Well, here we are guys. The first morning of the PSS Fly-In. I’ve been looking forward to this and particularly I’m looking forward to seeing a monster from the North. (No, not Bill Scott’s belly :roll: ) I’m talking about a flying monster………..Enter John’s B-52!
But the all important question is………Will we have enough lift? :?:
Well, most predictions are for relatively light winds today, and only slightly stronger winds tomorrow.
At the moment, at my location………..
Wind Speed = 12km/h
Direction = From the North West
Temperature = Zero degrees C.
Atmospheric pressure = 1034mB steady (Not the best omen for high winds)
If we transpose these conditions on to Big L. I recon there’d be moderate lift on the West slope. The fact that the wind wouldn’t be hitting the slope ‘straight on’ wouldn’t help matters. I predict High wing loaded models would struggle to stay in the air. (Hard luck Ralph)
However we could be just experiencing a pre dawn lull in the wind.
Oh, and I nearly forgot :oops: …………Visibility? (Always useful when flying)
The is a small area of cloud over the top half of the mountain at the moment. However that should dissipate during the course of the morning. (It’s just early morning mist really.)
Next update, in an hours time.