on flight performance, if it is to be added to the Islandmodel's portfolio of short kits.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rasemote on November 05, 2011, 09:19:50 AM
very nice
 :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 07, 2011, 09:14:36 AM
And back!

That thing is really looking good John!  :clap:  :clap:
Can't wait to see how that fly!
Mine should be finished this week hopefully.

CofG need to be determined in more details after the first flight, but in theory, CG is right at the front of the wing joiner. (but you have a full flying tail, so you have lots to play with  :D )
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 07, 2011, 16:20:04 PM
thanks Fred

I will use the cofg as indicated and see how she performs off the slope. I had a little touble with the wings when I put the carbon rods in and used the rubber bands to hold all together, even with  strong rubber bands, the front of the wings would move out, therefore I added a small carbon rod across the wing slightly behind the leading edge, this stopped the wings parting at the front, however if we moved the hooks forward in front of the first carbon spar, this would prevent the front of the wings parting, therefore, no need to add the extra cardon rod at the front.

I will take some photos Fred, to show you what I have done tonight.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 07, 2011, 16:57:33 PM
Ok, cool thanks John.
I was not too sure about the positioning of the hook! Always follow your first idea!  :!:
Might be good to add one in front, but also keep the other one  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 07, 2011, 21:35:50 PM
Hi fred

O.K. the Quark 2m is ready to fly. I used the Cof G you suggested and it balanced with a battery and 12oz/340g of lead.

Here is a photo of the changes I made to the wing joining system.



If you changed the last rid on the wing, and put the cable hole at the back i.e. ( the reverse of the present design), then we could add the hook in front of the front wing spar, which would hold the wings together better. I could not do this, due to the fact that I had already added the hook brocks and covered the wings, the rod added to the front, was a quick fix solution.

When I talk to you next Fred I will explain it better, hopefully soon!

The AUW ready to fly is 3.8lbs/1.7kgs
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 07, 2011, 23:12:40 PM
Thanks a mil for that John.
I'll modify my plan to my first idea tomorrow. I'll put a screenshot here.
1.7Kg, not bad at all, that should do it fine!  :D You might even remove a bit more lead from the nose after the first flight.
Can't wait for the first flight too now!!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 08, 2011, 08:50:40 AM
JP and his Quark is all ready to fly, YIPPEE we are off to the mountain today. That is of course if the low cloud lifts and the winds start to blow  :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 08, 2011, 09:01:32 AM
Can't wait!
Report, photos, videos as soon as you come back home!  :D
Mine almost finished, just can't wait!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 08, 2011, 11:34:38 AM
Hi Fred, it is mega dull here and cloud is low, winds are about 5mph at my home, yet mad dog Pearson is still coming over in an hours time !!!!!
Camera is ready and so am I lol
As long as we get enough wind to fly the fots will follow.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 08, 2011, 11:35:54 AM
And I'm stuck at work!!  :!:  :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 08, 2011, 11:37:38 AM
At least do a launch, just to see if that thing can manage to fly  :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on November 08, 2011, 11:44:51 AM
Down here in Wexford the sky is very overcast and wind speed is almost zero. :(

I’m very interested to see how this thing flys. I want to see if it can flip, though I doubt there will be enough lift for that today.

Anyway guys, know that the eyes of Ireland are upon you today. :D

 (Not trying to put any pressure on you of course! :lol: )

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 08, 2011, 13:49:01 PM
Well?...  :roll:

Not that I am curious at all to know!  :P  :P
No shame, even if that crashed!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 08, 2011, 16:11:05 PM
Hello all, just home from the mountain and its 16.10pm
I will let JP give you his report lol.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 08, 2011, 16:47:56 PM
Ooppss! That doesn't look good!  :lol:

Time to blame the slope, the weather, the CofG :lol: :lol:
Come on JP this is torture! :)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 08, 2011, 16:56:45 PM
Hi guys

Just got into the house, 'well no flying today' the wind was perfect, however Richard and I sat on the mountain for over an hour, but the cloud was just to low, a complete 'White Out!'. I did hold the model into wind near the edge of the slope, and she lifted out of my hand and hovered in the wind for a short time, but just could not see far enough to have a quick flight. Still I am off over the next three days, so if the weather improves, the Quark will fly!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 08, 2011, 17:00:15 PM
Thanks JP :D

So, I was right to blame the weather then!  :P
Hopefully, the weather will improve now. Same here anyway, haven't see the light all day! :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 08, 2011, 17:08:15 PM
A sad day with what I THOUGHT WAS PERFECT WINDS ON THE LOVELY EAST SLOPE, PITY ABOUT THE LOW CLOUD, VIS WAS DOWN TO ABOUT 20m ! But winds were strong at 20plus MPH thats 32 kmph for our metric friends.
I really like the over all shape of the Quark, very pretty :wink:
The build quality is superb,
A big well done to Fred  :clap:
I need to get mine on the building board.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 09, 2011, 13:33:41 PM
Mountain has just cleared and JP is on his way from Armagh!
We mite be lucky today !
Winds are strong from the South, which means the smallest slope on the mountain.
Fingers crossed gentlemen for the Quarks maiden  :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 09, 2011, 13:46:12 PM
Well, I cross pretty much everything I can cross right now!  :D
Hopefully, that will fly, and you'll have fun!  :clap:

And don't forget the photos!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on November 09, 2011, 14:38:25 PM
Hi John/Richard,
Best of luck.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on November 09, 2011, 15:23:19 PM
Photos & Videos, Photos & Videos, Photos & Videos!!!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 09, 2011, 16:20:34 PM

Well well well...

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: the Pope on November 09, 2011, 18:10:10 PM
OHH  Is it for the next year the pictures??? :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 09, 2011, 18:12:14 PM
:lol:  :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 09, 2011, 19:09:43 PM
:x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :!:  :!:  :!:

When to the mountain today, the weather was great clear skies, as soon as we parked the car on top of the slope, the bloody cloud came down and again stop us from flying the Quark 2m so sorry Fred, you will have to keep the fingers crossed a little longer!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 09, 2011, 19:10:57 PM
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 09, 2011, 19:19:51 PM
its giving clear skys tomorrow  :?:
One way or another this Quark has to get airbourne
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 09, 2011, 20:24:18 PM
Electric motor on the nose  :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 10, 2011, 11:48:33 AM
Going to the mountain today for another go it's do or die time!! :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 11:50:03 AM
Fingers crossed!

Lovely day here, blue skies and wind!
And stuck in the office!  :evil:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on November 10, 2011, 13:13:10 PM
Same here Fred and I'm stuck in the office too. Out Mon & Tues when the weather was awful and now stuck inside when it's nice. Forecast for weekend good, so may get out then. Richar has just uploaded something to YouTube, so they may have flown, can't access YouTube at work  :x
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 13:37:31 PM
And I'll have a look :)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on November 10, 2011, 13:43:56 PM
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 14:21:46 PM
Nope... Onboard flying wing flight...  :(

Ah well, we just have to wait!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 15:38:28 PM
Well...  :D

Just received a phone call from 2 very excited guys from the top of a mountain somewhere north!  :D

I say nothing, they will tell us better how the Quark flies, but you can expect some photos and a video!

Did I said excited??  :D  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 10, 2011, 19:32:52 PM
Hi All

Well the Quark 2m flew today and what a great model this is! my hat off to you Fred, for designing a smooth flying totally fantastic performing aerobatic glider.

Richard and I flew the Quark for over an hour, I done the first 30mins and checked that the model was flying straight and level, and completed the basic aerobatic manoeuvres, rolls, inverted, stall turns etc. After only, I guess about 60 seconds, from throwing the model of the slope, I loved the feel of the Quark, the model just did everything you asked of it!. Richard took over the controls and gave the Quark a good hard work out, and after again roughly 60 sec I could see the smile on his face, he was ready enjoying the Quark, I will let richard tell you all how he got on, when he posts later.

The light started to get poor, so a landing was called, so I did a few passes to see how she would feel on the back off the slope, smooth and steady all the way in, so on the third pass, I give the Quark a little up elevator, and she just floated to a perfect slow landing, no wing drop or flaps needed. Here are some photos:












I will post the setting (CofG position, amount of throw on the control surfaces later) I just need to give the model a good overall look over and check that everything is still in place for the next flight.

Richard has some video of the flight which he is working on I write this post, so, all I can say is well done Fred, a great model which I have been looking for over many years of flying, I kid you not guys, this glider is that good in the air!!!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on November 10, 2011, 19:38:03 PM
:lol: freeeeeeeeeeeeeeed,
I want one :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 19:56:12 PM
Thanks a million John for the flying report  :clap:  :clap:
And also for being a tester!  :clap:  :clap:

Well, I must say that the Quark do look good in the air! It looks right on the photos!
Oh boy, can't wait to see the video!  :D

Did you move the CG back a little after the first launch?
What was the wind speed roughly? Just to see if the Quark will fly in a wide range of wind if you see what I mean  :?:

Ok so, tomorrow, I will finalise the plan, write a quick article, and make all that available to download.
I hope to have mine ready for this wek end  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 19:58:35 PM
Quote from: "mario"
:lol: freeeeeeeeeeeeeeed,
I want one :wink:

I don't speak English!  :P  :P
Everything is negociable!  :D  :mrgreen:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 20:05:19 PM
Oh John, forgot, can you send me the Hi Res photos you have?  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on November 10, 2011, 20:11:13 PM

mario wrote:
I want one  

I don't speak English!  
Everything is negociable

OK tu veux quoi, cassoulet,confit, choucroutte.... :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 20:13:15 PM
Et a boire aussi  :wink:  :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 10, 2011, 20:19:21 PM
Hi Fred

CofG is just in front of the front wing joiner, I will measure the distance and post it. I balanced the model with a very slight nose down for the maiden, and in flight I just added one or two clicks of up trim when I was happy with the flight performance, very little adjustment was required, she flew as they say straight off the plan. Today I think the wind speed was about 15mph gusting to 19mph at times, however the slope was the south facing slope, which produces poor lift compared with the other slopes around the mountain.

The Quark has a good speed range, I hovered it straight into wind, then I  tried some high speed passes across the slope face, 'she is fast' a quick turn into wind and back to the hover, great stuff.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 20:22:11 PM
Sweet!  :D
Thanks again for that John  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on November 10, 2011, 20:23:58 PM
when is the kit available? please......
Title: Thank you ! Thank you Monsieur Fred
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 10, 2011, 20:33:42 PM
Thank you ! Thank you Monsieur Fred , I have fallen in love with your Quark.
Words can't explain the feeling this plane gives me.
It has it all !!!!!!!!!  lovely, strong, perfectly formed, thrilling ,sexy , may I say it ! F__ken awesome glider.
Every maneuver is percise and so so simple to achieve, it holds four point rolls  for ever ! in the knife edge quarters, this is an F3A style plane/glider that is made of high quality wood !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snap rolls are sublime it exits them with speed and precision.
Keith my old cock, get a Quark  :clap:
The rudder looks quite large but this does not kick the glider out of maneuvers, I just love this plane so much.
I have a Le Fish and it is in no way as much fun as JP'S Quark, I would go further to say I wish I had of had my hands on a Quark before buying a Vector. The Quarjk is an alround better plane with no vices that I can detect.
For the novice pilot that wants a plane to learn aerobatics there is no better plane, in my eyes. or a good aerobatic pilot there aint no better, unless you join the expensive crew that pay over the odds for mouldies, then get someone to install there radio gear and set up their radios for them  :roll:

Fred you have designed and produced one brilliant plane
Roll on the big winds to get her down low and dirty !!!!!!!!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on November 10, 2011, 20:38:05 PM
Hi Richard,
Video ???

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 20:42:10 PM
Wow, that good, really?

Ok, I must remove the fingers and finish to cover mine to give it a go! (So do you Mr B!  :P )

Thanks again Mr Boyd for the comments, especially coming from a pilot of your class!  :clap:  :clap:

Was concerned a bit for the rudder, this is one of the hardest part to get right in size / effectiveness and must work without adding to much induced effects.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 10, 2011, 20:42:54 PM
Fred just checked the CofG position:

75mm from the leading edge on the fuslage, or at the front edge of the front wing joiner hole pre drilled into the side of the fuselage.


Elevator, as shown on the plan cut out (all flying tail) I used 60% expro rate on the elevator also.

Ailerons, 30mm again I used alot of expo 60%

Rudder as much as possible 40mm each way with 60% expro
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 20:46:26 PM
Thanks JP, I'll add your throws on the plan (I'm bad for that, I always put the maximum everywhere!  :oops: )
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 10, 2011, 20:56:09 PM
Fred with those big ailerons you could use larger throws if you wanted to, a 30mm is a good starting point. however with the expro rates you can have the best of both worlds, a smooth flying fast glider one second, and a highly aerobatic plane the next, with full control throws used
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 20:58:05 PM
And the ailerons are... well, big  :mrgreen:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 10, 2011, 21:01:24 PM
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2011, 21:06:51 PM
Very good Richard, thanks for the video!  :clap:
Looks like the glider have a correct speed range, and the rolls looks very sharp in the stops.
I like the hability to turn a roll with almost no speed  :clap:

Well, that is looking really good for a first flight!  :clap:  :clap:

And thanks for the flag  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on November 10, 2011, 21:18:41 PM
good video and good music :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 10, 2011, 21:42:13 PM
Hi Fred, I am happy the video gives you a small hint of how your Quark flys.
Next visit to the mountain I hope to get John to do the video footage.
This Quark is so sweet.
I never fly a borrowed glider hard as I have smashed other peoples planes in the past and felt really guilty  :(
This time the I feel the quark has so much to offer and I hope to surprise you  :wink:

Keith , the Quark is blender heaven  :clap:

I am clearing my bench tomorrow and starting to build the Quark kit I got from Fred yippee
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on November 10, 2011, 22:20:13 PM
Quote from: "Richard Boyd"

Keith , the Quark is blender heaven  :clap:

I want one!,……, I want a dozen!!!  :D
(BTW Richard, I’m still struggling with blenders. Sometimes I can do them, sometimes I can’t. :!: )

I must say I’ve rarely heard of a new model that caused such an uproar on a forum. So well done to designer, builder and pilots. :clap:  I’d be very interested to see how The Quark performs in the big winds of winter.

I’ve got quite a few projects coming up for the workshop so I won’t be getting a Quark this side of xmas,……. but in the New Year perhaps. :wink:

Well done Mr. Boyd for a rapid video production. I see you sneaked in a few aerial shots, you cleaver little chappie you! :clap:

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on November 10, 2011, 22:28:34 PM
I saw a corner of an F22 Raptor in that Video. Did you fly that too?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 10, 2011, 22:48:35 PM
Hi Bill

Yes we throw the F22 off the slope, but hit a down draft which happens on the south slope, the F22 hit the ground  down the slope, and one of the control horns on the ailerons snapped off so no joy this time, I will replace the part and try again, this time off one of the other better slopes.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on November 10, 2011, 22:53:54 PM
Ah well, at least it's still in one pice and you can try again
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on November 10, 2011, 23:09:59 PM
Congrats John on the new arrival so its a girl.
She looks beautiful. Fred when is kit coming out I think there would be plenty of interest what with Christmas and a 50th birthday approaching.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 11, 2011, 10:25:26 AM
Good morning everyone,

Plans for the Quark2M are now available!  :D

The non tiled version won't fit in a A0 sheet, so that is a bit oversize!

Fuselage plan - 1410x800mm

Wings plan - 1110x800mm

And tiled versions for A4 printers:

As for a kit, well, we'll see if there are enough requests, and I can launch a production.

Anyway, have fun!  :D  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on November 11, 2011, 10:37:21 AM
mini 2 kits pour moi et mon pote jean :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Alan_Perse on November 11, 2011, 10:44:13 AM
Looks like a great model Fred  :D  :D .
Put me down for a kit if you are going to produce one.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on November 11, 2011, 12:23:10 PM
et moi aussi  svp
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on November 11, 2011, 13:13:33 PM
ME to :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 11, 2011, 16:35:32 PM
Fred, there  is also interest in kits up north !!!!
We done my friend.

Keith, keep on practising your blender.
, another nice maneuver for the Quark is come straight in towards yourself a eye level (with speed) then as you get to the slope edge pull to a vertical up line, hold the line until the model starts to tail slide then apply up elevator, on the down line you can else do a half roll and pull to exit , or just push to exit inverted. It will give you a wee thrill and you can go home to the wife full off testosterone  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on November 11, 2011, 17:54:21 PM
Yea, I’ve tried manoeuvres like that before Richard. I found that when it got to the vertical line the plane blew back behind me (over the landing zone). :oops:  :arrow:  I know! I need more practice!!!

One manoeuvre that I do enjoy when flying towards myself at head height, is to do a 450 degree roll, and then pull back on the elevator. Looks quite good, although also a little freighting the first time you do it. 8)
I did it once at a Glide-In at Big L.. Bill Scott promptly shouted “Who's the F****ing idiot flying that plane!” (I’ve never done it         since. Except when on my own. I wouldn‘t like to frighten the visitors away.) :lol:  

As for getting keyed up on  testosterone . It would do me no good. Mandy says she prefers eating chocolate to having sex. :(


ps, have you got your Quark finnished yet? :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on November 11, 2011, 18:07:14 PM
Moi!  :shock:

Using offensive language? Never!  :wink:  :wink:

If I'd know at the time it was you Keith, I could have left out the "idiot"!!

(sorry! couldn't resist) :lol:

Back to Quarks now.  

I WANT ONE TOO!!!!!!!!!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on November 11, 2011, 18:19:54 PM
fred , au boulot, c est bientot noël :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: hweeler on November 11, 2011, 19:22:44 PM
Love this new plane Richard and Fred!!! It shows great potential for Vtpr in a smaller ship. I especially love the wood construction. A truely nice modeling experience with traditional modeling style. You guys have done a fantastic job.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on November 11, 2011, 20:50:56 PM
As for getting keyed up on  testosterone . It would do me no good. Mandy says she prefers eating chocolate to having sex. :(


Hey Keith,
You need to check that out.
I've seen that 'Confessions of a post mistress' and they eat chocolate alright  :mrgreen:

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on November 11, 2011, 21:13:20 PM
Brian, there are some things that I would not do for neither love nor money.
And immersing my manhood in hot, molten chocolate is one of them! :cry:  :cry:

Anyway, enough of all this vulgarity, (Whatever will our civilized French friends think of us! :oops: )  

So, what was this topic about? :?:  Oh yes, elementary sub-atomic particles called Quarks!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 12, 2011, 07:34:44 AM
Quote from: "hweeler"
Love this new plane Richard and Fred!!! It shows great potential for Vtpr in a smaller ship. I especially love the wood construction. A truely nice modeling experience with traditional modeling style. You guys have done a fantastic job.


