Yes, you can connect 2 packs in paralell.
Make sure both packs are equal and are both fully charges to within 100 - 200 mV of each other.
Also make sure both packs are good and will discharge their full capacity.
It is easier to think of Voltage and Current in term of Water.
Imagine 2 buckets of water. Bucket 1 is full and Bucket 2 is 50% full. Now connect both of them with a pipe. What do you think will happen to the water level in the Full bucket?
The water levels will try to balance. Water from the full bucket flows to the half full bucket and both buckets will end up with the same water level.... ie 75% full each.
2 paralell packs of say 11.1V 2200mAh when connected in paralell will try to balance out any potential difference between them. Of course the above water analogy will not result in a fire
A weaker pack will result in a fairly massive current drain placed on the stronger pack.
Best case.... the good pack may get damaged and you will have 2 bad lipo packs.
Worst case... your model plane/car/house goes up in smoke.
Charge your packs seperately and look after them.
The harness you use to make the paralell connection must be able to handle the increased capacity of your new battery pack and therfor any potential increase in current draw.
God i hope the 6 pack i have just drank this evening has not caused me to advise you to do something which will cause a big bang!!!