I haven't re-drawn the version shown above. However I did re-draw the version before that (the one shown in the video) and I'm now thinking this version is the best all rounder. Eanna, Stu and Paul have been flying these regularly and are having a ball with them. I'm told their F3P airframes have been sidelined by the Imp chaos. I haven't had much opportunity myself unfortunately, just not managing to get to many indoor sessions

I'm told there's been plenty combat action and to date no serious damage to any of them so it seems the crashproof plan was pretty successful!
You can find the plan for the Pre-Imp here:
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17027477&postcount=14The modifications made between this version and the one pictured above are described here:
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17027490&postcount=15These plans are for printing on A0 which most people probably can't do (not at home anyway!) so if you need it set up for printing on several A4 sheets let me know.
If you decide to try one, have fun, and let me know what you think or if you have any constructive criticism.
I'm using the following hardware and it's a perfect match to the airframe:
HardwareMotor: Infinite A1705-2250 or Hyperion Z1705-11 (17gr)
Battery: 2s Rhino 360mAh lipos (21g)
Prop: GWS 6x3DD
Servos: Waypoint W-060BB (6.6g)
Sorry for the delay producing a plan.
If anyone's interested I might look at throwing together some basic kits for next season.