Hello Eric and welcome to Glider Ireland.
Yes you are correct about this beautiful constructed balsa wood plane.
I so am looking forward to flying the Quark in stronger lift at our site at Slieve Gallion, we have a beautiful North slope that produces clean air lift and also we are lucky to live in the North of Ireland were the winds blow alot
, sad part is, we also get alot of rain lol.
John was flying on the very small south slope in the video, the air was ok but no good for low down aerobatics.
Fingers crossed the winds will change to the North or East before the winter snow comes.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 17, 2011, 08:20:49 AM
Finally, managed to have a bit of free time to get that thing finished!
 Rudder servo and ailerons hinges left to be done tonight, and ready to fly!  :D

Ok, I'm not saying that because it is mine, but I really like it a lot!  :mrgreen:  Also the size is very nice, and feel right!
Ok, enough with autosatisfaction, here are the photos :



Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on November 17, 2011, 10:41:13 AM
All I can say is beautiful !!!!!!!
You will love your Quark  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on November 17, 2011, 12:59:58 PM
Looks good fred. when are you going for a test flight.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on November 17, 2011, 15:55:11 PM
nice work fred  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 17, 2011, 19:29:49 PM
Thank you all  :D
Look better on photos actually!
Hate this plastic covering transparent thing!  :!:
Next one, Ferrari red Vinyl!  :D

No flying this week end (family stuff), but hopefully, weather will be good next week end, either in Dublin, or up North (have to fly in NI before the end of year! And good occasion to get a "group" photo!  :D )
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on November 18, 2011, 16:22:25 PM
sounds like a plan fred  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 21, 2011, 08:54:19 AM
Well... Scrap the plan! For now anyway!
Busy for the next 2 week ends!  :!:  :!:
Work next week end, and month anniversary after that!
That push to December  :!:
Title: plans
Post by: venture on February 03, 2012, 11:12:37 AM
I have downloaded the plans and taped them together, but one thing i don't understand;
how are the wings attached?
By means of an 8 mm carbontube sliding in the 10 mm main spars?
Same with the alevators.

Is there a shortkit availeble?

thnx; Nico
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 03, 2012, 12:24:52 PM
Hi Nico,

Welcome to the forum  :D

To answer your question, yes, the wings are attached to the fuselage with the carbone rod (8mm), sliding in the carbone tubes (10mm).
The 8mm carbone rods are the wing joiners.

Then, as you can see on the plan, 2 hooks will held the wings to the fuselage (you can use rubberbands).

Hope this helps, but let me know if you need more details

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 03, 2012, 12:25:20 PM
Oh, forgot, short kit not yet available, but should be soon!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: venture on February 03, 2012, 12:48:24 PM
Quote from: "Fred"

To answer your question, yes, the wings are attached to the fuselage with the carbone rod (8mm), sliding in the carbone tubes (10mm).
The 8mm carbone rods are the wing joiners.

thnx Fred, for the fast response.
The hooks, i had figured out.
Is the allevator held in place in the same manner , that is, with 2mm rods in the 4 mm tubes?
Please keep me informed in concern of the shortkit

thnx; Nico
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 03, 2012, 13:07:31 PM
No problem at all,

Yep, same for the elevator  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 14, 2012, 12:54:41 PM
Well, the Quark continue its travel around the World, this time in South America :D
Received this morning a mail from Brasil where the Quark will be flown during a aerobatic contest in the biggest slope event in Brasil  :D

You can visit the website of this bunch of slopers from the other side of the Atlantic here :
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: joe on February 14, 2012, 14:28:31 PM
Wow. Thats very cool Fred.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on February 14, 2012, 15:24:36 PM
Brilliant news Fred  :)
I have half a wing completed all but the aileron,
Tonite I am free and intend to do a little more work on my Quark.
We have big winds today and I wish I had of had my Quark ready to fly,
Good luck to the Brazil pilot  :clap:

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on February 15, 2012, 11:46:21 AM
Quark wing half almost complete, at last  :shock:


I have the lovely 45 throws for ailerons,

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on February 15, 2012, 12:43:33 PM
Nice work Richard.  :clap:  :clap:  

Was that the 2nd, 3rd or 4th shipment of carbon  :wink:  :twisted:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 24, 2012, 10:32:36 AM
Alright, following last week end flights, I made a few changes on the Quark to make it even better! Well, that's the plan anyway!  :mrgreen:

First, and most important modification, is the elevator. As it is, it is working fine, but I found it not "sharp" enough, and compared to all the other controls, that felt a bit like a let down!

So now, the elevator have a "real" profile, and that should also shift a few grams at the back, and that's a lot at the front!
I'll start mine later, but here are the plans for the ones who wants to give it a go :


It's a direct replacement of the one you already have, and should not take more than a few hours to make  :D

While I was at it, I have changed the way ailerons are built. No more sanding!  :D  And finally, I have added 5cm to the nose to help with the CG. All that should shift around 300grs off the glider.

Anyway, thanks to Keith, I have 2 minutes of raw footage of the first launch of my Quark  :D  Roll after the first 5 seconds, no trim adjustement, a real pleasure to fly!
The only changes I made at the slope was to remove my expo from the elevator, that helped a lot in the sharpness division.
CG is as per JP, and on the back, only a very slight push is needed. I'll move my CofG back a bit for the next flights.

All in all, very very happy with this glider, love it in fact! Had a few reports from other builders, and all the same, good machine!

Ok, next? Well the plug for the original Quark is moving forward, and I hope to have the first fuselage done sometimes this summer  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: surfimp on March 25, 2012, 02:51:40 AM
That's a good report! Hope the elevator mod works well for you. Post that vid!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 31, 2012, 15:15:21 PM
Thanks to Keith, here is a raw footage of the first launch of my Quark!
2 minutes saved, only added title and shitty music!

You can see the elevator is a bit unprecised with the expo turned on, roll rate is appropriate, good energy retention. Hope to have another video with proper aerobatics in April!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on March 31, 2012, 17:36:00 PM
le casse pas avant que j arrive :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 31, 2012, 19:30:43 PM
:P  :P
Prochains vols quand vous etes la  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on March 31, 2012, 22:26:04 PM
will the 2m quarks be ready for big L :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 06, 2012, 20:04:35 PM
Hey Andrew, (sorry, missed your post  :oops: ).

Mine will be  :D  Ready to crash! (yeah, Ronan will try it, so we can fear the worse! Or the best, we don't know, that's why it's so exciting!  :lol: )

Talking about the Quark, the updated plan is now on the Jivaro website (see the Quark page).

For the ones who don't read French, plans are here :

Enjoy!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on April 12, 2012, 12:13:36 PM
Hi Fred, thanks for beautiful plane.:clap: On February I built my first slope glider and from its maiden flight I'm hooked up in slope flying.  I've already printed Quark plans and because I'm new in RC I've few questions for you.
a/ How deep-giong into 10mm tube is the 8mm rod in the wing or what is the length of 8mm rods?
b/What servos do you use?
c/How is the canopy attached to the fuselage?
d/How are hinges solved?
Could you make a photo for your answers. Thank you very match.
Sorry, my English isn't good.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 12, 2012, 13:58:29 PM
Hi George,
Thanks, and welcome to the forum  :D

I give you a quick answer now (sorry, I'm on the go to our annual meeting), but I can send you the photos next week (glider is packed up in the car).

a/ How deep-giong into 10mm tube is the 8mm rod in the wing or what is the length of 8mm rods?

Good question!  :D  I don't know, but I would say that on mine, the rod goes  maybe 10cm in each tube. I think my total wing joiner lenght is around 30cm.
But no worries if you have more, or a bit less, this is not critical  :D

b/What servos do you use?

I used mini servos for the wings with metal gears (MG14 from HobbyKing), and 2 standards servos for the Elevator / rudder (Futaba 3003 if I remember.. That's what I had in the spare box, but any mini or standard servos will do).
Everything is powered by a 5 cells nimh battery.

c/How is the canopy attached to the fuselage?

Mine... ermm.. With a piece of tape at the front and back... :oops:  Original idea was to use magnets or rubber band

d/How are hinges solved?

Sorry George, I don't understand that one, but I guess you are talking about the hinges for the ailerons / rudder?
If so, I used Blenderm.

By the way, do you have the new set of plan available on the Jivaro website?  :?:  The ailerons construction is slightly different (no more sanding!  :D )

Sorry, this is a bit short, but don't hesitate to let me know if you need more details!
I'll do a few detailled photos when I come back  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on April 12, 2012, 15:00:11 PM
Hi George, from the beautiful city of Prague. Welcome! :D

As Fred said, here in Ireland we have a big Glide - In this weekend 8)  so many pilots are busy getting their models ready, or travelling to the flight area. (Mt. Lienster in County Wexford.)

Regarding how to hinge the aileron, rudder, and elevator. There are many ways to hinge them. The way that Fred is saying is by cutting the bottom trailing edge of the aileron at 45 degrees as you can see in the next picture.

This will allow the aileron to move downward, as shown in the next picture.


The hinge itself  is actually some very strong sticky tape that is stuck to the top of the aileron. Part is stuck to the top of the aileron and part is stuck to the top of the trailing edge of the wing. Look carefully and you will just see it in the next picture.

If you wanted to make a very strong hinge you could also use some more tape on the underside. So the aileron has tape on top and on the bottom as well.

Elevators can be hinged in the same way.

For the rudder……

Cut the trailing edge of the fin to a > shape. And the leading edge of the rudder to a < shape.

Place the rudder and fin close together > <and stick the tape on both sides. (They should be as close as possible so that they are touching >< )
You can clearly see the tape in the next pictures

There are many other ways to hinge controll surfaces George, but this is the easiest, cheapest and lightest way that I know of.
Oh, one more thing I must tell you George. By International Convention & Law you must show us some pictures of your finished model. (we like to see lots of pictures on this forum! :D)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on April 12, 2012, 15:34:55 PM
Wow! :shock: Thank you very match for quick response to both of you  :D
Yours answers satisfied me completely!  I have one more question  :D
I dont undertand what does Ribs Angle Gauge mean?
Once again thanks for your answers and enjoy yours annual meeting
 :)  We have here (in Prague) rainy days and forecast isn't better for weekend  :cry:
Pictures of finished model and video from maiden flight I of course post here.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 12, 2012, 15:44:00 PM
Hi George,

Very quickly (just heard that the plane with the Frenchies just landed!)

The gauge is to give the correct angle to the ribs and ailerons' ribs.
The Piece N1 on the plan, is put on a flat surface, then the ribs for the ailerons glued to it.
As you can see on the plan, the ribs are not at a 90 degrees angle at their leading edge!
So you use this template to have them glued correctly if you see what I mean  :?:
Hard to explain, I try to find a photo later  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on April 12, 2012, 20:37:13 PM
Quote from: "Fred"
Hi George,

Very quickly (just heard that the plane with the Frenchies just landed!)

The gauge is to give the correct angle to the ribs and ailerons' ribs.
The Piece N1 on the plan, is put on a flat surface, then the ribs for the ailerons glued to it.
As you can see on the plan, the ribs are not at a 90 degrees angle at their leading edge!
So you use this template to have them glued correctly if you see what I mean  :?:
Hard to explain, I try to find a photo later  :D

sorry Fred, I'm reading your words again and again, but still don't understand  :oops: maybe photo helps :)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on April 12, 2012, 20:46:31 PM
Can you specify anything else for me please :)  
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on April 12, 2012, 22:10:16 PM

Hi George,
             I believe these are the angles Fred is referring to.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on April 12, 2012, 22:32:01 PM
Quote from: "johnfireball"

Hi George,
             I believe these are the angles Fred is referring to.


Thanks a lot John, for your explaining.  :)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on April 13, 2012, 06:56:06 AM
Finally I have my 2m proto type Quark kit ready for her maiden.
Venue for her first flight will be Mt Leinster.
Sorry for no fotos,  I am superstitiious :?:
I have the car packed and just finishing of charging batteries and then I will meet up with JP in Armagh for our journey to Mt. Leinster.
Hope to see you all soon, well 5 hrs time.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on April 16, 2012, 10:48:15 AM
So how did the maiden of the Quark go then?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on April 16, 2012, 17:27:43 PM
Hi Alastair, I have just returned from my trip to Mt. Leinster and the highlight of my flights was the Quark maiden, 2 seconds into the flight I was inverted and rolling  :lol:
The big throws on the all moving elevator made for some extreme maneouvers yet on small movements it is sleek and very precise.. The Quark has everything I would ever want in an aerobatic glider. With ease it will perform the most demanding maneouvers and still retain air speed after exiting the maneouver. This is what makes  the Quark head and shoulders above any other wooden aerobatic plane on the market that I have flown.
I think Quark has everything I need and accord to it producer the Quark with all the updates will be in production with in the next few weeks.
I have ordered another one and will gladly pay my hard earned cash for a great flying plane.
I am hoping Fred will post a few fotos of it flying, as I never took any fotos of it because of Friday the 13th.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on April 16, 2012, 17:46:47 PM

GLad to hear it went well and I look forward to any pictures.

I also look forward to getting a the short kit when they become available.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 19, 2012, 21:27:01 PM
Hi Alistair,

I concur!  :D Richard's Quark first flight went very well! Lots of fun!
Tried it also, and Richard have demoniac throws on the elevator! Fun fun fun!  :D

Here is a very short video, and the very first launch of Richard's Quark!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on April 20, 2012, 07:36:39 AM
Brilliant video Fred, bring your camera this weekend for the Quark is going to dance at the NI Slope Bash  :D
For anyone that missed the event post we are having our second Slope Fest on the slopes of the Sperrins (Slieve Gallion) this Saturday and Sunday, everyone is welcome and the winds look promising so it will be fun fun fun and a hotdog or 2 maybe eaten lol
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 01, 2012, 20:40:46 PM
Hallo from Prague,
small progress here :)

can somebody show me how rudder is connected with the servo?

and answer my questions on the picture below


thanks a lot
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 01, 2012, 20:58:18 PM
Hi George,

This is some good progress!  :clap:

Ok, for the rudder, mine use closed loop cables, but you can use Robart snakes if you prefer, but I would personaly use cables. They exit by the holes at the end of the fuselage.

For your drawing, 90 degrees on the right : Yes
Don't mind the cuts (lines) that are on the 2 long pieces named N1. They are for the Laser Cut kit!

Now, talking about these 2 parts, I just realized that I did not name them right and placed on the plan!  :oops:

If you look carefuly at the plan and the pieces, this is easy to find which one goes where : the notches on the ribs will match the correct piece if you see what I mean.
Material is : top one on the plan : 2mm plywood (that's the piece that is the ailerons LE)
Bottom one : 3mm plywood (that's the piece that go at the end of the ribs of the wings)

This bad drawing should shed some lights  :D


Let me know if there are still parts that are unclear.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 01, 2012, 21:39:17 PM
Thank you Fred, I understand,  but to be sure about the rudder,
can you make a detailed photo of your tail and servos please :wink:

Quote from: "Fred"
Hi George,

This is some good progress!  :clap:

Ok, for the rudder, mine use closed loop cables, but you can use Robart snakes if you prefer, but I would personaly use cables. They exit by the holes at the end of the fuselage.

For your drawing, 90 degrees on the right : Yes
Don't mind the cuts (lines) that are on the 2 long pieces named N1. They are for the Laser Cut kit!

Now, talking about these 2 parts, I just realized that I did not name them right and placed on the plan!  :oops:

If you look carefuly at the plan and the pieces, this is easy to find which one goes where : the notches on the ribs will match the correct piece if you see what I mean.
Material is : top one on the plan : 2mm plywood (that's the piece that is the ailerons LE)
Bottom one : 3mm plywood (that's the piece that go at the end of the ribs of the wings)

This bad drawing should shed some lights  :D


Let me know if there are still parts that are unclear.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on May 01, 2012, 22:08:39 PM

You could to make things easier make the pieces A1 and A2 in one piece if you have long enough material. I think Fred has them in two parts so as to make the box of bits smaller.


ps Fred any news when the short kits will be available?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 02, 2012, 14:11:06 PM
Quote from: "alibodin"

You could to make things easier make the pieces A1 and A2 in one piece if you have long enough material. I think Fred has them in two parts so as to make the box of bits smaller.


ps Fred any news when the short kits will be available?

thanks, but here they sell only 3 mm (190 x 387 mm) plywood  :roll:
so I have to glue 3 pieces together  :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 03, 2012, 13:23:16 PM
Quote from: "Fred"
Hi George,

Ok, for the rudder, mine use closed loop cables, but you can use Robart snakes if you prefer, but I would personaly use cables. They exit by the holes at the end of the fuselage.

Let me know if there are still parts that are unclear.


Hi Fred,

is something like this you meant about the rudder control?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 03, 2012, 16:34:31 PM
Hi George,

This is exactly that. But no need to have all the stuff in the middle..
I'll take a photo of mine tonight (sorry, forgot yesterday  :oops: ).
Takes litterally 5 minutes to install
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 03, 2012, 18:31:35 PM
Quote from: "Fred"
Hi George,

This is exactly that. But no need to have all the stuff in the middle..
I'll take a photo of mine tonight (sorry, forgot yesterday  :oops: ).
Takes litterally 5 minutes to install

Thanks a lot Fred , I'm curious  :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 03, 2012, 21:52:53 PM
next questions Fred,
for what is this?

and this?

and I dont understand how elevators are fixed to fuselage?
They are plant into 3mm rods, and are they glued to them?

sorry for my maybe stupid questions  :oops:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 04, 2012, 08:07:08 AM
Your first foto is for your servo leads to exit

Second foto is as described, servo mounting plates for your aileron servo.

I have altered my elevator mount and am currently testing it , I have massive throws but for normal flying mount your elevator as standard.
It is all very basic and you will learn from your mistakes, I make plenty of them  :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 04, 2012, 10:53:03 AM
Hi George,

As Richard says  :D  Look carefully at the plan, and you will see what and where all these pieces are going.

For the elevator bellcrank, it is 4mm tube for the front one, and 3mm rod for the one at the back (it's on the plan if you look at the bellcrank)

The front tube is glued on the side of the fuselage, using the T1 pieces as support (extra gluing surface). DO NOT GLUE the tube to the bellcrank, only on the side of the fuselage!

Here are the photos for my rudder :




Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 04, 2012, 22:02:10 PM
Thanks Fred and Richard for your advices and photos.

Still don't understand what for are two holes on ST1 servo tray I highlighted by red color? On second picture highlighted by green color are points for screws whitch fixed servo tray with servo cover I suppose (I thought that they are glued together, therefore my question). Because main wings are fixed by hooks  so my last question was how elevators wings are fixed to fuselage, if they only put on 3mm rods or ?

My main problem now is where to get 10mm tube and 8mm rod which will match to each other, because in local hobby markets they have only china sh.t  which don't match together :!:

But I don't give up, Quark must take the air  :D

Once again , thank you.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 05, 2012, 23:32:21 PM
Hi George,

Sorry, quick reply as it is a bit late, I'll take photos tomorrow to answer your questions.

Basically, don't worry about the holes in T1, this is only to pass your servo cables, that have no other functions.

In green, yes, don't glue! Use screws, as this will allow you to unscrew the servo tray if you need to do a bit of maintenance.

I feel your pain for the tubes / rod... My tube was 7mm inside, and had 8mm rods!  :!:  :!:  Sanding, re-drilling of the tube etc etc  :!:  :!:  :!:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 06, 2012, 07:48:06 AM
Hi George, I have 10mm tube with 8mm I/D and alloy 8mm tube for the wing joiner.
I think there are 10 peices left in the workshop.
I am unsure of the exact price, but think the 10mm carbon tube cost me £8 per 1m lenght.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 06, 2012, 08:08:03 AM
Quote from: "Fred"
Hi George,

Sorry, quick reply as it is a bit late, I'll take photos tomorrow to answer your questions.

Basically, don't worry about the holes in T1, this is only to pass your servo cables, that have no other functions.

In green, yes, don't glue! Use screws, as this will allow you to unscrew the servo tray if you need to do a bit of maintenance.

I feel your pain for the tubes / rod... My tube was 7mm inside, and had 8mm rods!  :!:  :!:  Sanding, re-drilling of the tube etc etc  :!:  :!:  :!:

I wanted to avoid sanding, but I see there is no other way  :!:
Thank you Fred
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 06, 2012, 08:13:41 AM
Quote from: "Richard Boyd"
Hi George, I have 10mm tube with 8mm I/D and alloy 8mm tube for the wing joiner.
I think there are 10 peices left in the workshop.
I am unsure of the exact price, but think the 10mm carbon tube cost me £8 per 1m lenght.

I appreciate your offer Richard, but I'll try to sand a little carbon rod like  Fred said. Many thanks.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 08, 2012, 11:08:54 AM
Andrew and his mini Quark flying on the beach at Downhill, ground up slope soaring !!!!!!


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 08, 2012, 21:12:14 PM
Thanks Richard for the video  :clap:
Good to see the Micro Quark flying, looking good in that wind1  :D

I'll see anyway, I might consider producing that one too  :D
Any words from Denis? Did he flew his model?  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 09, 2012, 07:27:51 AM
Hi Fred, Denis had to go into hospital and is now out and recovering, he intends to get the mini Quark in the air as soon as he is in better health and the temperature rises alittle on the mountain.
I hope to meet up with him this weekend at the Banbridge Model clubs glider tow fly-in on Saturday.
I will keep you posted.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on May 12, 2012, 19:04:16 PM
my quark :mrgreen:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 13, 2012, 08:06:31 AM
Beautiful Quark , you also have brilliant place to fly Quark over ocean.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 14, 2012, 11:54:15 AM
Quote from: "Richard Boyd"
Hi Fred, Denis had to go into hospital and is now out and recovering, he intends to get the mini Quark in the air as soon as he is in better health and the temperature rises alittle on the mountain.
I hope to meet up with him this weekend at the Banbridge Model clubs glider tow fly-in on Saturday.
I will keep you posted.

Hey Richard,

Sorry to hear that! Hope he make a good recovery and go back to the slopes soon!

Sorry for the long silence, mad at work + took me a day 1/2 to recover from Friday night!  :lol:  :lol:  And Chicken Pox all over at home too!

Anyway, nice one Ronan!  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 15, 2012, 22:20:42 PM
Lot of sawing and sanding done :!:  Now time for glue is coming  :)

I have a question about tubes in the fuselage. On yours it look like aluminium
tubes. Can I use carbon tube(same one as in wings) or it is necessary use aluminium?

thank you, George
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on May 16, 2012, 01:09:42 AM
I use carbon for my quark
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 16, 2012, 07:32:32 AM
Hi George, really nice bit of workmanship, keep us posted on your build

Either carbon or alloy is good !
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 16, 2012, 08:27:13 AM
Quote from: "mario"
I use carbon for my quark

thanks Mario, I'll use carbon too.
Do you have some video of your Quark flying over ocean?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 16, 2012, 08:34:37 AM
Quote from: "Richard Boyd"
Hi George, really nice bit of workmanship, keep us posted on your build

Either carbon or alloy is good !

thank you Richard, by the way I bought tubes and rod and they match together without any problem :shock:  Anyway thanks again you offered yours :clap:
And yes I'll post my progress :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 16, 2012, 08:49:20 AM
Hi George,

Really looking good!  :clap:
Yeah, I used aluminium (I use scraps of stuff I have  :wink: ), but carbone will do it fine too  :D

Very good build so far  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on May 16, 2012, 09:01:16 AM
Quote from: "Fred"
Hi George,

Really looking good!  :clap:
Yeah, I used aluminium (I use scraps of stuff I have  :wink: ), but carbone will do it fine too  :D

Very good build so far  :clap:  :clap:

Thanks Fred, I spend almost my every free time to build Quark, but still a lot of work in front of me :)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on May 16, 2012, 09:33:40 AM
sorry , no video for the moment
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on May 24, 2012, 15:26:10 PM
I plan to start my Quark 2M build this weekend becasue i want to try something new on the slope...

The only thing i am not sure about is which servos to choose. The Ailerons are really huge (could be a problem for the standard HS81 with higher speeds?) and as this will be my first aerobat I don't know exactly what is more important - speed, torque, precision...? For my slope racers I never had to think about anything, the slim wing servos like HS125 were the only ones that would fit in.

So which servos do you use in your slope aerobats and what would you recommend?

Thank you
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 24, 2012, 20:12:21 PM
Hi Miki,

Welcome to the forum  :D

For servos, everything is important (speed, torque etc), but maybe one of the most important, is the servo capability to come back to the exact neutral position each time (can't remember the English word for that (and I will not try in German!  :D ))

In my case, I use 2 standard servos for the Elevator / Rudder, and 2 MG14 at the ailerons, everything hooked up to a 6v battery for speed and added torque.
And this is working just fine for me (went agricultural and on the cheap!  :D ), but maybe others will jump in and tells you what work for them  :D

In the mean time, don't hesitate if you have any questions.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on May 24, 2012, 20:14:18 PM

Any news when the short kit for the Quark will be available?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 24, 2012, 20:19:44 PM
Hey Alistair,

Yep, files are ready, and they will be tested on Saturday!
If all goes well, they should be online next week hopefully! (That's if I receive the boxes for the kits on Monday, fingers crossed!)

The Quark should be even lighter! (most of the plywood for the wing etc, replaced by Balsa, lightning holes in the fuselage etc) to make it even better!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on May 24, 2012, 23:25:59 PM
Patiently waiting for kit to be available.

Is there a list of parts required to complete the kit?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 25, 2012, 07:18:21 AM
Hi Alistair, this is what I roughly required to finish my short kit of the Quark 2m

3off 10mmo/d,8mm i/d carbon tubing wing

1off 8mm o/d carbon or alloy tube for wing joiner(needs to be snug fit with the above)

1off 4mmo/dx 3mm i/d  tube for elevator

1off 3mm solid carbon for elevator joiner

Closed loop wire for rudder aprox 2.5m should be enough, plus use loop adjusters for fine tuning.

Elevator push rod, I used balsa square with light fiber glass to make ridjet and piano wire z bends to servo.

Control horns x 4  good quality

Servos, any good standard servo for elevator+ rudder (6v servos is good)
for wing servo you are restricted  to slimmer servo , 14mm deep servo should be snug fit as far as I remember.

2 x 700mm servo extension leads for aileron servos

The rest is just general items like covering etc. and radio gear of your choice.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on May 25, 2012, 15:00:27 PM
Thank you very much for the information.

I will be building mine with balsa ribs too (only the 3 inner ribs will be plywood for more strenght around the wing joiner area).I can't wait building with balsa again, thats what i really missed when flying and repairing molded models....

And now i'm off to the hobby shop! :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 25, 2012, 15:43:54 PM
Hi Miki,

No problem at all, and don't hesitate if you have any questions!  :D

And most important, have fun with the build! You'll see, it is quick and easy to build  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on May 26, 2012, 12:45:38 PM
Hi again,
i already started the fuse - build is really simple compared to some other projects i built. The only thing i was thinking about was top and bottom sheeting of the fuse and balsa grain direction. Will the construction be more rigid with cross or straight grain balsa? In the curved front sections cross grain would also be much easier to bend...
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on May 26, 2012, 19:06:12 PM

Today, i test Ronan's Quark ..

It's very funny and not very difficult to pilot.

I think to order a short kit for september :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 26, 2012, 20:20:04 PM
Quote from: "miki.r"
Hi again,
i already started the fuse - build is really simple compared to some other projects i built. The only thing i was thinking about was top and bottom sheeting of the fuse and balsa grain direction. Will the construction be more rigid with cross or straight grain balsa? In the curved front sections cross grain would also be much easier to bend...

Very good Miki!  :clap:
You'll see, dead easy and quick to build!  :D

You are right for the sheeting, better to do it this way.
By the way, if you want a more "rounded" fuselage, you can replace the 5x5 strips by 10x10 (square or triangle), that will give you more material to sand.
But that doesn't matter much, just a question of taste  :D
And don't hesitate to send us photos of your build!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 26, 2012, 20:25:17 PM
Quote from: "erwan"

Today, i test Ronan's Quark ..

It's very funny and not very difficult to pilot.

I think to order a short kit for september :D

Howdy Erwan  :D

Yeah, that's the thing, everybody who tried the Quark, want one!  :D
So, tested all the aerobatic manoeuvers in the book?  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on May 26, 2012, 21:23:09 PM
One fly, many manoeuvers. I love half right roll and 2 quarter left roll. Maybe the same wing cover plywood 0.6 give less flexibility ^^
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on May 26, 2012, 22:51:45 PM

Thank you for the extra componets list. Just need a kit now.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on May 30, 2012, 15:09:44 PM
here are the first pictures of my build - all goes together really well. Fuse is not rounded yet. The elevator turned out really good, 44gr both halves together. I built the rudder with 3mm parts sheeted with 1mm, it is really stiff now but still very light.
The most annoying part of the build was sanding down the 3mm carbon rods to fit into the tubes - the inner diameter was 2,8 instead of 3mm :!:

Waiting for the 8mm carbon tubes now to start the wings...
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on May 31, 2012, 07:11:32 AM
Beautiful work  :clap:
It is very satisfying to see good workmanship.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 01, 2012, 10:06:47 AM
Hey Miki,

Well, you are not wasting your time! This thing is half built already!  :clap:

Quick question for the elevator, did you build them with ribs etc as per the latest plan?

44grs for the 2 halves is very good  :clap:  Looks like you will have the lightest Quark made so far  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on June 01, 2012, 13:13:14 PM
Yes, the elevator is with ribs and 1mm sheeting - really easy to build.

I've got one wing almost done (needs only some sanding at the LE and wingtip), when i put it on the scale I couldnt believe it: 225g with one servo and fully sheeted! Really very light, the fuse with the stabs comes in at ~430g. I didnt really try to build light, but it comes together very well. AUW around 1,2kg should be possible (I will see how much lead will be necessary...)

I hope to have it done until next weekend for my trip to Slovakia - it would be great to maiden it at Donovaly, a great slope!

I'll post some more pictures when I come home...
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 01, 2012, 13:33:12 PM
Very good Miki!  :clap:  :clap:

Yeah, the plan update should bring you to the 1.2Kgs target easy (between 5 and 600 grs lighter than mine for example).

Looking foward to hear about your test flights  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on June 03, 2012, 08:23:09 AM
Got a lot of work done yesterday, right wing is ready for cutting the ailerons, left wing needs sanding of wingtip and LE... I chose the old version of the wing with cutting the ailerons after sheeting all together. In my opinion this method is better to get wings and ailerons straight. Another modification i made is longer wingtips (~ 6cm), if it doesnt fly well with them I can still cut them off. But I find it more practical for handling on the slope and it looks nicer :wink:

Today is sanding of the left wing and the fuse (with the nose block :shock: )...

Altogether a really great design and easy build, but you have to be careful and take your time for some details to get a perfect result. With those huge moving surfaces warping could screw up all the work... From my experience aerobatic airplanes need the most precision to fly well.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 03, 2012, 18:53:52 PM
That is really looking good Miki!  :clap:  :clap:
Record time build, and done very nicely at that!

So, first flights next week end?  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 04, 2012, 06:11:11 AM
Miki your Quark is looking fantastic  :clap:
What colour will you cover this plane ?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on June 04, 2012, 12:33:16 PM
I ordered white, silver and two shades of blue - I think I will make this one white as base colour and some kind of patterns in lux and medium blue...
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on June 05, 2012, 06:56:45 AM
Hi again,
I've got a few questions concerning the setup.

Is 30mm up and down for the ailerons enough (as per plans)? I need to know if I have to sand the gap between wing and aileron wider, I get exactly 30mm down now...

And how do you set up your transmitter for the Quark - 4 axis, 3 axis like F3F, how much aileron up/down for thermal and speed flight...?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 05, 2012, 08:23:42 AM
Hi Miki, I have 40mm travel in my ailerons and it is very good, John has 30mm and it also good for smooth aerobatics. It really comes down to what style of flying that you do. Even with 30mm travel you will have responsive aileron.
Use duel rates and reduce your throws for light air flying.

I think you will have no problem setting up your plane if your building is anything to go by.

I like the colour scheme you ordered. this will be super cool !
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 05, 2012, 12:08:54 PM
Hi Miki,

I don't know what I have on mine for throws. The maximum I could get, but 30 / 40 is about right. No differential of course.
As for mixes, you can use snap flaps. I don't really see the need on mine (have the mix setup, but never used it) as the SB profile don't really need it. But That can be tried (I'll give it a shot anyway, just to see what can be  improved).
Note that my Quark fly inverted with almost no push on the stick (maybe 1 or 2mm, just enough to remember I fly inverted  :lol: )
For thermal, you can add 2mm camber, but keep in mind that the sb profile already have camber (1.26%) so is pretty decent in light condition s as is.

Anyway, I am a bad example for mixes etc, as I usually never use them.

Talking about the Quark, a guy is doing it with splitted ailerons for flaps etc. I'll keep you updated of the progress  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on June 12, 2012, 10:33:24 AM
Another Quark is ready for maiden!

Although I didnt finish it before the weekend it was no problem - the weather was very british in Donovaly so absolutely no flying! Instead I took my time to get a good covering job and I am very pleased with the result (but it was three evenings work to get it all done - covering can be very time consuming... :?: ).
AUW is somewhere around 1,4kg, dont know where all the weight came from, but I also needed more lead than initially assumed... But for a fully sheeted wing and a sheeted stab it is OK, 1,2kg should be possible if desired. As I don't really like to fly in light wind I plan to add some kind of ballast to get it up to 1,8kg for the heavier days. And the stabs and wings/ailerons are really huge...!

Waiting for good wind and weather now...

Fred: please keep us informed about the flaps/ailerons version...  

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 12, 2012, 11:48:55 AM
Now that's a nice one!  :clap:  :clap:
Very very nice Miki, great job on the finishing!

At 1.4Kgs, you are still way lighter than mine. Mine fly without any problem in light winds. The ballast option is a good idea, as I like an aerobatic glider to be not too light. More inertia on the vertical moves  :D

Fingers crossed with the maiden flight, and really hope you enjoy it!  :D

I'll keep you updated on the full house Quark as soonn as I have some news  :D

PS : George, how is your Quark build going?  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 13, 2012, 19:41:49 PM

That model does indeed look beautiful. You have done an excellent job in the covering and building. Makes me impatient to start mine when the kit is available. What servos did you use in yours? Hope the maiden goes well.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on June 13, 2012, 21:50:12 PM
Thank you,
I've got HS85 MG on the ailerons and Spektrum A4000 for rudder and elevator.

Weather forecast for the weekend looks promising... :twisted:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 14, 2012, 07:19:35 AM
I hope your maiden will be special with your beautiful Quak plane.
Weather is still not good in the North of Ireland so flying is a no no this weekend.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Frederic on June 15, 2012, 09:46:54 AM
Hello friends,

 I am pleased to present a glider directly inspired Quark2m but profoundly enhanced: The Quouèrk, by HollandModels (Correzian traditional factory). The Quouèrk (pronounced like the cry of a hen that crushed) kit is a fully cut by water jet.
 The kit:
 CN with the system of the nozzle water jet cutting:
 As you can see from the picture, the water jet cutting leaves a blue mark on the wood  that fades after a few hours.
 We are doing tests CNC (Cat Natural Cutting) that appear to be very promising ... Then we would change the name of the glider: Quouirk ... (like a cat being crushed)
 Soon, the beginning of the construction.
 Note: You can not sell the kit for now, it is forbidden to send any material from the psychiatric hospital.

Big Kiss !
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 15, 2012, 11:18:57 AM
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Post of the year!!  :clap:  :clap:

Very nice Frederic!! Love the waterjet cutter  :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on June 15, 2012, 12:09:42 PM
bouarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrff :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: orionis on June 15, 2012, 18:49:29 PM
J'EN VEUX UN!!!  :shock:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on June 16, 2012, 09:15:21 AM
ha?? toi aussi??
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Frederic on June 17, 2012, 21:44:54 PM
Hello boys and girls !

Today, we tried beer cutting, after water cutting at the flying club ... it does not work well, it foam too, but it makes the children laugh...
we start building our glider. In two days, our fuselages are almost complete

big kisses
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: miki.r on June 21, 2012, 07:18:59 AM
Hi again,
i maidened my Quark last weekend and it flies great! Well, I started with the CG a bit too far back - this was not really funny, but with a bit more lead in the nose the Quark flies just perfect. Inverted loops are great, and rolls are incredibly fast with 35mm on the ailerons.
The only problem I found was the speed limit. Yesterday flying in 14m/s wind with strong thermal activity was really fun, the plane also accelerates very well, but suddenly the rudder+elevator caught a really bad flutter. The lightening holes in the tail of the fuse make the structure too soft and the whole tail starts twisting. so no fast flying with those holes. I will reinforce the holes with some 3x0,5mm CF rods glued across.

The Quark makes a beautiful whistle on fast aileron rolls, while being absolutely quiet on straight flight, really great fun! I will post some pictures and maybe a vid too as soon as i get them...
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 21, 2012, 07:32:53 AM
Hi Miki sounds like you have had fun with your quark, I donot think the plane was designed for high speed flying but with a few strenghteners you will reduce the flutter.
I too am awaiting good weather to get my video shot.
Rain again for the next few days and no forcast of any descent winds. I donot remember weather like this, global warming has no effect on Ireland lol
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 22, 2012, 12:05:18 PM
:clap: Congratulations on the first flight Miki!!  :clap:
Glad you enjoyed it, and I hope this glider will give you many hours of flying plaisure!

For the flutter, strange, never had the case (or at least heard of it). I would have bet that the ailerons would flutter first  :P

I can't try on mine (no lightning holes on my fuselage), but I have to admit that I never pushed the glider hard speed wise (just some fast low pass, that's it), as I have to say that it was not intended for pure speed, but rather to keep constant speed during an aerobatic display (hence the good acceleration, thanks to the profile etc  :D )

I have checked my fuselage last night, and tried to twist it by hand, but that was almost impossible. With the openings at the back of the fuselage, that should be also hard to twist  :?:  (mainly because of the 4 strips that act as a beam, supported by the former at the middle  :?: ).
Maybe some play in the elevator axle because of the carbone tube/rod?

Anyway, interresting! I guess I'll have to build a light fuselage to find out!!  :D  :D

Please, post photos and videos of the first flight, really looking forward to it  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 24, 2012, 12:28:28 PM
My kit has arrived and looks good.

What battery do people use for theirs. Ideally I want 5 cell for 6volts. I have a 5 cell C type but it looks like it will not easily fit and be removeable.

Also what servos do people use will Hitec 85MG be OK for ailerons and Hitec 325HB for Rudder/ Elevator?

Thank you for your help.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 24, 2012, 15:19:37 PM
Hi Aliistair, I use a 6v 2200 battery you could go bigger as you will need some extra weight in the nose of the Quark.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 24, 2012, 15:33:28 PM
Thank you, what size cells is your battery and what shape? Need something to fit nicely and hopefully be removeable for charging and recycling as well.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 24, 2012, 15:53:16 PM
I think my packs are 4/5 A size and I have them in hump 3 base with 2 on top, I also have a pack  set with 5 in a row , both packs fit in the nose of the Quark. By the way my quark is a proto type and the factory quark has a longer nose piece so you may not need as much nose weight.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 24, 2012, 15:55:34 PM
Thank you Richard for that.

I will take a look and see what batteries I can find.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 24, 2012, 17:46:36 PM
Hi Alistair , I am only to glad to help you, you are really going to enjoy your Quark, its a brilliant glider  :)

Let us all know how your getting on during your build and upload a few fotos as you go along.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 24, 2012, 18:41:08 PM
All I have seen on the Quark is good. Kit looks good. I have ordered the CF tubes and rods, the wing and fuz sheeting, the fuz longerons and the wing leadinding edge and the wing false leading edge. Hopefully should arrive soon. Hump battery also ordered as is two bottles of thin Cyno.

The Fuz is different to the website, it is 3 pieces, front top and bottom and then a rear section. The balsa sheets for the fuz are below.


Hope to make a start soon.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 25, 2012, 16:36:14 PM
Hi Alistair,

Glad you received the kit  :D  Hope you enjoy the build!

For the battery, on mine, I have a 5 cells 2200Mah, in 3+2 configuration.
As Richard said, the "New" Quark have a longer nose, so you should be able to fit the same, or bigger battery (longer as its configuration, like side by side cells etc).

To me, your servo choice is fine for the Quark :)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 25, 2012, 16:58:18 PM
Been busy building and just the covering to go.  :D  :D  8)  8)


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 25, 2012, 17:28:21 PM
Nice  :D
That allow you to choose your colour scheme!  :D
And careful, your wing is the wrong way around  :D

Actually, never tried, but might fly (fast!) with a bit of lead on the nose  :?:

Anyway, something to bring with you in the office  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 25, 2012, 19:49:21 PM
Wing is now right way round :)

Fin built, using jig from fuselage of Grunau Baby to ensure straight edge. Had to add some shims of 1mm balsa to get nice tight fit for the horizontal part of the fin.


Rudder also built though I had to make my own leading and trailing edges.


Also glued up the fuselage sides. Comes in 3 bits, fits together nicely.


Nearly done all I can as I am waiting for materials to arrive.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 26, 2012, 14:40:56 PM
All the materials have arrived :)

Some questions if I may?

Rhetorical: Why when I buy carbon tube and rod are the rods slightly too big to fit?

How does one glue the carbon fibre tubes to the wing ribs for wing and tailplane. There is a small gap. Tack then with thin cyno and the expoxy or thick cyno?

Also how does one cut Carbon fibre and sand it down, I have heard it is nasty stuff. First time to use carbon fibre.

How long does the 8mm rod need to be for the main wing joiner, I guess the rest of the 1 metre after cutting of the bit for the rear wing joiner?

Thank you for any help on the above,

On with the fuselage now!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 26, 2012, 14:53:37 PM
Hi Alistair, you have answered all your questions lol
tack and then use 5min epoxy for wing ribs to carbon,
Use fine emery sanding paper to sand carbon and I cut with fine blade balsa saw, using pull back strokes.
It is very difficult to get accurate carbon, you have to pay extra cash for this, cheap chineese carbon is not accurate and also alot is not potruded carbon and is only carbon dust and glue mixed.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 26, 2012, 18:01:23 PM

Thank you for confirming my suspicions.

Added all the 5mm (3/16) stringers to the fuselage sides and the tail plane ply.


Marked them so to avoid building two sides the same, whcih I have done before.

Need to modify ST1 and ST2 for my servos and a switch as well.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 26, 2012, 18:09:04 PM
very nice build Alistar, this is very different to the proto build and thanks for the fotos, very interesting for me to look at the new  cnc lazor machined Quark.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 26, 2012, 22:11:57 PM
Thank you for the encouragement.

Having sanding the 3mm carbon rod to fit the tube I did the all moving tailplane AMT.


Here they are with the epoxy drying. Glad is a symetrical section as both can be built the same way. On second one chamfered the leading edge of the ribs to fit the leading edge when added.

Also made the servo holes in ST1 and ST2 bigger for my servos. Added wood for screws to hold servos in and also a switch as well.

Need to add some holes for cable tie to secure the RX and another hole for the arial tube.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 27, 2012, 14:04:31 PM
Glued up the fuselage, well formers 2,3,4 and 5.


As the nose is a little narrower I will add that former later and hopefully ensure both sides at the front bend equally for a nice symetrical fueslage. Same applies to the rear as well. I will pull it in to the last former hoping for a nice symetrical fuselage.

Because the Carbon tubes are not too accurate, the holes in the AMT horn are too large. So lets make another one. Got some of my 3mm ply and it is not as good as the ply in the kit. So only big enough piece of ply with the strength in the correct direction was the rib gauge. So made a new rib guage with my own ply, then cut the rib guage to make a new AMT horn. Hopefully means the holes will be a nice tight fit to minimise slop.


Now measure up and cut some carbon tube and rod for the wings, ohh what fun.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 27, 2012, 18:21:47 PM
Started the first wing which was straight forward. Glue it all up and realised I had forgot the rear tube. It just slid in just fine.


Need to add the expoxy to ribs and carbon fibre.

WHOOPS :oops:  :oops:  :oops:

Looked at rear of fuselage and all is not fine.


Things do not line up. It will line up with pressure, so I may line it up and then brush rear of fuz with water to hopefully remove the twist. Then glue it up. I always seem to have problems building straight fuselages.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 28, 2012, 06:55:22 AM
Hi Alistair, you are making great progress with your build.
I have a small twist in my Quark , not the the glider at fault but me the builder lol. Good news is that it still flies straight and true, I would need to make myself a jig for building.
I am enjoying your build
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on June 28, 2012, 08:38:39 AM
Look here Chaps,  there’s been lots of promises about pictures & videos of these birds in flight, but none have actually been posted. :cry:

This really is not good enough!!  I want to see some action, I want to see these planes flying. :D  So come along gentlemen, show us how they fly!

(Richard, can you get your model to do a blender? 8)  Ask someone to film it for you and stick the vid up on the forum,……there’s a good fellow. :P )

Yours frustrated,
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 28, 2012, 09:38:24 AM
Hello my friend Keith, I am not make excuses or anything but we have been experiencing some extreme bad weather up north this last few weeks so a video is out of the question at the moment.
I have a few weeks to prepare for my trip to fly in Lithuania F3K EURO TOUR competition and I can not even get out to practise.
I am in big problem as I never have flown in this type of competition before so last place will be mine lol.
 If you donot believe about weather then look at yesterdays,

BBC NI Iplayer link,
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on June 28, 2012, 09:58:47 AM
Hhmmmm, :?:  well maybe I’ll let you off Richard. But what about Miki and the others building these Quarks. Where are these videos lads? I’ve yet to see Fred’s video that he promised us. Fred, Oh FRED!! Can you hear me??

Good luck in your forthcoming contest Richard and remember, “He who dares, wins.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 28, 2012, 10:07:29 AM
Keith take my word for it ,  this is a fantastic glider,
Here is first flight with mine, elevator is twitchie cause I had the elevator on zero expo, the switch got knocked on my way to the slope.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on June 28, 2012, 20:27:15 PM
Ar-ha, so you did have some video footage! You little rascal Richard.

Certainly seems agile enough, tried any back flips? I didn't see any footage of how fast she rolls? It would be relative to speed I know but I'd be interested to see just how fast and sharp she can roll :?:

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 29, 2012, 07:23:51 AM
Hi Keith , the quark has as good as roll rate as you want to make it !
Just build it will super throws and use good quality fast servos and you will have what you ask for. :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 29, 2012, 20:36:10 PM
Been cracking on. AMT is in elevator pushrod is done. Had a sticky moment when cycno stuck the AMT rod to the pivot. Fortunately managed to seperate them. All works fine. Question I assume that the longitudal declage is 0-0 for the wing and tailplane???

Note. The fuz can be twisted though it does require some force.

Added top and bottom sheeting and did the canopy. I will add nose later once I have a rough idea of how much lead I require to balance.


Joining the two halves of the aileron leading edge was tricky. Decided to use balsa dust to make a nice fit and wick in cyno. Seems to have worked fine. Add the ribs using the rib guage took a while.


Seeeting to be done then shaping.

Fin and ruder seem quite fragile built as per plan, considering sheeting with 1/32 balsa to add some strength. Thoughts???

Sheeted one half of the tailplane. Took a while but I think worth the effort. WOuld have been quicker to completely sheet it.


Think it looks OK and weighs in at 19.5 grams.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on June 30, 2012, 12:43:03 PM
Hi Alistair , my goodness your really are putting together your Quark very quickly and with great technique  :clap:
I tried to keep the rudder as light as possible, it saves adding unwanted weight to the nose.
I built my rudder different to the plan and it was 9.8g with covering and control horn, the way the rudder is mounted on the quark means it does not contact the ground when landing in rough terrain. So keep it light.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 30, 2012, 21:19:12 PM
It is an easy model to build, all the hard work of cutting accurate formers and ribs has been done. Everything just fits nicely. Nearly as simple as fit it together and drop in some cyno. For wing sheeting I use impact adhesive on the big bits, cyno on samller ones and PVA for leading edge. I do like hardword false leading edges, makes it very easy to sand the front of the wing nice and straight to get a good fit for the leading edge.

Decided to do wing as per plan rather than fully sheet, mainly because I can not join sheets together. Also even without any sheeting wing is very strong and does not twist.

Seems stock wood for sheeting is 3 inches as that is the size of the D sheeting. The sheeting at the rear is 3/4 inch, which is one sheet 3 inch cut in 4! Clever design Fred!

Here is the port wing.


Had fun with servo wire. Taped it up nicely at the root and then sanded root smooth and discovered I had sanded through the servo cable  :oops:  :oops:

Took it out and re did the cable. Fortuntaley the ribs have holes in so I could drop a thread with a small eight through the holes and then pull the servo lead through.

Another wing, ailerons and some sanding, then some covering to do, secure aileron servo to plate and then set up.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on July 01, 2012, 10:24:54 AM
good job
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on July 02, 2012, 09:12:48 AM

I receive for my wedding a short kit of Quark . The building start as soon as possible. :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on July 02, 2012, 09:33:52 AM
Congratulations on you recent marriage. The pictures looked like you had a wonderful day. I am wondering what you new wife got if you got a new airplane? :D

Maybe the may hours of peace and quiet while you are building it.

Best wishes Ralph
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 03, 2012, 22:33:39 PM
Back to work this week so less time to build :(

Added a frame around the servo plate and sanded it down so the servo plate was a nice snug fit.


Repeat for other plate. Cut some wood and glued to plate for servos to mount on to.

Ailerons next!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on July 04, 2012, 08:14:31 AM
Again really nice work Alistair, I noticed Fred's Quark had his aileron servo mounted on the actual servo cover plate.
He had an aileron servo failure when I flew with him on Mt Leinster and he had the servo changed in a matter of minutes. I thought it was a great idea especially if your landing site has a rough landing area.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 04, 2012, 18:03:11 PM
Richard thank you again for the encouragement. I will indeed have my servos on the plate as per this picture.


Will add some fibre glass and epoxy to strenthen the wood on the plates.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on July 05, 2012, 09:43:52 AM
Hallo again from Prague, I'm sorry for no posting, but almost no time for building. Anyway there is a small progress(
And I have a question:
 What is a shape the ends(tips ?) of wings, I mean from front view.

Plese show me it on photos.
Thank you.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on July 05, 2012, 15:48:22 PM
Another question, the control horn on aileron is attached just to balsa 1,5mm plate or there in the place is something harder what hold the horn?
Thank you.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 05, 2012, 18:01:23 PM

Your Quark is looking good.

I am about to do my horn and will take pictures later. The horn will be 1.5mm ply and glued to the aileron spar and top sheet at the front of the aileron. I will then add block balsa either side glued to the horn, top aileron sheet and leading edge of aileron. Finally I will add the front sheeting either side of the horn.

Here is a picture that hopeully clarifies what I am doing.


Hope it helps.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on July 05, 2012, 20:26:45 PM
Quote from: "alibodin"

Your Quark is looking good.

I am about to do my horn and will take pictures later. The horn will be 1.5mm ply and glued to the aileron spar and top sheet at the front of the aileron. I will then add block balsa either side glued to the horn, top aileron sheet and leading edge of aileron. Finally I will add the front sheeting either side of the horn.

Here is a picture that hopeully clarifies what I am doing.

Hope it helps.


Thanks a lot Alistair, I'll do it same way!
And about the shape of wings tips?

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 05, 2012, 22:03:29 PM
Here is the completed aileron horn.


Need to add cap strips to aileron.

I have yet to do my wing tips. From pictures I have seen they are not shaped as they are flat at end of wing. There may be a little rounding of the leading edge at the wing tip.

I actually plan to add wing tips so as to protect the aileron for the ocassional cartwheel landing I do. :) Also some protection for transporting as well.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 06, 2012, 20:59:01 PM
Well I have done the starboard aileron.


On with the port aileron.

Questions if I may.

1) Centre of Gravity. On the plan it is 5mm in front of the front spar. Is that a good starting point or an ideal? I want to balance the model with lead in the nose at the most rear COG before covering, then add some easily removeable lead for first few flights.

2) What is the angle for the tailplane relative to the wing for the initial setup??


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 07, 2012, 15:20:37 PM
Building nearly completed. Rigged it all up to see how much lead to roughly balance at rear COG. Seems I need 70grams to balance it. So this will be burried in the nose.


Need to add the nose with the lead, then shape the fuz, leading edge of wings, fin and rudder.

Then cover it all.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on July 07, 2012, 15:35:05 PM
Hi Alistair,
quick explanation: Fred & Richard are both at events, which is why neither has come back to you
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 07, 2012, 22:36:38 PM
Thanks Bill,

No rush.

Added lead in nose.


Then took the razor plane and sandpaper to the fuz to round it off.


Makes a bit of a mess :)

Glad I ahve the garage to do this in.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 08, 2012, 19:01:04 PM
Well my Quark is now ready for covering, shaped and nose added as well.


Covering ordered and should be here soon.

Final sand down with smooth and ready to cover.

Weighed it and came in at 1281 grams.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on July 08, 2012, 19:07:07 PM
Beautiful job Alistair
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 21, 2012, 12:00:29 PM
Thank you,

Covering is nearly complete getting nearer that moment I have to throw it off the slope, before doing so I would like to get it setup correctly.

What Centre of Gravity is a good safe starting point? I am conscious of the old saying. Maiden with forward COG many flights maiden with too rearward COG only one flight!
What angle should the tail plane be relative to the wing? I assume 0-0 is that a good starting point?

Is it worth having spoilers (aileron up on landing) or anything like that to aid landing?
Thanks for any hints and tips on setup to optimise the chance of a good safe relaxing first flight.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 24, 2012, 19:49:13 PM
On the home straight covering completed.

Here are the servos in the fuselage. I added old snake inners to ensure the rudder push pull cables do not interfere with the elevator push rod.


Also so as to ensure aileron servo leads do not foul the eleavtor servo added a shelf that goes aboe elevator servo.


Here is the nearly finished model.


Camera not to good as the canopy is orange as the tips are as well. Mind you yellow looks quite nice!

I ran out of diamond tape to hinge the ailerons, no longer sold. What do other people use?

