Hi Aidan,
tis good, a little difficult to fit bit it is fine, alll painted and hinged now.
Servos tonight and I have to wait for the motor
Can you email me the plan full size on pdf so I can print another one.
p.s. no sign of where to put the servos :oops:
p.s. in Cork it's call D'Imp, like!
Good stuff.
I'll PDF the plan and e-mail it to you later on. The plan I gave you at the weekend is a non-standard page size. I'll see if I can fit it on A1 but it might have to be A0 to get it all on one sheet. What sort of printer do you have available? I can lay it out whatever way makes printing easiest.
I'd suggest installing the servos in the same locations shown in the pictures of my one earlier in the thread. The elevon servos are outboard enough to give about 15mm or 20mm clearance for the pushrods from the tip of the prop. The rudder servo is just a little aft of the slot to keep the CG forward and the cable run short.
I added a second layer of EPP at the servo locations and cut slightly undersize holes so I could push fit the servos. 1.5mm carbon pushrods without guides work fine for the elevons. As you saw, the only part this leaves vulnerable is the servo/pushrod and pushrod/control horn connections. I've been using heat shrink connections like the F3P planes but this isn't bulletproof. Something based on the fuel tube fix we used last weekend might be a more durable method.
Did you do Uhu-Por hinges?