Author Topic: video camera formatting problem HELP !  (Read 11836 times)

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video camera formatting problem HELP !
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2011, 07:18:25 AM »
Hey Peter,.........
MACI insurance costs €60 per year. However you have to belong to a recognised model flying club, i.e. you can’t just apply direct to MACI for the insurance. What in fact you do is apply through which ever club you have joined.
As far as I know there is the Shannon club near you, also the Cork club,(a little further away) and probably many others as well. (I live in Co Wexford so they are the only clubs out in the west that I know.) These clubs have their own flight grounds (runways) for powered flights. They will also have their own club fees which you will have to pay.
Just to make this clear Peter, you would have to pay to join a club, I have no idea what those fees would be, probably about €100, and then pay an additional  €60 for the MACI insurance.

There is another way of getting MACI insurance, and that is through the Island Slope Rebels. i.e. this forum. (I.S.R. don’t have any club fees.)
If you send a pm. to Fred, who is this forum’s administrator, he will let you know what you need to do.
If you act on this matter now you should get your MACI membership card by 16th April. (A valid MACI membership card proves that you have insurance, that’s what you would have to show if you went to the Cork clubs fly in.)  

As for the need to have insurance when flying gliders away from club grounds, ( Tountinna ect,)…….I’m not absolutely sure. :?:  I think you can get away without the need to pay for insurance,….this matter is very unclear in my mind, Peter. As I already have insurance, through my local club (I enjoy a little bit of powered flying sometimes) I know that the insurance covers me for flying gliders as well, in this country and as a visitor to other countries as well.

So that’s the story on MACI insurance Peter…………Hope I’ve explained it clearly for you. :wink:

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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video camera formatting problem HELP !
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2011, 01:38:05 AM »
Keith, you are a star  :D
Plain and simple... I have allready PMed Fred on this mather so I hope he will get back to me as soon as he gets it and hopefully there will be no problems...
In a month time I should be a proud MACI member  8)  :lol:
Thanks a lot Keith