Moderate northerly wind today so I decided to spend a bit of time trying to DS the south side of nine stones with my Luna.
I did 7/8 climb outs followed by dives around the back. Started just dipping behind a little and worked my way down quite a bit. Basically no joy :!:
The Luna did wiggle a few times as if it was passing through the boundary layer but no real noticeable speed increase :cry: As I went farther and farther down the back I began to running out of steam and ended up landing on the backside most of my attempts. If I thought I was making any progress I would have stuck with it but, alas I got a bit bored after a while.
I have DSed a tiny little incline behind a coastal site near me with my Skua and seen it work but didn't really see that today.
It looks like the south side is not steep enough to make this work. I will try this side again with more wind.
Think your right Brian, flying round the north side in a southerly wind looks like the best bet. That way round has always looked a better option. I just thought it would work the way I tried today too! Maybe someone with more experience could get it working.
More to follow. We will get this working :twisted: :twisted: