Having seen what Joe's foamcutter can do, I decided it was time I got mine up and running. The mechanics were built some time ago, but I hadn't bought the steppers or control boards.
Fred put me on to a cheap source of steppers and I now have the 4 stepper motors required. The next step was the control board. I decided to go with the Hobby CNC board which I ordered from the US. Below are a few pics of what you get. Obviously there's a bit of soldering to do and I'll try and remember to take pics along the way and then show the system up and running.
The pc I'd intended to use has gone a bit "wonky". I'm hoping it's just a power suply and I'll be able to get it back up and running for both the foam cutter and cnc router.

The contents of the kit. I separated all the bits in to the plastic box, it doesn't come with the bits

The PCB on to which all the parts fit. The first 12 resistors are already on it.

The drawing showing the placement of all components

All the components which have to be soldered on to the board.
I've bought a fine tip for my soldering iron and also got a deal on a temperature controlled iron, so soldering here we come!! :shock: :shock: