Hi, there, I am a 6th year student in Dublin and I have decided to do a bit of research into what I should do for my leaving certficate construction studies project. One of my ideas is to do a glider. Now I have no experience using or making one of these, so the purpose of this post is to find out some key issues. To determine if this is a realistic project for me to take on. Hopefully you can point me in the right direction to getting a very good mark on my project in a subject i hope to do more than well in
. So if you could be so very helpfull as to answer these following questions. It would really make my life a whole lot easier.
1~I would like to make a simple Free flight model. What design would you reccommend for me ?
2~Where can I get detailed blueprints/insructions for this sailplane? To basis my working drawings off.
3~Where can I get the balsa wood for this project and other materials?
4~Do Ineed any specialist tools?
5~How much will the cost be approximately?
6~How many hours will I need to complete the project from start to finish?
7~Do you know of any books/websites/other sources that deal with the issues of glide ratio, resistance and other key issues that deal with glider flight, so I can justify my design in my brief.
If you could answer some or all of these questions that would be pretty sweet. Also if you think that this is to big a project for someone in 6th year to take on, just tell me. My second plane if just to make a stationary model of a bi-plane. Have always wanted a glider and tought what better excuse than to make one for my leaving certificate constructions tuides project.
Also just in dealing with question 1, here is some of the images that I have googled and looked simple to build.