Author Topic: Weasel type EPP slope/HLG kit  (Read 10531 times)

Richard Boyd

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Weasel type EPP slope/HLG kit
« on: August 24, 2010, 09:41:53 AM »

I have for sale a Lazer cut EPP Weasel style glider kit.
It measures 870mm wing span.
Airfoil wing.
Flys beautifully.
Builds in an hour !
CG is set at 5mm from the leading edge.
Kit comes with 3mmx0.6mm carbon flat for reinforcing, (approx 3M)
Pushrods and micro clevis are included.
I have also include a ply motor mount incase you want to go motorised
It can be hand launched for a minute plus flight but I prefare to fly mine on the slope.
The carbon slots for wing reinforcing are pre cut for you.
For combat fun on the slope I would suggest covering the plane with reinforcing cross weave tape, this will add to having a very long life span.
I have used both 6g micro servos but do prefare  EMAX ES08MA METAL GEARED SERVO , £6 odd pounds yet amazing centering and very speedy.
You will need only 2 servos, I have the servo mounts cut for 6g servos so you will need to shave a further 2mm of to mount the better EMAX servos.

You can buy them at this link

Who much does it cost ?
£25 PLUS DELIVERY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Richard Boyd
A bad days flying is better than a good days work.


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Weasel type EPP slope/HLG kit
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 13:44:29 PM »
Looks like great cheap fun!

Did you mean Alula style rather than Weasel style?
The Alula's the forward swept one.



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Weasel type EPP slope/HLG kit
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 14:24:56 PM »
Did you get your Typhoon yet Aidan?



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Weasel type EPP slope/HLG kit
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 14:58:59 PM »
Quote from: "Eiretime"
Did you get your Typhoon yet Aidan?


Hi Ed,

I've got one on order. It should be on it's way around the end of the week. I'm hoping to have it flying by second week in September with any luck.
I finally got my Altus XL electric sailplane repaired this weekend (same plane as the Omega 1.8E and Higlight Speed - the design goes by lots of names). It's been sitting around waiting for less than a day's work since I crashed it 5 years ago! I'm a disgrace! :( Hoping to re-maiden it this evening after work. Between this and the Typhoon I'll be in much better shape for most slopes and conditions for a while. I had been restricted to an Alula for the last while. It's great for easy transport, trying out new slopes and general fun but sometimes I feel the need for something more substantial. I bought my Alula from the US last year but Richard's version looks like a great alternative. Much easier to get hold of and far cheaper too. I might give it a go when my Alula starts falling apart (I give it lots of abuse so that might not take long.)



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Weasel type EPP slope/HLG kit
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 09:17:46 AM »
That's great news Aidan, you wont be disappointed. Fergal who i fly with quite alot here in Dublin has one and he loves it! It really pisses along and thermals extreamly well. How did your maiden go? I was flying as with Pawel yesterday and he maidened his  Carbon Strega, that is one fast ship with one seriously narrow Fuz. Looks like Lacken is going to be good this weekend so if you are about let me know if you want to go flying.



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Weasel type EPP slope/HLG kit
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 14:08:54 PM »
The re-maiden went very well. The conditions were too turbulent to properly check the CG and get the trims well sorted but I'll get to that next time out.
It was also the first time I used my new transmitter (Multiplex EVO 12 fitted with Jeti Duplex 2.4GHz) and it was flawless. The telemetry functions on the Jeti system are great and worked perfectly. I've fitted a current/voltage sensor in the Altus which means I get live battery usage, current and voltage data back to the transmitter. I've set an alarm that starts beeping at the transmitter when I've used 75% of my available battery capacity so no need to worry about the battery dying if I end up sitting in a thermal for an hour after several climbs to altitude!


I just realised this thread is in the For Sale section and we're hijacking Richards thread.....Sorry Richard!
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