Eflite Extra 300 3D BNF, is now one of my favourite indoor planes.
I flew it for the first time last Friday nite , when I visited Andrew and the Ballymoney fliers at there weekly indoor flying at Bushmills.
This is what you get for your money.
I have to thank expressfly for the plane :clap:

In the box you get a beautiful routered myler covered extra, that has 4 micro servos, spektrum RX brushed motor and ESC.
The box also contains your charger + batteries, and a 150mah single cell lipo to get you started.

Fit your supplied batteries in your charger !

Bind your Transmitter !

Place lipo on the velco strip provided.
CG at 82MM

Then go fly !!!!!!!!!
This should take you 20min including battery charge time
It flys amazing !!!!!!!!!!
Some pictures of the planes bits and bobs,
