Ok so I started to build a Doppelraab IV a couple of days ago.
It's a 1/5.3 scale 2.5 metre vintage sailplane designed by Vincent Besançon.
All info available on vincent's Retroplane website
http://www.retroplane.netIt's my first vintage glider build.It's a pretty standard approach ply formers with longerons to form the shape of the fuse and a standard built up wing.All covered in solartex.
A great big thank you to Fred for all the ribs cut on his lovely new CNC machine.And very nicely cut they are too!
Evening one
Most of the rigtt wing done.just need to get ribs 1-4 which are ply and being cut by Mr Marie at the moment and then i can finish off
Evening Two
Left wing constructed to the same degree as the right.
Evening Three
Horizontal stab and elevator built.A bit of sanding needed and this is done.
Thats all for now.Back soon