Author Topic: RX batteries...  (Read 21200 times)


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RX batteries...
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:14:14 AM »

Just a quick though about RX batteries (must be bored...  :P )

I went to the slope for the last time in November, and flew a good part of the afternoon with my asw15. Since then, the glider spent the winter in my garage (went up to -3 degrees in there...)...

Time to recharge the batteries, and I was a bit worried since I use very cheap batteries (Aldi) and do all my RX packs myself. I know this is bad to leave discharged batteries for so long, and during winter, but surprise ! When I charged my pack (4 cells, 4000Mah), the pack only took 800mah !!  :shock:
Checked with a battery checker, and all green ! Can't beat that really, especially when a 4000Mah cost me around 10 euros !  :D

So, I checked my Algebra pack... Haven't flown that one for months (last summer)... This time, checked the battery with the checker before charging, and all green... Charged the pack, and only took 170 mah !! (4 cells, 2400mah)... Cost of the pack : 5 euros... 3 years old pack.

So, lots of people are paying bigish money etc etc for eneloop, Sanyos, GP etc etc, but so far, my experience with cheap batteries (Aldi in my case) is 100% satisfaction ! I do my packs for the past 3 years now, and they are all performing very well !
All that remind me a few years ago, in France, we used to buy cheap supermarket batteries (Uniross if I remember), and they were performing very well, same level as the really expensive packs... But 1/10 of the price!

I'll do a discharge / charge when I have time to compare true capacity...

Also note, I never charge my pack in quick mode, I never exceed 0.5C, and in Nicad mode (all my packs are Nimh).

For TX, problems solved, after I changed my MC18 to lipos, moved my EVO to Lipos, and the 3030 is to follow soon !  :D
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RX batteries...
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 12:38:58 PM »
Yes, that’s very good Fred :D  PROVIDED the battery packs are still holding 4000mAh and not just 800! :?:  (As you said, you wont know their true capacity until you deep cycle them by discharging and then recharging.)

I used to use Ni-cad’s a lot in one of my previous lives. I wouldn’t have thought -3 degrees would have hurt them too much. I found it was high charge rates that used to kill them, or leaving them discharged for too long. :(

When ever I come home from flying gliders, I always re-charge my Ni-Mh’s. That way I know they are always ready to go for the next flying day. :)  I deep cycle them once every 20 or so flights and I’m still using the same batteries I had when I started flying gliders. (Purchased from Island Models of course! :clap: )
(The less I spend on ancillary equipment……….the more models I can afford to buy!)

Now, where is that website selling Skorpion and Acaia models :wink:
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RX batteries...
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 14:50:17 PM »
Yeah, I guess that will be a job for this week end.. I'll do a cycle and see for the true capacity after this bad treatment.
I'll post the results here...

I still have a few of those blue batteries from the shop, great ones !  :D
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RX batteries...
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 17:50:17 PM »
For anone looking for good RX batteries at a good price:


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RX batteries...
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 11:35:18 AM »
Alright, I bring that up as I was cycling almost all my batteries over the week end (do that twice a year), but this time, using my old charger...

Well...I just realised that I was flying my ASW15 with an empty battery almost all the time !!  :evil:

Checked the battery pack (4cells, 4000mah) before charging it with my old charger, and the readings were alarming ! less than a volt/cell!!  :shock:  I never used my old charger on this glider, so that confirm what I said somewhere here, my new charger is not working properly (or I don't know how to use it!!  :roll: ). That also mean that all my readings with this charger were all wrong!  :!:

This is an Accucell 6 (I think..), sold with many differents names, so be carefull if you have one, or if you know what is wrong (my guess is the deltapeak...I only have issues with Nicad/NiMh, Lipos etc etc are charging just fine), let me know... But I have lost my confidence on that one...  :?

Anyway, following up on the cheap Aldi cells, after 2 cycles with my charger, they took almost 6000Mah (they are 4000Mah cells) and restituted around 4500Mah with a 0.9A discharge  :D  Not bad at all for a 10 euros pack!
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RX batteries...
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 12:43:38 PM »
Anyway, following up on the cheap Aldi cells, after 2 cycles with my charger, they took almost 6000Mah (they are 4000Mah cells) and restituted around 4500Mah with a 0.9A discharge  Not bad at all for a 10 euros pack!

Fred,…..look, I know I’m a bit thick & slow on the uptake, :oops:  and on top of all that I’m only an Englishman……………but what are you talking about??? :?:

As it reads it seems you’re saying that your 4000mA/h cells took 6000mA/h to charge, and discharged a total of 4500mA/h! How does that work??? :!:

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RX batteries...
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2010, 13:03:18 PM »
Hey Keith,

As far as I understand, if you charge a cell, really slowly, or carefully, you can pack up more energy in the cell, giving you back a bit of that extra energy.
I've heard that a long time ago, when I use to have buddies who worked for Saft (great time, use to have all the latest batteries for free at the time  :D ).

I think this is commonly(?) used by the F5 guys.

Anyway, almost 2000Mah more stored, is quiet a lot I think, but that's the numbers the charger give to me  :D

No expert in that field at all, but in my experience, not a surprise  :?:
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RX batteries...
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 13:09:09 PM »
Well,……I’ve never heard of that before. :)
……..There’s an old saying,  “You learn something new every day.” :D

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« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2010, 13:50:54 PM »
Hi fred

When it comes to batteries, if I am not happy with it, I throw it out!, cheaper than replacing a model. The b52 has 2 x 6v 3300 packs, after the test flight I found that one pack had discharged down very low, only it had the back up pack, I could have had a few bags of foam to pick up.  I checked this pack, and found a bad cell. The cell showed green on the checker.


