Thanks for all the replies.
Got it sorted
Servo reverse - not directly.
Stick reverse - not directly.
It was all to do with the strange percentage settings for stick/servo movement.
On normal servos it's fairly obvious. The centre is centre, and one way is plus and the other way is minus.
But for throttle.... stick to minimum, whichever way you've chosen on a different menu, is equivalent to one end or the other on a normal servo.
It's not zero or 'in the middle'.
And it seems that the throttle has to be set for zero at the minimum end, going to -110% at the wide open end, with centre travel being -50%.
Now exactly why it's zero going to minus, and not zero going to plus is beyond me.
So the problem was that because the throttle, in common with all the other servos, was set to zero at centre travel, the ECS never saw zero, so would not initialise.
The only 'issue' (as they call problems these days
) is that the Squall book says it should be set to 120% and the Cockpit SX only allows 110%.
Does this mean I can't get full power I wonder? :?:
So thanks again.