hi sean,
adding my tuppence worth.....everything said so far is spot on. now, to check cg in flight. fly the model to about 3 to 4 hundred feet. might seem a lot with what looks like a small model but you need to have plenty of sky under the model to recover. ok, at height, face model into wind, power off, apply down elevator to make the model dive (not too steep, mind you!) relax your grip on the stick and see what the plane does.
if it recovers in a long slow arc, your cg is spot on.
if it pulls up fairly sharply, cg too far forward. move battery back or remove lead.
if it continues to dive, cg too far back. move battery forward or add lead.
any changes you make should be one at a time and in small amounts.
have you anyone locally to help with your 1st flights?