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RX batteries...
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2010, 14:23:07 PM »
Hey John,

Same here, that's why I cycle them etc and check the readings.
In this case, the pack is performing great, the issue come from the charger  :!:
Lucky that they were holding the charge pretty well, as I was only charging them to 20% of their capacity in fact  :shock:
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RX batteries...
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2010, 13:23:35 PM »
Ok, I'm back with my batteries stories !

In my howm town in France, we are lucky enough (well, for us, modelers!) to have one of the biggest battery manufacturer in the World (use to be at the time...), the SAFT. They use to make batteries for Sanyo, Philipps, Panasonic etc etc (yep, Sanyo were at some stage, mostly "made in France", 3km from my house  :D ).
We knew a few people working in these factories, so we always had on the field the latest batteries (I still have some!), all for free ! This is also when I saw my first Lipo battery pack, at the time, they costed an arm and a leg, but they assured us that was the future...  :roll: ... Yeah right, it's like computers, that will never take of  :mrgreen:

Ok, so, anyway, called a friend who is an engineer in the SAFT, and also fly models (handy  :D ) and told him about my issue.
For him, this is a Delta Peak issue, that's all... Asked him about the charging of batteries, what the pro are doing basically... So, here we go.

All the batteries are tested at 1/10 of their capacity for charge. They call that the normal charge for a battery, whatever type you are using, and they use that to make the charts etc etc for the specs.
The good thing, is that you put more capacity in a battery this way, and will, therefore gives you back more than the number written on the cell.

Fast charge for the company, is 1C. Only issue is that you can't fill the cell at 100% with a fast charge, and life expectancy is also slightly reduced. Overcharge, that can hurt the cells badly at this rate, is hard to get as the delta peak is more easier to detect by chargers (for whatever reason... It seems that there is some really boring scientific explanations for that...).

Also, the faster you charge your batteries, the more "trained" to deliver high current they get... Which would be great if you power your motor with NiMh cells, but for a TX/RX battery who need to deliver "slowly", and if possible for as long as possible...

Soooo... At the end, what he said is : charge at 1/10C if you have time. Your cells will leave longer, deliver more, but be careful of the memory effect (cycle from time to time).
In a hurry, do it at 1C, (or even 2C, but you need fans to cool the cells down...), but not all the time to keep your cells healthy.

Best compromise is 0.5C  :P
Another important thing, is to check the value of your delta peak, as this is the thing that will keep your batteries from overcharging etc etc... There is some math to be done to find the DP of your batteries, but it seems that for NiMh, 0.8mv is a good rough value.

So, that's what I remember from our conversation on Friday.

In my experience now, I never charge batteries at a fast rate, never! Must come from the good old days, where we did not had all that technology in our chargers I guess (still have my Robbe Ladder5!). But I have some packs that are more than 12 years old, still performing relatively good.
Now, the issue seems to be with the chargers, not really designed for nimh / RX batteries anymore, but it seems that is another story (in my case, old charger, works great, brand new one with all the gizmos, troubles!).

Anyway, more food for the brain, or more information to get even more confused!  :lol:  :P
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RX batteries...
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2010, 20:27:40 PM »
Thanks for that Fred. :clap:

Regarding finding good chargers, yes that is a problem and begs the question , How good are any chargers? (It's a bit like buying a torque spanner for tightening bolts on your car. How do you know how well calibrated it is?)
I guess the ‘belt & braces’ approach would be to find a charger that senses both Delta Voltage and Delta Temperature on a battery. Although there could still be a potential problem with a pack of cells as one cell could become weaker than the others. i.e. there is no balancing sensors for these type of batteries on any chargers that I’ve ever seen.

All interesting stuff,……thanks again for posting.

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RX batteries...
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2010, 11:52:32 AM »
To conclude (for me) the subject on  RX batteries, finally found some numbers to concure with what I see for the past 2 years now !

My 5 euros packs are even slightly better than the Eneloop it seems (see the charts/graphs down the page)  :D

I'll try to re-stock those cells next week  :D
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RX batteries...
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2010, 16:18:21 PM »
Quote from: "Fred"
To conclude (for me) the subject on  RX batteries, finally found some numbers to concure with what I see for the past 2 years now !

My 5 euros packs are even slightly better than the Eneloop it seems (see the charts/graphs down the page)  :D

I'll try to re-stock those cells next week  :D

Hi Fred

I just got a second hand Multiplex Royal EVO that I'm converting to Jeti Duplex. It arrived with a dead TX battery. I was debating whether to replace it with another standard Multiplex NiMH pack or solder up an Eneloop pack for it. I think I'll drop into Aldi and see if I can get a few of these to make up a pack. Low self discharge, slightly better capacity and cheaper!
Did you solder yours - any problems or do you remember?



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RX batteries...
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2010, 16:59:24 PM »
Why not go for a LiPo?

Just remember to add a diode to reduce the tension and make the radio warn properly on low power.
I had the same problem on my FF9 and went that way... now I can't even remember the last time I charged it. :)