Author Topic: A Twin Engined Quadra Plane  (Read 4595 times)

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A Twin Engined Quadra Plane
« on: January 17, 2010, 14:03:10 PM »
Had a dream last night, (No, not that kind of dream :oops: )

I had the dream of mounting one biplane on top of another. So producing a four winged model with two motors, one on top of the other. What do Ye’ all think????? :?:

No,……….I didn’t go much on the idea either. :(  :(

I think the dream came to me because I have a couple of indoor biplanes.

This is my first ever indoor model. Called a “Pipe” (Pun on the word bipe I think)

It’s had so many ‘unorthodox’ lands it’s quite beaten up. I have no idea what the thrust angle is now and I think the glue holding it together weighs as much as the foam it’s made of! The fuse is EPP with Depron wings and control surfaces.
I decided I don’t like undercarriages’, they get ripped off too easily so I fitted an EPP skid on it. I stuck a piece of cello tape along the bottom of the skid to stop it “gripping” the floor.

The other model is this “Saturn”  Slightly shorter winspan it's almost a two and a half wing plane as the central fuse section extends out to connect with the inside struts. All made of Depron I cut the front off and fitted an EPP nose section, just in case it crashes. (I know it will). I’ve also fitted a skid to the underside as they’re more robust, easier to fit, and don’t weigh any more than conventional undercarriages.
Had a bit of problem with the CoG on this model. The manual says it should be 55mm from the leading edge but that makes it need a lot of up elevator to fly level. The model flys, and handles, much better with the CoG at around 130mm from leading edge.
I also tried flying it without the air brakes, but found it tends to “wallow” from side to side at low speeds, so I re-fitted them.

I knew it. I shouldn’t have taken a picture of the Saturn,………… I crashed it this morning!!! May be I should leave it and call it "Vector Thrust" Thank heaven for that EPP nose!

Or may be I should just go back to sleep!

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.