Author Topic: How to launch a large plane by myself  (Read 14186 times)

Happy Days

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How to launch a large plane by myself
« on: March 28, 2010, 10:05:07 AM »
Dear Sirs,

I have a problem.  How can I launch a 4mtr plane by myself?

I’m thinking that to try to launch the above alone would require me to be holding the model with both hands at around head height.

I’ve tried this before with 2mtr and smaller models and I’ve found that what tends to happen is that as I swing my body to launch the model, my Tx, which is only held on a single strap necklace, tends to swing about so that as I bring my hands down from launching the plane, the Tx controls are not necessarily in the correct place. So I have to a) Take my eyes off the model and look down at the Tx. b) Re-orient the Tx to a usable position.
This only takes a couple of seconds but in that time the plane has either crashed, or is in a very bad attitude which often resulted in a crash a moment later.

I’ve since taught myself to launch such sized planes with just my left hand, keeping my right hand on the Tx, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do this with a 4mtr wingspan.

So………………..I was thinking of using a bungee. But here comes the question; What size diameter and length should I use?

Yours desperately,

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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 16:13:55 PM »
Well a bungee....

Tell me, what's the weight of Your bird? I have so called "scale bungee" 7,35m lenght with a 4m rope.

What kind of fuselage has Your glider? If it's not the strongest one, I would prefer this one:

This should be enaugh for a goo start.

But look at Joe, I believe, he starts 4m planes alone too!?!

If there is enaugh lift, it shouldn't be a problem to hold it in one hand while starting. I've seen this very often.



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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 17:01:10 PM »
Hi Lothar, I sent you a pm, (Personal Message) via this forum a few days ago. I didn’t get a reply so I assumed you were away, or unwell.

This is exactly the information I need. Thank you very much. :clap:

I probably will hand launch the plane myself eventually, after I’ve gained some experience flying these larger models.

Thanks again for your information. :D

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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 19:56:23 PM »

I am sorry, but I didn't get this PM. And I know it worked some weeks ago with another guy over here.


if You need some help with the german language on the page of emc-vega, let me know. I am not sponsored by them, but their products are wel proven.


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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 22:41:22 PM »
Thanks for your offer Lothar. :D

I think I’ve managed to gather enough information.

You see I don’t want to launch the plane up into the air, so-to-speak. I just want the bungee to push, (thrust) the plane out into the lift.  

My plan is to  pull the plane back against the strength of the bungee. Then, holding the plane with one hand, and having my other hand on the Tx, release the plane and immediately put both hands on the Tx.

The potential problem exists in the question of whether I will be able to hold the plane with just one hand against the strength of the bungee which has sufficient energy in it to launch the plane! :?:  (It is the element of risk that makes life exciting, isn’t it? 8) )

What I am going to do is buy some bungee from Ebay.

 After looking at the web site you‘ve told me about, :wink:  I think I’ll need about 15meters of 8mm diameter bungee. It should cost no more than €20. :)

They say that the world loves a ‘tryer‘.  My wife will tell you that I’m very "trying!"

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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2010, 09:41:25 AM »
Hey Keith,

With the weight of the asw22, I think a bungee launch is an over do !  :D
But if you have to place a hook, put it between the cg and the nose, right in the middle.

Back to the asw, it's a really lightish machine, you don't need to run to launch etc etc. If you have a bit of turbulences where you launch, hold the glider with your 2 hands, and... wait ! And wait again, until you have a small break in the wind/turbulence to launch, that allow you to release the hand that hold the wing, to take your radio and launch the thing (hope I'm clear ! But you certainly saw me do that, walk with the glider, and wait with the glider ready to launch for the good oportunity), but in my case, it's easier, as my radio is on a tranny, and I fly mode 1 (launch with right hand, left hand on the stick with elevator / rudder control).

All that, is of course much easier when the glider is setup, no surprises on launch, bungee or hand one !

You can also do a launch a la Chris Williams... Run with the radio in the hand holding the wing. Possible with small radios (Cockpit sx in his case).

Video (Chris launch at 46 secs and 1m43s)

Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2010, 09:43:09 AM »
Quote from: "Happy Days"

You see I don’t want to launch the plane up into the air, so-to-speak. I just want the bungee to push, (thrust) the plane out into the lift.  

