Hi guys, thanks for the kind comments, lets hope she flys as well as she looks :?:
Alan I got my A4 from BRC hobbies, however, they are getting hard to come by, I suggest you have a good look around the web for a bargain, I got mine for £40 in an end of stock sale. I will take a look and see if I can find a kit for you!
O.K. finished the Mig 29 tonight and added all the wiring for the afterburners and servos, works great, just need to add two servos for the elevator and check the CofG, and she is ready for a flight. Here are a few photos taken in the workshop tonight.
Afterburners on full burn!!
System works of a 3cell lipo.
Another rear shot with the heaters on full burn!
That's it for now, I will keep you all updated on the maiden flight soon!!