Need to add aileron push rods, tape on the ailerons, set up TX, balance and ready for maiden,

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on July 25, 2012, 07:30:13 AM
Hi Alistair, you Quark is looking super cool !
For hinging I used solartex, sorry I have no fotos on the way it is done but I am sure you could search the web and come up with some tips or maybe some one on here is hinging at the moment and they could post a few fotos.
When is you maiden planned for ?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on July 25, 2012, 08:22:54 AM
Howdy everybody :)
Back from holidays!
Sorry for the silence the last few days, had to catch up with hundreds of emails (litterally!)

Alistair, as I said, you did a great job on your Quark!!  :clap:  :clap:  The colour scheme is really looking good!  :clap:

In my case, for the hinges, I use Blenderm, but using the covering as suggested by Mr Boyd is a very good option too  :D

And to reply to your previous question, I put the reply here too, as that might help others :

For the CG, the point marked on the plan is the ideal one, but for the first flight, you can always move it forward 5mm or so.
Elevator incidence is 0-0 with the wing, and can be set by putting the elevator // to the top of the fuselage, where the rudder sits.

For the control throw, for the first flight, you can set some expo (40%) and dual rates if you want.
I'm looking forward to the report of the first flight  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 25, 2012, 20:09:33 PM
Over here in RCMF they recommneded 3M Scotch Crystal Clear Tape 19mm x 25m with Dispenser Clear - 0605013390 from Ryman so ordered some. Should arrive tomorrow so I can hinge the ailerons and setup.

I would like to have a nice logo of Quark 2M on the top of the wings.


Tried my own with solartrim and it looked tacky. Anyone know a source where I can get a nice logo on some sticky covering so I can adorn my model rather than a letter a the time.

Thank you

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on July 26, 2012, 08:50:02 AM
Hi Alistaire,

Good thinking on the logos!
Was working on some following your email, so here is a few ideas :


On the wing to have an idea of the size :


Of course, all open to suggestions / ideas  :D

I can provide PDF or even PS files for these ones
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: JohnPearson on July 26, 2012, 11:04:21 AM
Photos on page seven of solartex hinges, apply top and bottom
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on July 26, 2012, 15:19:27 PM
By the way, just learnt that the Quark was represented at the Paris International Model Show earlier this year  :D

More info / photos when I have some.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Frederic on July 26, 2012, 18:33:35 PM
Salut Fred !

It's the début of the gloire !

Les deux Quouèrk avancent doucement, bientôt des photos...
The two Qourèk are avancing slowly, in a few days sames pictures...

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 26, 2012, 19:52:21 PM

I do like the bottom logo would like fine on my model. Could you let me have the pdf or eps to send to someone to make the vinyl logo sheet for me please?

Also I do like the silhouette of the Quark. So how about a smaller circular logo for the fin/rudder. Perhaps the silhouette of the Quark with Islands Models text around it on the outside.

Here is one I drew (please don't laugh to much) drawing is not my skill.


Hinge material arrived today so off to hinge ailerons!

Edit: Added this:::

All done now, TX set up, balanced at 70mm from Leading edge. Start safe.

Weighed in at 1391 grams, 3lbs 1oz in old fashioned!

Putting on slow charge, northeley for tomorrow so may maiden!


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 01, 2012, 09:12:15 AM
Hi Alistair,

Sorry, late reply again!
Did you maidned the Quark?  :D

For stickers, work in progress!
For the rudder, took your idea and that gave me this :

Like it a lot actually!
There might need some tweaking but this is looking good  :D
I am preparing the files for you, they will be available soon! (working on it)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 01, 2012, 10:00:44 AM
Quote from: "Frederic"
Salut Fred !

It's the début of the gloire !

Les deux Quouèrk avancent doucement, bientôt des photos...
The two Qourèk are avancing slowly, in a few days sames pictures...



And it is "International" !!  :P
Well, more like Regional (French joke!)

So, where are the photos??  :mrgreen:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on August 01, 2012, 22:15:34 PM
Maiden awaiting right wind. Need a NE for a good local slope, or a NW would do, I will patiently wait.

I have some stickers on order,

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 02, 2012, 09:49:34 AM
Fingers crossed Alistair!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on August 14, 2012, 10:02:13 AM
Quark =


 :lol:  :lol:

(Okay :roll: , I know Kleaver should be spelled with a ‘C’ but it’s pronounced the same!)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on August 14, 2012, 20:31:06 PM
Prague reporting, almost done!
Give me a week or two, rather three  :)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 15, 2012, 11:54:02 AM
Very good George, glad to see that the build is almost complete  :clap:  :clap:
First flight should be soon?  :D

Keith...Apparently, you already had a few bottles of wine  :lol:  :lol:  :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on August 15, 2012, 11:57:05 AM
Qui, moi  :shock:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 15, 2012, 12:00:05 PM
Oui, toi!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Frederic on August 18, 2012, 21:53:44 PM
Hello !

Here are the promised pictures of french Quouèrk  \:D/
My friend Henri is working faster than me (he drinks less than me, probably) :roll:
I have not yet started the wings...
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 20, 2012, 12:40:42 PM
Looking good!  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: orionis on August 20, 2012, 13:51:11 PM
Nice bit of Quouèrk!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Richard Boyd on August 21, 2012, 19:22:26 PM
I thought I would have got to fly my quark today but the weather turned really bad on the mountain at lunch time, I had the cameras ready to shoot some video. The weather Gods are still against me lol
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 22, 2012, 09:15:22 AM
:lol: Come down a bit more South!  :D
Decent (well.. for Ireland!) weather here, just the odd rain, but good wind and some sunny spells!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Frederic on August 23, 2012, 12:00:14 PM

The first Quouèrk flew to Monédières yesterday. The pilot and constructor is very happy.
 I just have to finish mine ... :roll:
 In the meantime, here is the logo of the Quouérk

By, :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 23, 2012, 12:36:23 PM
:lol:  :lol:  :clap:  :clap:
Nice one!!  :lol:

So, first flight went well  :D Congratulations to the builder / pilot  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on August 27, 2012, 14:42:01 PM
Covering completed.


A little inside arrangement has to be done and than just impatient waiting for strong wind.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 27, 2012, 14:54:25 PM
That is looking really good George!  :clap:  :clap:
Like the colour scheme  :clap:

So, just the radio to be installed?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: GeorgeB on August 27, 2012, 15:11:38 PM
Quote from: "Fred"
That is looking really good George!  :clap:  :clap:
Like the colour scheme  :clap:

So, just the radio to be installed?

Thank you Fred :-)  Yes radio and some servos cable arrangement.
I'll put Quark logo on elevator after maiden also.  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 28, 2012, 08:54:21 AM
Nearly there George! In the air this week end!  :D  :D

And another successful first flight for Quark over in RCGroups :

I am not too sure how many of them are being built, or have flown, but I can say "a lot" !! Wood building is not dead!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: phil on October 01, 2012, 17:45:23 PM
Hello friends
My name is Philip and I live in France.
After a lot of looking glider that style, I fell in love with Quark and I started construction.
Of course, there are some minor construction details that I do not understand. If I could count on you to help me it would be nice.
As you can see, I use an automatic translator because my English is "VTPR" ;)
See you soon and good flights.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on October 01, 2012, 18:04:49 PM
welcome :wink:  :mrgreen:
bienvenue chez les  cools
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: phil on October 01, 2012, 20:37:45 PM
Hello and thank you for the welcome.
I do not understand how the two parts of stabilizer were held between them. Are they glued? In this case, how to disassemble everything to repair. Please, photos would not be too much.
With a 4mm carbon tube, the key is 2.6mm. Is this sufficient as resistance?
Thank you for your answers, I must quickly control the carbon because my fingers itch;)
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Brian on October 01, 2012, 22:38:32 PM
Quote from: "Happy Days"
Quark =


 :lol:  :lol:

(Okay :roll: , I know Kleaver should be spelled with a ‘C’ but it’s pronounced the same!)

Hi Keith,
That spelling is closer to cleaver than clever.
I'm afraid - very afraid :).

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on October 01, 2012, 22:42:09 PM
:D  :clap:  :clap:  Smart Arse!  :evil:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on October 02, 2012, 00:23:40 AM
How about "Kinematic"
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 03, 2012, 13:12:21 PM
Quote from: "phil"
Hello and thank you for the welcome.
I do not understand how the two parts of stabilizer were held between them. Are they glued? In this case, how to disassemble everything to repair. Please, photos would not be too much.
With a 4mm carbon tube, the key is 2.6mm. Is this sufficient as resistance?
Thank you for your answers, I must quickly control the carbon because my fingers itch;)

Salut Phil, welcome to the forum!  :D

I am going to reply here, as this may help others.

The 2 elevators are not glued together. In mine, they are simply held with the carbone rods, in force. More than enough.
2.6mm is enough (that is also what I use), but that can be replaced by piano wire of course  :D


Bon, je poste ici, car cela peux en aider d'autres,

Mes 2 demi stab ne sont bien sur pas collés, tout tient en force en rentrant les clefs. 2.6mm est assez, c'est comme le mien, mais il est bien sur possible de remplacer le carbone par de la CaP.

En utilisant de la CaP, il suffit de tordre legerement une des clefs, pour que ca rentre en force. comme ca, les stabs ne bougent pas  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: phil on October 04, 2012, 20:46:27 PM
Thank you for these precisions. I got the carbon today and I'll be able to continue construction. I can not wait to throw the baby slope.
I will keep you Current evolution of the construction.
It's nice to have you for the advice. It's easier to ask God to his saints;)



Merci pour ces precisions. J'ai reçu le carbone aujourd'hui et je vais pouvoir continuer la construction. Il me tarde de jetter le bébé à la pente.
Je vous tiendrai au courrant de l'évolution de la construction.
C'est sympa de pouvoir compter sur vous pour les conseils. C'est plus facile de demander à Dieu qu'à ses saints ;)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 02, 2012, 13:13:50 PM
Received from Italy today, from Pierpaolo  :clap:
First flight went well, and love it  :D


You can see that he splitted the ailerons to have the flap option.


AUW is 1.4Kgs despite the modifications  :clap:

More photos to come  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on November 02, 2012, 15:08:57 PM
It's a very good idea, maybe i do the same for mine.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 02, 2012, 15:24:50 PM
Yeah, the original plan I made had flaps.. But them removed them.
On mine, I don't see a need for it, as you really can slow it down without stalling, and in all other cases, ailerons down is more than enough.
If I find the original plan, I might put it to download. Very simple change to do.
Might also get rid of the carbone spars, and use strip wood instead  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on November 02, 2012, 15:46:14 PM
The quadro flap function is good if you can use lateral stick on radio, i have it on FF9 , it's very funny to do snap roll near field without spedd.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on November 02, 2012, 16:44:19 PM
looking good
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 22, 2012, 11:47:13 AM
Another photo of the Italian flapped Quark  :D


Pilot said that landings with full flpas, is like landing an helicopter, no speed, and no stall  :D

A very good mod for the ones that want to do it  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 06, 2012, 09:12:39 AM
And back!
Lot and lots of work these days for me, but it is now time to catch up with a few things!  :D

Another Quark is ready to be flown, once again, from Italy.
Rubio built his Quark in 2 weeks, and made a change to the canopy to have more of a Racing look  :D
In the RedBull scheme, that seems to be back into fashion.


Now waiting for the first flight  :D  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on December 06, 2012, 09:55:29 AM
Welcome back Fred,……I seem to be saying that a lot this year. You’ll have to stop selling so many planes! It’ll give you more time to play!! :P

I can’t see too well but this RED BULL seems to have a full house wing, doesn’t it? :?:

Can someone please video one of these Quarks flying and show the roll rate. :D  The only time I’ve seen a Quark in flight I was told the lift wasn’t good enough to produce a fast roll.
Surely someone has tried one of these is high wind conditions,…..haven’t they? :!:

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 06, 2012, 10:20:25 AM
Yeah, very busy!
Cannot produce enough to meet demand  :!:
Not complaining though!  :D

I actually don't know for the wing, but I ask (received the photo yesterday)
I think there are quiet a few videos of the Quark doing rolls at various speed, wind conditions.
Anyway, when you see the size of these ailerons, you should not worry too much about that!  :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 06, 2012, 17:05:42 PM
More photos forom Rubio, received just now! :)

No Flaps, and cool looking glider  :clap:


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: venture on December 06, 2012, 20:30:05 PM
Looks good!

Is there any news about a (short) kit?

greets, Nico
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 07, 2012, 13:12:20 PM
Hey Nico,

Yep, short kits are available for a while now (can't remember, I think that was around May  :?: )

Saying that, you have to be on your toes to get one, as they get out of stock quicker that I can make them! (record is 10 gone in about an hour).

Best thing to do is to click on the "notify me" icon on the Quark Page, you will receive a mail when it is back in stock live.

Fred  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 21, 2012, 14:32:52 PM
Another Quark Made in Germany. Second one should be finished soon  :clap:


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 15, 2013, 09:14:35 AM
Received yesterday.
Another great build, this time, for the Czech Republic.

Look at this sexy fuselage!  :D


And cherry on the cake, Pavel made a Quark Logo / Stickers!  :clap:  :clap:


More details on his build, with some great mods :

The Quark Community is still growing, with countless builds and happy flyers  :D  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on February 15, 2013, 12:39:33 PM
That is a beautiful looking machine Fred. Pavel has finished it in a very disticntive scheme. Like the sticker too!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 15, 2013, 12:46:10 PM
Yeah, I really like the fuselage!

Ok, I might cut a new one for me this week end! That's it, I need to make another Quark!

Oh, and Pavel sent me the CDR file for the logo.
I know nothing about this stuff, but I guess this can be easily used to make stickers  :?:

And fair play to Pavel for doing it and sharing it!  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on February 16, 2013, 00:55:36 AM
Hi Fred,
          Thats near perfect. Just needs the fuse rounded off more on the top aft section. I like the taper in on the bottom going aft. I'm sure the longer nose makes no difference as adding noseweight anyway. Redraw and have a 2013
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 16, 2013, 10:12:17 AM
Hey John,

No re-drawing on that one  :D  I leave it like this, but saying that, I'm going to cut one for me next week with wood spars, and maybe splitted ailerons to see if that gives any advantages. If it works, I will make this option available (and the wod spar will make this glider a very cheap build too)

The longer nose works great, as the ones built are all at least 200grs lighter than the prototypes with a shorter nose (logical I must say), and it looks slightly better in my opinion  :D
Title: Beauty
Post by: Freedom Flyer on February 16, 2013, 15:59:00 PM

Very nice looking, do you have a pic of it completely together? Man I've got to get busy building something :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: andrew wallace on February 16, 2013, 19:58:39 PM
hey Tracy
 good to have you back  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Thanks
Post by: Freedom Flyer on February 17, 2013, 14:33:36 PM
Thanks Andy,  Been frustrating not beinging able to post, But have been really quite busy with travel back and forth to work, work, and trying to make up for lost time with the family when I get back.  I've got a couple of projects I was hoping to get to this winter but I need to get some balsa as they require some scratch building :). If you guys get a chance go to this site and check out the build this guy is doing. 8)  4 meter plane, scratch built, his own design.  Cool thing is he only lives about 100km away from me and comes and flys at our site, it's a bit of a jaunt for him but we do see him on occasion so I'll get to see this beauty fly.

His name is Keith he's quite the craftsman, I started at the beginning of the thread and read the whole thing.  
Great to be here again FF :o
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 15, 2013, 12:01:15 PM
Another successful first flight, and another happy Quark owner!
This time, from Pavel (see posts on top. Pavel is the designer of the Quark Logo).

And a nice video from his friend Zbynek Cernik (aka Acroholic)

Well done!  :clap:  :clap:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 30, 2013, 12:34:40 PM
And another successful first flight for a Quark. This time in Germany  :clap:  :clap:

Pilot's report no issue, a very easy machine to fly and that will do pretty much everything you ask for. He is now waiting for stronger winds to push the Quark to its limits!
Nice one Alexander!  :clap:  :clap:






Title: presentation & some question
Post by: MicheTN on May 19, 2013, 16:58:35 PM
Hi guys! I'm Michele From Trento (Italy), and I love to build my models from myself, especially from wood. I've just began to scratch-build this plane, from the V2 plans.
I've found some problems printing the fuselage plans on a plotter: I print from Adobe Acrobat but I get a completely out of scale plan. No problem instead with the wings plan. I downloaded the V2 plans from there (

Now a building-question:
I've seen on RC-Groups that someone used a spruce-spar with shear webbing. Honestly I've ever built my spar in this way, instead of CF spar. What's better, in terms of torsion-rigidity and weight?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 20, 2013, 20:06:28 PM
Hi there,

Welcome to the forum!  :D

Hmm, strange fro the plan, I print them from this PDF, no issues  :?:
On top of my head, they are seen as oversize for the fuselage, so you might need to make sure that there is no scaling when printing (100% printing or actual size depending of the software you use to print).

For the spar, to be honest, this is pretty much the same, especially with webbing, this hardly move!
It's more a question of cost, as the price of carbone these days make the build very expensive, and you will build the same glider much cheaper at the end if you use wood spares.
I'm building one with wooden spares, I'll try to put some photos  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: MicheTN on May 20, 2013, 20:50:24 PM
Thanks Fred for your answer!

I will retry tomorrow to print the fuselage plan, i will double-check to the scaling on Adobe.

For the spar:
- on RCG they say 3*10 mm spruce spar and 3mm balsa share (vertical grain of course); could be good?
- wing joiner in this case? spring steel (12*2mm) and brass tube(13*3mm)? how long?
- is really needed to have a full-sheeted wings or can I save some weight with it?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: erwan on May 20, 2013, 21:28:02 PM

I finish mine today, 1730 gr with plan respecting. It's not heavy
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 21, 2013, 14:42:08 PM
Quote from: "MicheTN"
Thanks Fred for your answer!

I will retry tomorrow to print the fuselage plan, i will double-check to the scaling on Adobe.

For the spar:
- on RCG they say 3*10 mm spruce spar and 3mm balsa share (vertical grain of course); could be good?
- wing joiner in this case? spring steel (12*2mm) and brass tube(13*3mm)? how long?
- is really needed to have a full-sheeted wings or can I save some weight with it?

No problem :)

For the spar, on mine is 10x5mm hard wood, no webbing, but I will sheet the wing from LE to spar, so that gives you a sort of "D" box if you see what I mean. Rigid enough for me :)

Wing joiner, like the plan. 10mm OD tube with a 8mm rod as a wing joiner.
On top of my head, they are 2 ribs long, this is enough as the load is then taken on the spars if you see what I mean (front joiner is between the 2 spars)

No need to be fully sheeted. Add  some spar webbing and off you go :)

Also note, that the V2 plan makes the glider lighter than the first version. You should be around 1.5kgs at most!