My plan is to  pull the plane back against the strength of the bungee. Then, holding the plane with one hand, and having my other hand on the Tx, release the plane and immediately put both hands on the Tx.


that's the way I do it over here. Just "throwing" the plane in the Lift at slope or make it fast enaugh, that it flies with motor power. I use it, because I have pushers at my wings, which could hit my hand while throwing the plane.

That's what always I tell the spectators. Never do "it" without a rubber :mrgreen:

Here is a nice bungee launch:



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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2010, 16:45:34 PM »
Advising people: “Never do ‘It’ without a rubber!” is very rude Lothar. :oops:  I am surprised at you! :lol:

But Fred says that bungee launching of an ASW is “Over Do” (I think he means Over Kill)

Why can’t you experts ever agree on anything??? :!:

Now I feel silly, and I don’t know what to do! :?

The weather looks pretty crap for the next few days so I’ll have a good think about how to move on from here. :?:
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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2010, 17:08:39 PM »
Easy ...easy.

Get some weights, or join a gym.
In a few weeks you can launch a 4mt glider single hand or even join a beer keg toss contest. Done!

The way Chris Williams launch seems a bit dangerous for clumsy people like me... antenna getting stuck somewhere, or the radio strap and there goes the pilot, glider and the radio all to the ground. :(

All in all is better to get an helper, by the end of the day you pay him some pints and that settles the deal. ;)

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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2010, 18:47:10 PM »
:lol:  :lol:
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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2010, 19:31:13 PM »
Over kill ! That's the one !  :D

Bungee, I agree when the glider is 10Kg / 15kg + for a safe launch when it's not that windy (let's say less than 20~25Km/h of wind), or like Lothar, if you want to keep all your fingers  :D

Haven't weighted the asw, but that is less than my Alpina, I go for 4Kg... Maybe even less  :?:  The major issue, it's not going to be the launch, but how to maintain the wings straight during the launch, that's why the bungee is a bit of a overkill to launch a light machine like this  [-o<

Other option, weight for a gathering, or with someone with you to assist you for the first launch (setup to do), then, that will be a piece of cake to launch ! Like your Phase, but balancing right and left a bit more really !  :-({|=

And that will be a pint of Guinness for me  :mrgreen:
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!

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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2010, 20:42:21 PM »
So you are telling me, Monsieur Marie, that using a bungee to launch the ASW (Weight: 2.8Kg) is definite overkill? Hmmmm

My biggest fear, because I’ve had this with some of my ‘little’ planes, is that immediately after launch one of the wing tips will drop,…… and I’ll go home with nothing more than a large bag of kindling. :cry:   Especially if it’s a breezy day.

As I see it I have three choices;

1/ Get a bungee and probably fly the bird one day this week. :D

2/Wait for calmer weather and hand launch it myself.

3/Wait for the next “gathering of the clan” and get someone else to launch it for me.

The problem is,…… I don’t do “Waiting.” After all, at my age, I might die in my sleep tonight!
 :?:  :?:  :?:
Oh all right, …….I’ll wait for calmer weather. But if I die before then I’ll kill You :twisted:

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How to launch a large plane by myself
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2010, 20:45:07 PM »
Hey Keith,

only 4 kg? I believed it could be 6 or 7 kg :?  Throw it away and be happy. For this kind of gliders You don't need the rubber really.

But I can tell You,  in my opinion bungee is the safest way to start anything. Look at the old real gliders in the 1920s and 30s. Bungee was obligatory!

I am not a good thrower.... At school I was happy, when the ball didn't hit my feet, when I throw it. :wink:  Another reason for me to bungee launch.

If You have perfect lift, as Fred describes or to be seen in the video with Chris, it's absolutely easy to "throw or to launch". But I can remember a day at my home slope (only 150km away from my home), when somebody wanted to hand launch any ASXXXX full fibre glass and came back with two nice parts of the fuselage....... That's the day I love my rubber :lol:

Just make some carefull trys with the plane in Your hand. If You have the feeling, it "wants" to fly, let it go. If not, wait for rubber from ebay.... No risk no fun.


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