Hey Keith,
Sorry, a bit late on that one !
Wel, after all, we had a good day !
Alan measured an average wind of 10km/h, going slightly stronger later in the afternoon (I say around 20km/h in gust). So, all good !
Ed was flying his Vector and Windrider Fox, Karl his Excel without cheating, and was perfect weather for my asw15 ! A bit too low for the Crystal, but next time !
Even paragliders joined us in the afternoon, and flew most of the time behind us.
So, what to say... Well, first of all, that was freezing ! Thanks God I bought some ski gears the week before ! Nice also to meet Karl and friends !

Unfortunately, the Sunday was wet.. really wet ! No flying done.
Alan maidened his Ka8. Beautiful machine :clap: Hard landing on a stall a fter the launch, but tough machine ! No serious damages and should hopefully be back to the slope soon for a second test.
Anyway, enough blabla, here are a few photos (sorry, not much!)
The weather.. Fantastic views once again!

Alan's Ka8 :

Misc :

(Happy ending!