Hope this helps, but let me know if you have more questions of course  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: MicheTN on May 22, 2013, 15:28:00 PM
Thanks a lot for your details...

So the V2 version isn't jut a longer nose and different ailerons?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: igull on May 24, 2013, 13:39:19 PM
Hi All

Thought I'd post yet another Quark - this time from across in Scotland  :D

I'm lucky in having my own homebrew laser, so cutting wasn't an issue  :)

Used liteply for the fuselage sides rather than 5mm balsa, so I'll see how much lead is needed in the nose :-)

Only had a couple of minor structural issues during the build, the servo plates were only attached front and rear on the formers - consequently, they were really weak at the servo cutout and just cracked when installing the screws (there was also a lot of flex when the servo operated). I changed the design to have the servo plates the same width as the fuzz - also stops the fuselage flexing where it's gripped. The other one was the vertical stab, the top half of the stab is held only by a couple of small areas of horizontal grain - I added a 6mm spruce spar at the fin TE which ties in to the end of the fuzz.

AUW is around 960g naked - I'll post some more pics when covered.

Great looking plane - thanks for making it available - good job!!

BTW, anyone struggling to get carbon tube etc in the UK - I got mine online from Woolmer Forest Composites ...
Not cheap, but nicely made and well packed - real pultruded too - not black chinese dust and epoxy :-)






 :lol:  :lol:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 31, 2013, 08:59:59 AM
Hi Neil,

Welcome to the forum  :D
Thanks for showing us your build, very neat  :clap:  :clap:

For the tubes etc, I have now changed the plan, and wooden spars are now used, and this makes the build even cheaper without compromising the strenght / rigidity of the airframe  :D

Keep us updated for the first flight Looking forward to it  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: igull on May 31, 2013, 15:47:39 PM
Thanks for the kind comments!

Eventually got the machine covered - film courtesy of Mr Cod - seems like good stuff for the price. I've covered the underside in white with the intention of putting big dark blocks of colour on.
Pix attached, always was a frustrated PSS'r  :lol:

With any luck, should get it out on the slope this weekend.

Much prefer the idea of a wood spar - aircraft spruce is much cheaper than carbon tube !



Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 05, 2013, 12:40:42 PM
:oops: Sorry, only see your post now!  :oops:

Anyway, me like it a lot!  :clap:  :clap:
Original colour scheme, that suit it very well on top of that!  :clap:

So, have you done the first flight?  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on July 17, 2013, 09:37:52 AM
Another day, another Quark  :D
This time from France  :D

First launches on the flat went well... First slope session this week end  :D



Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 19, 2013, 12:16:56 PM
Well after nearly a year I had time to maiden my Quark. Had my EPP model just to check the lift, but ailerons were not working, broken lead  :( Oh well lets try the Quark.

Assembled the Quark (note to self need some wire with hooks to do the bands to hold the wings on).


Thought here we go and chucked her off, no problems at all quite twitchy, so switched in rates which helped. very docile and fun to fly. COG looked forward then I had added 2 1/2 oz of lead to be safe for first flight.

Landed, took out lead, added in spoiler for slowing down on landing.

Off we go again, great fun rolls are good as are loops, inverted still needs some 'down' so will look at removing more lead. Gained height and from level dived and did outside loop.

Lift suddenly died so just headed for landing area and just got there in time.

Third flight was great fun, lift still a bit marginal.

Overall great model and really enjoyed the build and the flights.

Note to self fly more and add some white to underside of wing. Ohh and finish Gunau Baby

Alistair  :D  :D  :D  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on July 20, 2013, 18:08:51 PM
Nice one Alistair!  :clap:   :clap:

Glad the first launches went well, and of course, wish you more fun with the Quark  :clap:  :D

So, now, you are right, where is the Grunau??  :?:  :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on August 30, 2013, 21:16:06 PM
Finished the Grunau, and had heavy landing on maiden. There was enough lift for the Quark but a heavier draggier Grunau struggle. Heavy arrival broke both wings and the pylon of the fuz. :(

Oh well at least I still have the Quark.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on August 30, 2013, 21:26:32 PM
Here is a picture of both before the eventful Grunau maiden.


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 31, 2013, 12:27:43 PM
Quote from: "alibodin"
Finished the Grunau, and had heavy landing on maiden. There was enough lift for the Quark but a heavier draggier Grunau struggle. Heavy arrival broke both wings and the pylon of the fuz. :(

Oh well at least I still have the Quark.


Argll!!  :!:  :!:
Bummer! Fixable I hope for the Grunau!
If you need a few bits and pieces, let me know!

At least, you have Quark to fly while fixing the Grunau! How did you find the Quark in flight?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: fabio1963 on September 24, 2013, 16:15:19 PM
hello from italy,
my quark is finished and has been tested successfully in spite of the conditions never good, it was very fun to build, but do not  think it's a matter of a few days.
however, it seems to be an excellent model that keeps its promises.

some pics from genoa righi!
stay cool

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 24, 2013, 19:15:44 PM
Hi Fabio,

Welcome to the forum  :D
Very nice work on your Quark! Glad you like it  :D

And God, that's a nice view over the city from your slope!  :shock:  :clap:  :clap:

Have you planned to apply some colours on your model? (looks like solartex right?  :?:  )
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on October 07, 2013, 23:57:44 PM

Yet another Quark slowly taking shape 900 grms of sanded balsa, I'm sure I probably started with 2kg. I have since sheeted the tailfin with 1/32 balsa for rigidity but will leave rudder as is. I think I will split the ailerons for dual servo operation as I think my little servos would not be man enough for the job. I used a wooden pushrod with wire bound for tailplane and bushed the bellcrank  with brass tube to fit the wire ( no wobble) Nice kit Fred, good wood and beautifully cut. Lot of work in them wings.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 08, 2013, 12:09:13 PM
Well, that was quick!!  :clap:
Looking good John!
And 2Kgs, you will end up lighter than that! Guaranteed! (my proto, with short nose etc etc, ended up at 1.7kgs...)
Everybody build the kit between 1.2 and 1.5kgs for the heaviest ones  :D

Anyway, whatever weight, you will enjoy the flying  :D  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on October 23, 2013, 10:27:25 AM

All done and near ready to fly. Just need the weather to comply.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on October 23, 2013, 12:21:44 PM
Very nice John. Haven't taken mine out of the box yet!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Keith on October 23, 2013, 17:10:17 PM
Nice model john well done
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 24, 2013, 11:00:50 AM
Very good John!

Let me know when you go to the slope to fly it!  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on October 24, 2013, 22:06:42 PM
Will do Fred, doesn't look like it will be this weekend.
Looking forward to maiden.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on November 03, 2013, 00:08:00 AM
Hi Fred,
         Thinking of going up to Killakee tomorrow Sunday, it's sofar looking weatherwise promising around midday.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 05, 2013, 11:53:20 AM
Hey John,

Sorry, was not online last week end  :?

Did you fly it on Sunday?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on November 05, 2013, 22:13:16 PM
No, It was a bit gusty and I was alone. I didn't want risk a self launch in those winds. Flew my spitfire and that was pretty hairy.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: stephen.shannon on November 05, 2013, 22:46:49 PM
smashin paint job john, I'm like bill havent taken mine from the box yet.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 06, 2013, 08:41:25 AM
Quote from: "johnfireball"
No, It was a bit gusty and I was alone. I didn't want risk a self launch in those winds. Flew my spitfire and that was pretty hairy.

Yeah, Sunday's conditions were a bit on the extreme side for the Quark!

You don't have my number to text me?  :?:
Maybe this week end? I might be free
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on November 10, 2013, 00:03:51 AM
Hi all,
      Maidened my Quark today,':D' what a beautiful flyer. She went straight off only needing a few clicks of downtrim to sort her out. I was really impressed with the efficiency of the wing section so much so that I had some difficulty in getting her down. It was quite windy 25 knots, after about 6 passes attempting to put her down Jim commented that "the wind will drop at about 7pm".':shock:' I think that I might have too much reflex on the ailerons and maybe will programme it to be adjustable during flight. Best glider I've ever flew and looking forward to flying it some more.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 19, 2013, 12:37:07 PM
Congratulations again on the first flight of your Quark John!  :clap:

Glad you like it  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Jinxter on December 23, 2013, 00:19:42 AM
Hi all,

Greetings from Australia :)
Fred - I love the look of the Quark and I can't wait to get it flying. Also a big thank you for making the plans available.

I am about to start building my quark over the Christmas break and I am planning to make the wing with flaps. The landing site at my local slope is very tight so the slower the better.

I would like to know what percent of span you would recommend for the flaps?

At present the my quark is just a lot of balsa but I'll include some photos as I get the build underway.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 25, 2013, 12:35:44 PM
Hi Colin,

Welcome to the forum, and good to see you here  :D
The original Quark plan have flaps actually, but decided not to do them.
On the plan, flaps are roughly 50% of the ailerons.
With quadros etc etc, that should gives you a nice setup.

Mind you, flaps are not essential for landing, with ailerons down, and the low wing loading, that thing can land pretty much anywhere   :D

Have fun with the build, and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. (and please, post photos!  :D  :D )
Title: hello with green and skull
Post by: fabio1963 on January 01, 2014, 11:24:11 AM
happy new years guys!

I'm going to finish paining my quark,
here are my wings,
soon the complete livrea finished.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 01, 2014, 17:32:01 PM
Looking good Fabio!  :clap:
I like the white trims on the wings. Are they painted?  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: fabio1963 on January 02, 2014, 18:38:48 PM
yes Fred,
 totally painted, I used 3m strips for trims and frisket for lettering, airbrush for skull.
yesterday after a stout landing my quark suffered some damages in the fuselage near the bayonet. exactly around the first ribs on the fuselage, both  disconnected...
I repaired it applying some thin plywood poplar inside the fuselage, but I suggest to reinforce this part of our quark.sorry for my english


Quote from: "Fred"
Looking good Fabio!  :clap:
I like the white trims on the wings. Are they painted?  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 02, 2014, 22:15:27 PM
Hi Fabio,

No worries for your English (very good), you should hear my Italian!   :D  :oops:

Sorry to hear about your crash! If I understand, the fuselage broke at the wing joiner right?
Is the plywood rib on the fuselage that broke?  :?:  (If you have a photo, I will be happy to have a look at a modification here, maybe by adding another rib / support inside the fuselage  :?: )

Anyway, you are way better at painting than me! You have skills!  :clap:   I only manage to use stickers, everything else usually end up in a disaster!  :oops:  :oops:
Title: Newbie questions
Post by: Nick on January 22, 2014, 13:10:50 PM
Hi All
Just received my Quark kit , as I'm an inexperienced balsa basher  I have a few question I'm hoping you can help with .

1. Whats best for the wing spar's Stika spruce or cyparis ?
2. The wing ribs have a 5X5mm notch in the front is this for the leading edge  or does the leading go on top of that ?
3. Presumably the leading edge should be of fairly hard material, would stika spruce be a good thing to use ?
4. Can you recommend some reasonably priced servos ?
All comments/advice welcome .
Thanks in advance .

Nick .
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 24, 2014, 07:46:55 AM
Hey Nick,

Welcome to the forum, and apologies for the late reply  :oops:

In order :)

1>For the spars, I kept it simple, and used Pine :) I started another wing with balsa spars, and works well so far, but if you have access to both materials, I would take Stika spruce then, but don't worry too much about that :)
2>The 5x5 notches are what we call a "false" Leading Edge. The real LE will be glued into it. This add stiffness and support, can be made of 5x5 balsa or pine (in my case)
3> In my case, they are balsa, because easier to sand in shape, and that is pretty solid with the 5x5mm pine backing. You also have to try to keep it as light as you can
4> For servos, in my Quark, I used the Hobbyking stuff. I used the MG14 for the ailerons, and standard size servos for the Rudder/Elevator, but the range is huge! Try to get servos with metal gears, standard size for the rudder/elevator if possible, but you can of course go smaller. Mini size for the ailerons, like I did with the MG14, but you can also use the HS81 or equivalent of course :)

Hope this helps, and that is clear, but let us know if not, happy to help :)
And keep us posted on the build :)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on September 21, 2014, 23:13:51 PM
Flew the Quark this evening in really light lift, once I switched in the rates for aileron and elevator she was great fun to fly in the marginal conditions. Managed a few loops and rolls. God practice to fly smoothly so as not to loose too much height.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 25, 2014, 11:38:10 AM
Nice one Alistair!  :clap:
I can't remember, but do you have any photos of your Quark?  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on September 25, 2014, 20:07:05 PM
Yes I think  I sent you some and they are on Island Models Website.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on November 02, 2014, 21:53:38 PM

Having built a Quark has anyone retro fitted an extra set of servos in the wing to add flaps and aileron, is it easyish?

Looking to add flaps to allow crow braking to help me land on the slopes I fly.


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 06, 2014, 10:33:03 AM
Hey Alistair,

I am not aware of any retrofitting.  :?:
Should not be too hard I think. Cut the ailerons maybe where the servo bay is.
Add a servo on a piece of wood glued between 2 ribs near the wing root.
I would try to put the additional servo as close as possible to the wing root to avoid adding too much weight far from the fuselage. will help with inertia a bit :)

Another way, might be to install the servo, if you use a mini one, in a cut-out in a rib  :?:  Might fit. And with a piece of plywood to re-inforce it, should be no problem, and slick once recovered  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on November 10, 2014, 19:53:42 PM
Thanks Fred,

On further thought I think I will keep the Quark as is.

If I get another maybe build it in from the start :)

Title: Quark in 2015
Post by: heli_bee on April 12, 2015, 19:12:21 PM
This weekend saw me test fly my Quark. The winds were 25mph gusting 35mph but the model flew, and flew well.

I ended up removing 35 grams of lead from the nose, moving the CG back behind the the plan position. Not sure where it is set right now but with the wing and tailplane at 0:0 incidence the model will continue in a dive and not pull out.


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 13, 2015, 14:24:22 PM
Hi Martin,

Welcome to the forum :)

Now, that's a nice photo! Like the scheme! Glad you like the Quark and the first flight went well :)

For the CG, I believe the most extreme I saw, was somewhere between the 2 wing joiners!
If you fly inverted, do you have to push a lot?
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: heli_bee on April 13, 2015, 14:57:09 PM
Hi Fred,

Thanks for the compliments on the colour scheme. It came about because I was using up lots of odds and ends from my covering box. I haven't done more than repair existing coverings for the last ten years so I was pleased with the result! It can certainly be seen.

As to flying inverted, I still need about a half stick of down elevator to maintain level flight. I will try again in lighter wind conditions and may shift the CG back again.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 13, 2015, 15:19:42 PM
Hi Martin,

The scheme does look nice, and done with leftovers on top of that!  :clap:
Half a stick... Hummm, Is the elevator with the f"flat" profile, or the "proper" profile one?  :?:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: heli_bee on April 13, 2015, 15:35:32 PM

The elevator is the proper profile one - CNC cut.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: heli_bee on April 14, 2015, 09:25:00 AM

With the benefit of hindsight, the actual amount of down elevator movement to maintain altitude when inverted is not that much, when you think about it.
I am currently using 60% exponential as per the plan!

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 14, 2015, 10:14:50 AM
Hi Martin,

AAahhhh OK, 60% expo on the elevator!

Sorry, I think I made a mistake (never updated the values!) but on the article, I said I totally removed the expo on the elevator  :oops:
Much sharper response, but you can start by reducing it to 30%

I double check my plan!  :oops:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: heli_bee on April 14, 2015, 10:59:47 AM

I had planned on trying to reduce the expo on the controls once I had got comfortable with the flying characteristics. I will reduce the elevator throw a bit and try 30% expo for the next flight.


Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 14, 2015, 12:07:30 PM
Hi Martin,

30% sound like a good start. You should not see much difference, just a bit less push on the stick.
The benefits will be a much sharper response of the elevator, a bit more in "phase" with the rest of the controls if you see what I mean :)

Let me know how it goes :)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: heli_bee on April 27, 2015, 10:26:17 AM
Flew the Quark again yesterday. The winds were 10-15mph and occasionally  25° off the slope.
The model flew well with the elevator expo set to 30%. I will reduce it to zero for the next flight.
Everybody on the slope was surprised at the quality of the slow speed handling and the roll rate  :D
With a couple of mm droop on the ailerons the model climbed very well.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 27, 2015, 10:44:41 AM
Very nice Martin  :clap:
I totally removed the expo on mine on the elevator. Much better I think, more "in line" with the rest in the controls for responses.

Glad you enjoy your Quark  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on May 03, 2015, 18:04:22 PM
Whoops, removed too much lead from my Quark and that old adage of to rear a COG one hectic flight with heavy landing was true. :(

Managed to break both carbon wing joiners, fuz was a little sad and broken. Wings not a mark on them.

Mending fuz was like a 3 D jigsaw puzzle put the balsa bits back in place and hold all square and add thin cyno. Did add some fuz reinforcing inside the fuz. Anyway all fixed and COG is now at about 65mm from leading edge which is very safe. :)

My question is how long do the carbon wing joiners need to be??

Is 320mm long enough for the front and 260mm for the rear?

If not I need some new Carbon fibre rods!

Feedback welcome, thank you.

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 19, 2015, 09:26:05 AM
Hey Alistair,

Sorry to hear about your Quark :(

Your wing joiners are long enough. I think that was roughly the size of mine. In theory, even half that would be enough  :D
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 19, 2015, 09:38:55 AM
Talking about the Quark, more are being made, and this time (first I hear from over there) in Canada :)

And in France with this nice exemple:



And they say that Copy is the best form of flattery... I can't remember how they called it, but I'm getting used to it at this stage :) (that would be the 4th copy I'm aware of. Or as they say, "inspired by" but much better :)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on May 19, 2015, 13:37:20 PM
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” … Just thought I’d let you know, Fred :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 19, 2015, 13:51:26 PM
^^Yeah, what the old man said  :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on May 19, 2015, 14:21:34 PM
Less of the 'Old'...if you don't mind! :evil:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on May 19, 2015, 18:21:00 PM
Ancient then?  :D  :wink:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on May 19, 2015, 19:05:56 PM
"Mature,".... will suffice Mr Scott. :D  

Like a fine wine, I improve with age :P
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on May 19, 2015, 20:09:07 PM
or end up "corked"  :?:

Can't talk 5...............................0 this year!
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on May 19, 2015, 20:13:35 PM
Quote from: "billscottni"
or end up "corked"  :?:
:lol:  :lol: ....That was very witty Bill. (You sod!)

