Author Topic: New Indoor Venues  (Read 41270 times)

Happy Days

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New Indoor Venues
« on: November 07, 2009, 15:52:49 PM »
Brian, myself and a couple of others have arranged for the hiring of a GAA hall for the purpose of indoor flying at a location just outside of the village of Kiltealy. (Kiltealy lies behind Mt. Lienster about 10minutes drive from the Nine Stones car park.)

The hall is 60mtrs x 30mtrs with a high ceiling. All windows are up high and have metal grills over them, as do the 10Kw of internal lights. :D  

We are hoping to have our first flight there tomorrow morning.  8) Thereafter we have use of the hall on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings, each week until the Spring.

If anyone would like to join us on a regular basis then please let either Brian or myself know. ( We could do with some expert guidance :roll: )

Wish us luck! :lol:

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 18:38:01 PM »
Congratulations Keith!
Those are really excellent news, I maybe wrong but it seemed that indoor wasn't much popular around here.
But it seems to be turning around what is great. :-)

I'd love to join you guys so let me know what's needed.
I'll probably could only join on Sunday's and not all due to the distance. :(
( unless i skip work on Thursday's :o) )

Still I wish you guys all the fun!


Happy Days

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2009, 23:34:29 PM »
Hey Nando, I’m not sure what you’re intending to do. Do you think you’ll be flying with us every Sunday,…or just on the odd occasion? :?:

What we’d really like is for someone to commit to a regular attendance. :D  The reason being that my three fellow pilots and I have had to cough up some serious amounts of money each :(   to pay (Pro Forma) for the hire of the hall until the Spring. So if you were going to use the hall regularly we’d ask you to ‘chip in’ with an up front payment.

If you only want to fly on the odd occasion then that could probably be arranged, (we are limited to how many “visiting”  pilots can be there at any one time)…..not sure what the cost for a couple of hour  period would be, I’d have to consult with my colleges.

Today we spent a lot of time crashing, laughing, repairing, and adjusting our planes. It’s a very different discipline to any other flying we’ve done! Great fun though, and for those who feel the cold, relatively warm. :)  

The only thing I should point out is that the floor of this hall is laid with Astroturf.  The tiny wheels of most indoor planes just dig in to the surface and the plane goes nose over. :oops:  We found hand launching was best for take off, and for landing,…………remove the wheels and fit skids. (preferably before the model has taken off :roll: ) Plastic spoons do the trick nicely! :lol:  

No one bought a camera with them today. :!:  I’ll post some picies when we get some.

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 00:11:15 AM »
Hi Keith.

I'd love to drop over and take a look on Thurday if there's room for one more? I'd be happy to chip in whatever you think is fair. I'm not sure how long the run from Kilkenny to Kilteally would take but I might be interested in heading over every Thursday until Christmas. Not sure after that because I'm planning to move over towards Cahir or Clonmel and that'd leave me with a long drive!


Happy Days

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« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 07:57:57 AM »
Hi Aiden, Please do drop in on Thursday, we could all do with some of your expert guidance. :clap:  None of us have ever done any indoor flying before so we’re rather like the blind leading the blind! Come and see what you think of the venue, and if you want to make it a regular thing we’ll come to some arrangement vis cost. (We might give you a discount if you teach us how to fly as well as you can! :wink: )

I’ve only been to Kilkenny a couple of times so I have no real idea how long the journey would take.  Not too long I shouldn’t think, Kilkenny and Kiltealy are only about three of centimetres apart,……………. on my map! :lol:

So how to get there?????…………………

The GAA hall is in the townsland of Coolree. It’s known as the Duffry Rovers Hall. To get there from the village of Kiltealy………….

In Kiltealy there is a little post office. Running along the side of the post office is a road that does Down a hill.

Go down that down hill road until you come to a cross roads junction.

Go straight across the cross roads.

After about a mile you come to a “offset” cross roads junction. (The roads don’t meet exactly opposite each other.) You want to go “straight ahead” but to do so you have to first turn right for a few meters and then turn left……….(a kind of zig-zag.)

Continue along that road for about a mile and the Duffry Rovers GAA hall is on your left.

I’ll send you a pm. with my phone number although I’m not too sure if I’ll be there this Thursday night. The model I’ve got has proved to be a bit too fast for this indoor lark. :oops:  I’ve ordered a different one but I don’t know if it’ll be ready in time for Thursday night, :!:  but the other flyers will be there.

If anybody else would like to “Pop In" they’d be very welcome.

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 08:17:48 AM »
Thanks Keith.

