These planes are just gathering dust in my workshop. I would rather see them being flown so make me an offer!!
CA Models (as flown by CPLR) Epsilon 90
Lightweight airframe. Suitable for electric or IC. This was going to be electric.
Almost ready to cover version. Unfinished, wings and tail covered. Undercarriage included.
€160 (€375 new)
Hanger 9 Funtana S40 with a YS 63
Ready to fly just needs receiver and a bit of TLC.
World Models groovy 90 airframe only.
Nose damage fixed after dead stick crash landing. Has flown since.
Nice flyer. €70
Jumping Jack small electric.
Free. Save it from the bin!
Hyde mount for YS63
€20 (SOLD)
Schulze Chamaleon charger.
Rarely used.
€50 (SOLD)
Jeti Advance 40 plus ESC
€35 Unused.
Super Tigre 40, prop and glow starter.
Glowbee Tach
More bit coming soon.