Yeah, I guess that would be about my luck.
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on May 19, 2015, 20:21:30 PM
Us old buggers need to stick together :cry:  :cry:
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on May 20, 2015, 19:45:53 PM
Hey I resemble some of those comments :)

Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Happy Days on May 20, 2015, 21:23:59 PM
Okay then Alistair, which of those terms resembles yourself: :?:

Old Bugger.
Or, ‘Corked.’
Be honest now, remember, “Tell the truth and shame the devil.” :lol:

Little Keith
Title: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on May 20, 2015, 22:32:41 PM
A fair resemblance to the first three so my children tell me!

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 28, 2016, 17:19:21 PM
I received a bunch of photos of an Electro Quark 2M! Looks like this is getting more and more popular!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on July 25, 2016, 15:31:24 PM
Hi guys !

Screwing this topic out of old Irish mountains !

I consider building a Quark from the short kit in September or so. I start to review all thing as the kit is on order...

One thing I have to statute before starting the wings : 2 ailerons or quadro-flaps ?

I've seen in this old topics that the discussion have been started long ago and was even the first question. I've not (yet) read everything but have you all arrived to a statement about it ? I try to have an estimation of how many quark are "quadros"...

What are plus and minus ?
Quadro plus :
Quadro minus:
Best regards and happy flights !
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on July 27, 2016, 09:06:50 AM
Nobody here ?
 :( :'( :-[
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on July 27, 2016, 09:16:03 AM
all on holidays 8)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on July 27, 2016, 10:02:00 AM

 :( :( :(
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on July 28, 2016, 05:50:43 AM
Erwan  à monté le sien avec des quadro-flaps
Il peut te l amener à creully
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 02, 2016, 08:00:10 AM
Hi guys !

Screwing this topic out of old Irish mountains !

I consider building a Quark from the short kit in September or so. I start to review all thing as the kit is on order...

One thing I have to statute before starting the wings : 2 ailerons or quadro-flaps ?

I've seen in this old topics that the discussion have been started long ago and was even the first question. I've not (yet) read everything but have you all arrived to a statement about it ? I try to have an estimation of how many quark are "quadros"...

What are plus and minus ?
Quadro plus :
  • butterfly airbrakes
  • fine tuned flaps curvature for flight conditions
  • less flap throw than ailerons for less adverse yaw
Quadro minus:
  • complicated (4 servos, 4 links, Tx program)
  • heavier

Best regards and happy flights !

Howdy Jean-Mi,

Ok, so, to answer quickly the question. I am only aware of 2 or 3 Quarks with Quadro (out of maybe 200+ built).
I understand the move to put Quadros, but, in this case, does that really add more to the flying? I would not be too sure.
I have to say, I never flew a Quark with Quadros, but let's say that when flying mine, I never felt the need to have "more stuff" added to it. So are the few people I talked to who are flying a Quark.

Landing? Never had any mix. Front of the wind, pull elevator, control the descent with the ailerons, done :)

Camber? The SB96-96VS combination is very well known. I flew thermals with the Quark, so as in big winds. Without changing anything to the wing platform. In my view, pick a good profile, polyvalent, and you are sorted. It will never be 100% in all conditions, but let's say, in my opinion, compared to fully symmetrical profiles, you cannot compare the ease of flying. Much more important to me than fiddling with switches :) Launch, fly.

Adverse yaw, I have to say I haven't noticed or remember :(

Anyway, this is my view. Keep it simple, but totally opened to debate :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on August 02, 2016, 09:04:45 AM
Thanks Fred !

That's a good resume I was waiting for... Keep It Simple, I like this...
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on October 25, 2016, 09:04:00 AM
So, I've started my Quark !...

Well, by the most simple part...

 ::) 8)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on October 25, 2016, 11:15:47 AM
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 16, 2016, 15:19:28 PM
Warm up :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 01, 2016, 08:17:48 AM
More and more Quarks are being built!  :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on December 01, 2016, 09:55:51 AM
Great news !  8)

In facts, there not so much available gliders like that on the market !
A pure aerobatics glider : not so much on market !
Not a full fiberglass one : not so much on market !
Easy to build, to repair, not hesitating to do aerobatics at low level : not so much on market !
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on December 01, 2016, 16:16:13 PM
Very true!
And in general I think there are still a lot of builders out there. For planes, or gliders for that matter :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on January 30, 2017, 09:48:33 AM
Hi folks !

More seriously, I've really started mine... Goes like a charm...

I've done few modification of the servo tray by adding a tow servo and few reinforcement for good rigidity. Let's continue !
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 30, 2017, 20:23:14 PM
Sweet!  :-*
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on January 31, 2017, 14:05:02 PM
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on February 06, 2017, 10:32:15 AM
Hi guys !

Next step...

I've put 5x5mm balsa stick all around the canopy for stiffness purpose (as servo tray don't touch the sidewalls). This leads to modification of frame C3, but not on frame C2.
Also prepared the elevator rod (not finished servo side) : it will be carbon rod in this all wood glider...  ;D :o

Then, assembly on the fuse ! Nice curve !   :-[ :-X:-*
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 07, 2017, 10:21:45 AM
 :-* :-* Nice build Jean Mi!
You have 2 months to finish it!  ::)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on February 07, 2017, 11:11:34 AM
Good job
Depeche toi 8)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: cicciopasticcio on February 12, 2017, 17:11:14 PM
Hi all,

this is my first post here. I am also planning to build a quark. But I have one question... (I am not so an experienced builder..).
Which is the best method to glue the carbon tubes in the wing to the wing ribs? Cynao? Or 90 minutes epoxy?


Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on February 12, 2017, 18:12:22 PM
I used cyno to secure them in place and then some epoxy to add some more strength.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on February 13, 2017, 10:15:07 AM
Hello Marco ! Welcome...

For Carbon I use Cyano with great success. Just put a little grind with sand paper on the areas to be glued and it's strong.

Just put parts in the right place and use very fluid cyano to add glue.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on February 13, 2017, 10:17:11 AM
Last news... Becoming better, fuse nearly complete. Color is comming !  8)

Seems I need a pair of wing and a stabilizer...  :o
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: cicciopasticcio on February 13, 2017, 22:51:21 PM
Hello Marco ! Welcome...

For Carbon I use Cyano with great success. Just put a little grind with sand paper on the areas to be glued and it's strong.

Just put parts in the right place and use very fluid cyano to add glue.
I used cyno to secure them in place and then some epoxy to add some more strength.


Hi, thanks to both of you! I look forward to complete the build in the next weekend, and the I will post pics!

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 14, 2017, 21:33:00 PM
Hi Marco,

Welcome to the forum :)
Enjoy your Quak build, and do not hesitate to share photos or ask anything :)

Like the others, I used Cyano for my tubes. Then, a second pass, outside, with Cyano accelerator. The cyano becomes hard and really seal the tube to the ribs. Not sure if this is actually "working" but I felt better after I did it :) It's all in my head :)

@ Nhalyn: Looks very good!! :)
Keep up the great work! April is coming soon!

And finally, the Quark in the snow! Photos received  from Sweden.. Or Norway, I can't remember!  :-[ :-[
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: cicciopasticcio on February 14, 2017, 23:53:16 PM
Hi Marco,

Welcome to the forum :)
Enjoy your Quak build, and do not hesitate to share photos or ask anything :)

Like the others, I used Cyano for my tubes. Then, a second pass, outside, with Cyano accelerator. The cyano becomes hard and really seal the tube to the ribs. Not sure if this is actually "working" but I felt better after I did it :) It's all in my head :)

Hi Fred, thanks! I will share pics for sure. Promise.

I am waiting for the balsa sheets to start the wing build. I think I will try Cyano+activator at first: however the fit between few ribs and the tube is slightly loose. so I may use epoxy as well where needed (I have a new UHU plus 90 minutes box). Or do you think Cyano+activator can be just fine also for loose fit? I never built a wing with a carbon tube spar so far..

Thanks and see you soon ,

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on February 15, 2017, 09:01:47 AM
Hi !
If ribs are just sightly loose, Cyano + Accelerator will be fine, as this tighten the cyano "as it is", so give it volume.

I prefer cyano, as I fell it will live longer and better than quick époxy.

April is comming quick, and I done nothing since last sunday ! Grrrrr... But I will have time for the next two days and week-end. Goal is to have fuse ready for cover on friday.  8) (that's a project... :-[ :-X)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on February 15, 2017, 09:03:21 AM
Quark in snow is pretty cool, in all senses of words !
But why have covered it in white ? Camouflage ?  ;D
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on February 20, 2017, 12:50:49 PM
Hello all !

Lets have a finished rudder...  ::)

Hummmm... Fred, I think there is a mistake in the cutting file of the quark : a missing hole in the rib number N0 !  :(
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on March 08, 2017, 17:05:36 PM
My Quark build is coming along pretty well (though I'll post some photos below so you can tell me what I've done wrong!).

Two pressing questions as I'm on the tail and fin:

1. Do people glue the tail(s) onto the axle and incidence rod through the bellcrank? My inclination would be to keep the tail removable, if only for ease of repairing (not that I intend that to be necessary!) and travelling, but if so, what's the best way to keep it in place.

2. After dry-mounting the fin, and cutting through the stringers, I realised that the fin and rudder will be supported mainly by the tail end of the fuselage - behind the incidence pin slot. This isn't as rigid as I would like because of that slot, and the lower part of the fin (that straddles the upper part of the slot) has got a fair amount of give in it so isn't a lot of help. Should I be worried about this? I'm somewhat inclined to sheet the fin with 1mm balsa, cross-grained with the base of the fin, but don't want to add any more weight than necessary.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on March 08, 2017, 21:07:52 PM
Hi Danny,
             Looking good. For the fin I cut a slot down the trailing edge and glued in a carbon rod that extends through the fuselage into a balsa block glued to the bottom fuse sheeting.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on March 08, 2017, 21:56:40 PM
Thanks - yes, I was planning on doing that anyway (possibly making a hinge with rod & tube, so long as I have enough). But my concer was that the tip of the fuselage is supported by not that much fuselage - just the section underneath the curved slot. It twists more easily than I would like.

I'm actually in the process of sheeting the fin (I have some nice 1/32" sheet from long long ago) with the grain running vertically. Hopefully that should stiffen up the bottom of the fin, and therefore reduce the twistability...
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on March 09, 2017, 00:38:13 AM
Hey Danny, I sheeted the fin with 1/32 and with the rod it's plenty strong. It's a slow flyer anyway so not much stress. I just plug in the elevators which are a bit stiff and they hold ok only move out on landing. If they're loose rub a bit of impact adhesive on the rod to give a bit of grip.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on March 09, 2017, 01:12:14 AM
I had just sheeted the fin with 1/32, dry fitted it, and liked the improvement, when I saw your post - so all is good. With the rod as well it should be fine. Thanks for the info about the elevators too.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on March 09, 2017, 12:36:48 PM
Rudder should be sheeted ? I've not done on mine...  :-[

I've add carbon plate 3x1mm at the rear end of the rudder for the full height and also a small part in the rudder leading edge at the basis. Seems enough strong for me.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 10, 2017, 09:19:10 AM
Hi Danny, welcome here :)

Sorry, I'm coming after the battle, but no reports of any rudder issues.
Like John, (but without the block) I glued a 4mm carbone tube along the rudder. Landed a few times on the back (ooppss!) and never broke anything :)

I was also thinking making the rudder removable, and use the 4mm tube as the hinge... But never did it.

As far as I know, very few people, if any, sheeted the rudder. Once covered, it's much stronger. but no arm in doing it anyway! :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on March 13, 2017, 10:21:48 AM
Hi guys !
Some news from the battlefield...

Here is a ready to fly fuse... And believe me, this box contains a full pair of wing...  :-[

Well, with a little touch of glue, looks better...
Note that I've add some cross ribs Inside the ailerons and now they are perfectly torsion rigid for nothing more in weight. Perfect for high rools rates !

Right wing is now ready for sanding and covering.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on March 13, 2017, 11:32:38 AM
That looks good. I think I may adopt your cross-bracing on the ailerons.

I have a numpty question - what do people use/favour for covering? Oracover/Profilm or Solarfilm? Is Oralight too, well, light? Do I need to treat the wood before covering or will that just add unnecessary weight?

The last wood glider I made was a Phase 6 (still going strong, fibreglassed), and before that either tissue or nylon & dope planes. I'm a bit behind the times...
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on March 13, 2017, 13:10:10 PM
Mine is covered with oracover without threatment, not neccessary.

Oralight is lighter but also more fragile.
Solarfilm is still good...
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on March 14, 2017, 12:39:29 PM
What looks likes a left wing inside ?
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 14, 2017, 21:19:26 PM
Hi Danny,

Mine was covered with the cheapo hobbyking semi transparent covering. Worked well.
Otherwise, same as Nhalyn, Oracover or solar are good choices  :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on March 22, 2017, 09:01:51 AM
some news ?
It's finished !
(Well, need to create control horn and command for ailerons, and setting center of gravity, but that's all, folks...)

Is it yellow cub or yellow duck ?

QUARK !!!  8) :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on March 25, 2017, 22:31:42 PM
I'm getting there!

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 26, 2017, 08:48:25 AM
These 2 Quarks are coming along nicely! 8)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on March 27, 2017, 11:20:29 AM
Good !

Mine is fully sheeted on the wings.

Final weight is 1.6kg ready to fly.

I need a slope, urgently... ::)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on March 27, 2017, 11:49:31 AM
Maybe monday 8)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 27, 2017, 12:34:14 PM
Or Sunday :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on March 27, 2017, 12:39:15 PM
Hummmmmm :) 8)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on March 27, 2017, 12:55:40 PM
 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on March 27, 2017, 14:17:26 PM
We will have to share the Guinness can we have :(
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: mario on March 27, 2017, 14:29:34 PM
Ça part  en vrille ce post ::)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on April 01, 2017, 23:45:05 PM
Basically done - just need to hook up the ailerons, secure the radio gear/battery and add some nose weight (160g). Total weight will be 1330g for the CG as on the plan.

Unfortunately I can't fly it tomorrow because... I'm going flying (full size). Life is tough!

I was thinking of adding wavey strips (orange with black borders) on the wings (my daughter likes nemo colours!) - not sure whether to do that with covering (oracover) or paint?
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on April 02, 2017, 16:43:56 PM
solartrim or vinyl would do it.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on April 05, 2017, 23:51:22 PM
Woohoo - it flies! I finally got it airworthy last night, and as luck would have it needed to take this afternoon off work anyway, so off I trotted to the nearest slope at Wittenham Clumps. A pretty place, but not a great slope at the best of times, and with the wind at about 45 degrees to the main slope, it was not the best of times! I tested the air with my DLG - that had no trouble staying up, but the air was rough and not providing much lift. Worth a go, though.

So off went the Quark - and wow! It's so sensitive and responsive, even at low speeds. With a touch of flaps it actually stayed up pretty well (though was obviously never going to match the DLG). The wind turned along the slope after a while, but before it did I managed to catch a thermal and gain enough height to do a loop and roll - the roll rate is amazing, and I loved the howl that it produced! After having to land due to lack of lift a few times I thought it best not to push things too hard. Really looking forward to flying this in good conditions!

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on April 12, 2017, 12:49:48 PM
Hi all !

Mine fly also, directly in it's mother country : Ireland !  :-*

After first flight in Enniscorthy by aero towing that shows that it flies very well and do goods aerobatics, I was able to launch it at Mount Leistner for a great aerobatic baptism and tuning time !

What I can say is : WOW !  :-*  :-X:-* :-X :-*

I love it ! Such powerful commands !

Also maindeneid my lunack and it's a blast also to play with friends...  ::)

Thank you Fred for such a kit !  :-* ;)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on April 12, 2017, 13:03:06 PM

Mine will be going to Ireland on its holidays later this year :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on April 27, 2017, 14:40:56 PM
It seems ( ;)) Fred takes a lot of photos during my flight at west side of Mount leinstner... I hope I should see somes...  ;)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 08, 2017, 10:49:44 AM
Apologies for the silence!  :-[

@Danny, well done on your first flight!! Your Quark is really looking good! And don't hesitate to say hello if you are passing by! :)

I can confirm that Nhalyn pretty much tried everything possible on his Quark! And Seeing the smiles, looks like the glider performed! :)
The Square loops were even looking really good! :)

Below are a few photos, more on the event page!  :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on May 09, 2017, 09:57:56 AM
Yes !
Thanks for the images !!!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on May 12, 2017, 07:45:36 AM
Powered Quark from France - First flight.
It works! :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on June 13, 2017, 07:57:46 AM
More Quark porn! :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on June 13, 2017, 09:54:34 AM
Hummm... like this porn style... :-[

Very nice scheme !
And, hum, think that guy will not have enough elevator...
When I see what goes up with 30° of throw, can't imagine what it will be with 80° !!!  ???

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on August 07, 2017, 22:14:59 PM
Here's my Quark flying during holidays in Ireland (Kilkee Cliffs):

It was lovely to fly. Unfortunately the receiver was glitchy so after a couple of scares I didn't dare fly any more.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 10, 2017, 07:41:01 AM
That is some very good flying Danny!
Glad you like your Quark, and I hope you'll have fun with it for a very long time.

One day, I'll do a fibre glass version, I would love to try.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on August 10, 2017, 09:03:56 AM
Naaaaaah...  :( :-\ :'(

Not a good idea for me... The cool thing  8) with the Quark is that it is full wood build ! So easy to build, easy to repair, not sensible to small scratches and crashes  ;D, and durable.

A crack on the slope ? Just fill with thin cyano  :-X and continue to fly... Can't do that with fiberglass.

My Psycho 2 is currently in poor status with fuselage in 3 parts after a loss of talent during an inverted vertical reversement. Still to rebuilt, in fact I've built a Quark since this time...

A good improvement for the Quark : don't do that big holes in the rear fuse flank in order to make the fuse more torsional stiff. You will lost 10 or 15 grams on the final weight... Maybe 20gr ? On a glider that weights 1200 to 1600gr ??? That's the weak point of this glider...
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on August 13, 2017, 14:55:09 PM
I know, I know  :-[  fundamentally, I agree with you totally :)
And the choice of wood may have also explain its success. "Easy" to build, affordable, easy to fix, and can be modify to suits your needs (make it very light, normal, heavy, electric, stiff etc etc).