I'll plan to head over on Thursday. What time?
Just a quick disclaimer: I'm no expert pilot! I can do a bit of hovering and aerobatics and avoid the walls most of the time but with a regular venue you'll match that in no time. I can possibly help out on the technical side  :?:
I reckon Richard can show you some good indoor flying in Cork.

The secret of indoor flying is to fly a slow, manoeuverable plane, make good use of your rudder and throttle and figure out how to hover for when you need to stop!


Happy Days

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« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2009, 08:38:20 AM »
Okay Aiden, the time booked is 7 - 9 (ish)pm

Glad you're able to avoid the walls. I found difficulty missing the floor, and Brian assulted the roof girders a couple of times :lol:
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2009, 11:28:37 AM »
Well Keith,now you know,I like to get it up there !!.
I assaulted the roof the floor, Brendan & I.

Question; I have a hacker 10-15s and an expressfly/turnigy ESC.
             ; What is best timing setting for max power ??

Serious Power


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« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2009, 12:04:55 PM »
Good news guys !  :clap:

So, that mean we can have an indoor session in the morning, then going flying at the slope ?  :D

Sound good to me !

On a side note, as for what Nando was saying about indoor over here, me too was surprised when I arrived here that indoor was almost not done... Found out why very quick;y... 60 quids an hours for some indoor venue !  :shock:  :shock:

Take my small village where I come from... Indoor gymnasium, have it for free if you are registered in the village.. And that is the case everywhere, all free ! (well, your local taxes are paying for it already... but all sports clubs can use the facilities for free...) Just go to the Mairie, and book for some hours, or a day or two...  :D

That was my grumpy moment here... :P
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2009, 12:07:32 PM »
I use that motor with Phoenix 10 and Hacker X-5 ESCs. I use default timing on both and I'm happy with them. I've messed around with the throttle response, brake, etc but never bothered changing the timing.
I use 2s lipos from 250mAh to 350mAh and either 7x3.5 or 8x4.3 GWS props. The 7x3.5 is okay on a 125g or lighter plane with decent cells but is a bit marginal on anything heavier. I've started using the 8x4.3 recently and I prefer it. Plenty power for 135g planes and should be okay for slightly heavier stuff too. Probably best to avoid lots of full throttle with this prop! - it's pushing the motor pretty hard.
The 8x4.3 GWS props do need balancing!

What props and cells are you using?



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« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2009, 13:24:06 PM »
Hi Aidan,
Gws 7x3,5 and new TP350 and FP350's.
Not run in yet.
I know ,within reason, that a bigger prop will help but only for a minute or so. Then the pack volts will drop off .
My model is 150g.

I still would like info,, on best timing setting ??

Serious Power


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« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2009, 14:54:35 PM »
I think an 8x4HD or 8x4.3RS prop is probably the answer.
I don't think anyone's getting enough power for a 150g plane with the A10-15s on 7x3.5 and 2s. If you increase the advance to increase power you'll draw more current anyway so the end result probably won't be any better than a larger prop as far as the cells are concerned.
I'd expect you to have enough thrust for vertical climbs at the end of a 4 minute flight with those 350mAh packs and the 8x4.3.
I think I've a spare 8x4 and 8x4.3 that I can bring on Thursday for you to try if you don't have any. If not I'll definitely have some on Saturday.

I don't think I've ever seen timing figures given for these but if i do I'll let you know.


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« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2009, 16:11:24 PM »
Slight change of plan lads.

We’ve just been advised that our flying night has been changed from Thursday to Friday nights from 7 - 9pm. It seems that due to a mix up, Thursday nights the hall is used for Hurling :shock:  

So, are you okay for Friday Aiden?
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2009, 16:31:17 PM »
Hey Keith,

That is correct I'd probably would only join from time to time and definetly not on a regular basis.
Well I'm happy either way that indoor is showing up more. :-)

Like Fred said I found odd not happening more here, while I was used to having problems was to choose to what place to go on the weekends during winter. As even city councils would contact clubs to organize events during some city celebrations or clubs itself organizing those. I guess they relaized it was much safer having a bunch of people flying some fragile foam planes that avoid at all cost to hit anything than people playing ball and hitting all around.

Brian, the trimming goes related to the motor pole count and usage. Usually the esc manufactures include in the instructions the recommended setting for specific brands of motors/ pole count.


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« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2009, 17:24:42 PM »
Quote from: "Happy Days"
Slight change of plan lads.

We’ve just been advised that our flying night has been changed from Thursday to Friday nights from 7 - 9pm. It seems that due to a mix up, Thursday nights the hall is used for Hurling :shock:  

So, are you okay for Friday Aiden?


Thursday suited me much better.
I probably won't be able to make it regularly on Fridays.
Not sure about this week.