I also like a 2.5 or 3m version (was designed to be 3m originally), but the 2 meters one is easier to transport everywhere :)

For the back holes, true, I can remove them on future cuts. Not sure how much you gain really in weight, as the balsa I use is very light. Less than 10 grs at the back I'd say. I'll have a look, but that is a very simple change :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on August 15, 2017, 12:23:53 PM
Some of you might have encountered my R/C simulator ( ( which has a subtle bias towards gliders :) I've created a Quark for it, and have been setting it up following my flying time during holidays in Ireland. I think I'm pretty happy with it, though I'd need to fly the real thing again to confirm. Here's a video - flying in moderate winds, very little turbulence (less than I had in Ireland), and on a big hill: (

I'm not sure I'd dare try the crazy snap reversal around 0:36 but I'd love to know if it works on the real Quark!

If you want to/can test it so I can refine the behaviour, a Windows installer is here: (

I just noticed I haven't yet made a correct thumbnail for it in the description/selection part of the application.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on August 16, 2017, 01:15:37 AM
Brilliant, love it, great, the most superb brilliant super biggest brilliant thing I've ever seen.

Donald Trump.

Well done, downloaded it, have to try. 
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on August 17, 2017, 11:32:18 AM
I also like a 2.5 or 3m version (was designed to be 3m originally), but the 2 meters one is easier to transport everywhere :)

I think that the 2 meters version is the best compromise for this aerobatic very dedicated glider.

Volume of the glider is not that small (big fuselage) and not that easy to hide in the car instead of madam wanting a calm week-end near that beautiful slope... ;D

More seriously, the 2m version can fly everywhere and you can have it always with you. Even on smallest slopes, even on high mountains with 30 minutes walk-to with other gliders on your bag, etc...

A 3 meters version should be really competitive and great but very big ! Not that easy to launch alone and not motivated to launch on weak conditions (where you will have a try with the 2 meters's)

In fact, if you look at history and to the "Voltij'" full composite glider from Toulouse manufacturer "Aeromod", it was a 2 meters class glider, a very good one (I've got one !). There was also a 4 meters version (scale 2 !) that was awesome, but it was no more an easy glider ! Weight was 12kg to 18kg dependant of pilots style, but was far better around 15kg, that means not self launchable on slopes, and even with help hard to launch. On flat field a big tow plane was needed, and it was an aerobatic only glider... It was very impressive to see it fly, like a big whale doing aerobatic effortissevely close to you. I even fly one, one or two times on a flat field, and it was a blast ! But that's the one that you fly only few times a year...

A 4 meters scale 2 Quark should be very fun builded very light like 8 kg... To fly on slope close to you... Based on my Quark weight, 1.6kg, a scale 2 glider should be around 8x this mass, that means 12.8kg... That's coherent with Voltij' experience but leads to the same conclusion... Fly not that much if you can't go to slope directly with your car and have not a good launcher or bungy ! :'(

Would prefer to have a big modern scale model like ASH26 at 5 meters... More polyvalent, can do thermal flight and high speed flight with aerobatics for the same weight...
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Beachy68 on August 25, 2017, 08:05:49 AM
I've not posted before but found this thread a few months back when looking for a subject for my first ever balsa build. I decided to jump in at the deep end and cut all the parts myself and I'm pleased how it has turned out. The only thing that remains is to see if it will actually fly! I'll let you know....

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Nhalyn on August 25, 2017, 09:13:22 AM
Very good job !  :-*
Looks fine, she should fly... :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Beachy68 on September 05, 2017, 20:32:02 PM
She's now balanced and fully ready to fly. Just waiting for a bit of wind but as usual the weather isn't playing ball at the moment. I built everything as per the plan except for the wing where I used 10mm x 3mm spruce spars with a balsa shear web. The carbon tubes are therefore only used for joining purposes and so only go as far as the first 3 ribs which I made from 3mm ply. The total flying weight is 1.2kg which seems lower than most so I hope I haven't under built the wing or forgotten something important! This is my first ever balsa build so we'll see...
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on September 05, 2017, 21:01:43 PM
Beautifully finished
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Beachy68 on September 11, 2017, 20:31:19 PM
Well, it flies! I went to Whitesheet Hill yesterday and finally tried my Quark out. Conditions weren't exactly ideal with 24mph winds gusting over 30, but I couldn't resist it. I'm glad to report although it wasn't ideal conditions, I could tell it flies really well. Landing was surprisingly easy with plenty of up aileron acting as spoilers. I'm really looking forward to flying it again in about half that wind speed which should be just about perfect!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: jonboshoff on November 04, 2017, 16:26:57 PM
I am new to this forum but have been following it for a while now, as I have become hooked on VTPR flying, having built a Le Fish last year and having a ball with it.
My next project is the Quark 2m, and I have already cut the foam wing cores and plan to eventually glass the whole thing.
My question is this: What is the modified stabiliser airfoil section number, as I would like to cut foam cores for it (I know.....the wood version is perfectly good, but I want to try anyway!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 06, 2017, 20:33:37 PM
Hi there, and welcome to the forum :)

On top of my head, this is a NACA 009 (classic, nothing fancy :) )

Keep us posted with your progress! (The Quark was originally designed as a foam wing, FG gider!)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: jonboshoff on November 10, 2017, 09:27:05 AM
Many thanks Fred :) I will keep you posted on progress!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2017, 15:12:25 PM
Some of you might have encountered my R/C simulator ( ( which has a subtle bias towards gliders :) I've created a Quark for it, and have been setting it up following my flying time during holidays in Ireland. I think I'm pretty happy with it, though I'd need to fly the real thing again to confirm. Here's a video - flying in moderate winds, very little turbulence (less than I had in Ireland), and on a big hill: (

I'm not sure I'd dare try the crazy snap reversal around 0:36 but I'd love to know if it works on the real Quark!

If you want to/can test it so I can refine the behaviour, a Windows installer is here: (

I just noticed I haven't yet made a correct thumbnail for it in the description/selection part of the application.

WTF!?!?  :-[ Was looking for a photo, and found the above! How did I missed your post Danny!!?  :-[

I did not knew you were the creator of what is most certainly the best Slope simulator in the known Universe! And having the Quark on it is a real honor!!

I can only encourage people to download/donate for PicaSim, especially during building season to keep your piloting skills sharp, or to discover new moves!

I go back in my cave  :-X
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on November 10, 2017, 16:12:01 PM
Fred, I psoted you the link on FB :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2017, 16:41:32 PM
OOohhh Ok, I missed that!  :-[ :'(
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on November 10, 2017, 16:42:34 PM
Poor Fred
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on November 10, 2017, 16:47:07 PM
I know  :'(
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on December 31, 2017, 12:47:39 PM (

I'm not sure I'd dare try the crazy snap reversal around 0:36 but I'd love to know if it works on the real Quark!

I tried it today - it does indeed work on the real thing!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 04, 2018, 11:08:44 AM
Now, that's nice!! :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: DannyChapman on January 04, 2018, 13:13:01 PM
Next will be to try the mad-snap:

I tried this on my Phase 6 earlier in the year and it mostly worked - even though the elevator throw on the P6 is quite tame (I had my keychain cam on it... recording... but with the lens cap on grrr!). Not quite sure the Quark would take the stress - certainly I'd want to reinforce the hole in the elevator crank as it's rather near the top - closer on mine than this one:

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 05, 2018, 09:08:04 AM
HHmmm, on top of my head, I think someone did the modification a while back. I'll try to find the photos etc.

Alternatively, I 3D printed a couple of bellcranks as a test, and they are not bad at all (although, I never broke the plywood one, even after some "rough" landings  :-[ )
PM me your address, and I can send you one in an envelope :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 11, 2018, 21:32:00 PM
More Quarks!  :-*
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on January 11, 2018, 23:21:18 PM
Epoxy a wire around the bellcrank for peace of mind. Wood is best. Plastic becomes brittle with sunlight.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on January 11, 2018, 23:30:56 PM
As an aside, something for the kids and I to enjoy during winter at the local park.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: johnfireball on January 11, 2018, 23:46:00 PM
You can see the wire reinforcement in this pic of the micro quark
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on January 12, 2018, 07:18:08 AM
You can also glue 2 washers on each sides :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: jonboshoff on April 25, 2018, 18:22:04 PM
Hi All,

Here are a couple of pics of my Quark which I finally finished today. Foam core wings and stab and a live hinge for the ailerons. It was my first crack at cutting my own wings, vac bagging them etc and it was an enjoyable learning experience. Hoping to maiden in the next week or so weather and winds permitting. The info on the forum was very helpful, thanks to all for providing it!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on April 25, 2018, 19:53:20 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: jonboshoff on April 26, 2018, 21:06:38 PM
Successful maiden flight this afternoon from Ivinghoe Beacon! She flew straight and true with no initial trimming required. Rolls really nicely and inverted needed just a hint of down. A beautiful glider and I am looking forward to exploring her flight envelope. Thanks Fred for designing such a good build project that flies perfectly!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on April 27, 2018, 17:25:48 PM
OOhhhh, very nice Quark John!!  :-*
And glad the first flight went well! That always stress me out, and I hope you'll enjoy many hours of flying with your Quark!

And you are more than welcome, but ultimately, you did all the building work, so you deserve the congrats!  :-[
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on June 21, 2018, 15:50:51 PM
Flew my Quark, first time in a while and she is fun to fly.

What settings are best for this model is it worth having snap flap, so ailerons go slightly down when pulling up and go slightly up when pushing down?

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on July 02, 2018, 14:02:21 PM
Hi Alistair,

Good to hear from you, and hope all is well :)

Apologies for the silence, catching up!

Interesting question I have to say!
At first, I would not have seen a huge advantage to have snapfaps on the Quark... But! I saw one flying in May with them, and I have to say, it was quite nice!
In fairness, he had extra elevator also, not by a massive amount, but more nonetheless, and was doing flips with ease!

So, yes, why not trying :) I would start with a 50% setup and see how it goes. On a switch so you can enable/disable it during your test :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: alibodin on July 04, 2018, 16:09:02 PM
Sadly had a bad slope side landing and the fuz is nor more wings are fine!

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on February 15, 2019, 18:16:52 PM
 Greetings Fred and RC forum enthusiasts
My name is Ezra, I live in Northern Arizona . There are some good flying sites in the neighborhood and the windy season is right around the corner.
 The Quark 2 caught my eye years ago and I can't take it any more so I'm going after it!
Plans printed, using tracing paper method to cut out parts, tail feathers started.
Studying plans, online posts and sifting through the process, ordering carbon and more balsa. 
The goal, build and fly.

Thanks for the cool design and plans Fred, really like the look of this plane.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on February 16, 2019, 08:33:17 AM

Looking good, welcome to our forum.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on February 17, 2019, 20:13:04 PM
Hi Rogallo, Thanks for the welcome.
Chipping away at it, Luckily the weather is nasty and I'm able to get some work done on Q2M
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 18, 2019, 11:09:59 AM
Hi Ezratic,

Welcome to the forum!! :)

Good start on the Quark, and hopefully, you will enjoy the flying even more!!
If you haven't seen it yet, you can download PicaSim, and test the Quark (it is an honor to have the Q2M in this Sim!!), but please, keep us posted of your progress :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on February 20, 2019, 16:13:06 PM
 Hi Fred,
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Looking forward to getting this bird in the air.
Scratch building from plans is no joke, lots of details so hopefully it wont take an eternity.
 I'm cracking away at it.
Just noticed the Lunak 2M. Is that also your design? Looks like the wing spar system has been changed a bit,to make it lighter,
stronger, or easier to build?

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 25, 2019, 08:26:45 AM
Hi Ezratic,

Indeed, the Lunak 2M is mine :) Same idea as the micro quark/Micro Lunak. They share the same wing, just the fuselage is different :)

Spars are 10x5mm wood. Cheaper, and easier to find (at least here!) than carbon tubes. Not sure about the weight I have to say, never really weight my gliders, but that should be around the same ish.
The Lunak wing is also designed with added flaps in mind from the get go, as some people were adding them on the Quark too, and seems to help the landing on tight spaces :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on March 05, 2019, 05:44:25 AM
Progress is being made, started assembling first aileron, one step at a time, its pulling at me... :)
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on May 20, 2019, 19:02:00 PM
Lots of things getting in the way but still working on it. Been getting in some flying, working on other planes, etc.
Got the ailerons done, cutting out some ribs still and currently getting the sides of the fuse finished. Took 2 months for some of the wood to come from my supplier, they had to find some trees to cut down :)
Got all the carbon, just got to get cracking and pull my fingers out.
Airplanes on the slope: Le Fish, Madslide variation, Flying wing/Madslide creation. At Sheba crater Northern AZ
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Haoyang Wang on August 26, 2019, 10:20:24 AM
Hi! I am thinking about covering the front part of the fuselage in fiberglass.

Is this a good idea, or just adding weight unnecessarily?

How do you wrap around the nose? (Cut the fiberglass cloth into how many pieces, etc.) Or just cover the bottom part, and don't worry about the top of the nose?

Thank you,
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on August 26, 2019, 19:00:55 PM
Don't fix it if it ain't broken. Model flies well. Does not need reinforcement.  Many built and flown without mods.

Good luck
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Haoyang Wang on August 26, 2019, 22:29:19 PM
Don't fix it if it ain't broken. Model flies well. Does not need reinforcement.  Many built and flown without mods.

Good luck
Well, I am not worrying about flying, but landing...

In any case, I think you are right. The front feel quite solid already without covering. Just Oracover, then. (All the compound curves...  :P)

Thank you for the suggestions.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Haoyang Wang on September 22, 2019, 23:47:44 PM
Finally got to fly to yesterday and today. It works! Yay!
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: rogallo on September 23, 2019, 06:12:40 AM
Looks great. Hope you love it like we all do.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Haoyang Wang on September 24, 2019, 22:06:07 PM
It flies great, all 1140 grams of it. :-[

Before the flight I was worrying about the weight, but it was able to float in the same light lifts alongside Ahis, while penetrating better when it started to blow. Tail authority is amazing even around stalls.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: ozkan1001 on September 01, 2020, 14:09:14 PM

Hello there. I'm from Turkey. I build this glider too. I'll share photos with you soon
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 05, 2020, 09:58:46 AM
Hello 👋

Welcome to the forum! :) looking forward to see your build.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: scruffmeister on September 15, 2020, 21:50:22 PM
Could someone tell me if the plans for the Quark 2M are still available for download please?
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on September 28, 2020, 16:45:49 PM
Hello there  :)

They should still be available on the Jivaro-models website.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: billscottni on September 28, 2020, 16:54:46 PM
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: scruffmeister on September 28, 2020, 21:04:46 PM
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Hibou One Kenobi on October 05, 2020, 14:50:05 PM
Hello there!

I've seen this forum during the lockdown (in France) and i fell in love for the Quark 2M from Jivaro model.
I just tried it once this summer and the glider is just amazing, it's a real pleasure to make acro flight next to the floor!
After that, I put some colors on the glider, at the end, the weight is 1.7kg  :-X I'll use that when the wind is blowing !

Some pictures about my plane :

( (

( (

( (

( (

Special thank's to Jivaro Model to share some plans of a lots of Gliders!

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on November 29, 2020, 21:09:50 PM
Hi Hibou One Kenobi
 Plane looks fantastic, nice graphics job!
Any footage of flying?
Title: Another Quark is born
Post by: Bavo on August 24, 2021, 10:20:44 AM
Hi all,

I just finished my quark a couple of weeks ago, thanks for all the useful info and pictures in this thread!  :D
I decided to spit the ailerons and add flaps, not sure this really helps the roll rate but landings are really easy using butterfly!

here's a movie of my Quark at Cap Blanc Nez in France:
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on October 19, 2021, 02:19:21 AM
Nice Bavo, I like the video, there are so few of the Quark flying.
 My Quark is 3/4 of the way done, covering it up and finishing control rods and cables.
Excited to get it out there and see how it flies.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Ezratic on March 28, 2022, 17:51:33 PM
Maiden flight of the Quark yesterday at North Sheba crater outside of Flagstaff Arizona.
 Flies very nice, best of all my planes. Thanks for the plans and inspiration.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: trasher37 on October 24, 2023, 20:18:47 PM
Hello guys,

My Quark is near finished, and I was wondering about tow hook position: bottom centered or aside for easier access?
Any pics welcome!

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on October 31, 2023, 20:59:40 PM
Howdy and welcome to the forum 😀

Definitely on the side! If not too late, I think I have a couple of photos somewhere. I can check if you still need them 👍
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: trasher37 on November 27, 2023, 22:00:03 PM
Hello Fred!

Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately my model air club has been forced to close due to construction project; so I must have to find an accessible slope. Nevertheless, I would be interested to see your tow hook pics.

Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Guysie123 on November 17, 2024, 14:38:34 PM
Hi Fred, I’m new to this forum and building the Quark, lovely kit by the way!
Quick question, what are these wing profiles for? They’re the same profile as wing tips N11 but unnumbered and full span in length.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Guy
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Guysie123 on February 12, 2025, 21:36:55 PM
1590 grams, can’t wait to fly it!
Great kit Fred and everything fitted together very nicely.
Detachable tail to help with the transportation.
Might make a second nose at some point with motor as an electric conversion.
C of G is currently 79mm from LE at root, does that feel about right?
Any advice on CG position from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Fred on February 21, 2025, 20:35:35 PM
Hi Guy,

Sorry for the delayed reply!

Your Quark looks fantastic! Looks like the V4 no?

For the CofG, correct, 79mm from LE is what everybody agree on. You can go either way from that point 10mm back or forward without too much problems.

Anyway, Quark is really looking good! Wish you all the best for the first flight, and hopefully, a lot of fun! :)

Keep us posted of course :)


Title: Re: Quark 2M - Back to cutting innocent trees!
Post by: Guysie123 on February 22, 2025, 12:10:24 PM
Hi Fred, yes it’s the V4 and really enjoyed building the kit.

Many thanks for the CG info, very grateful.
Keeping fingers crossed for some good flying weather in May, looking forward to throwing it off the slopes! The South Downs near Eastbourne (England) is our usual spot with a good variety for most wind directions.

Will keep you posted.