Author Topic: A few changes on the forum...  (Read 3674 times)


  • Slope Soaring is not a crime!
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A few changes on the forum...
« on: September 09, 2009, 10:01:41 AM »
Hi all,

A few changes were made today on the forum. Mostly, the electric planes section has been merged with the nitro one, and renamed "Planes" to make the forum easier to read.
But that can be reverted if one day, the plane guys start to use the forum a bit more. Roughly 25000 visits last month on the forum, the glider section being responsible for 80% of the hits (more than 2 millions so far this year...)...
Come on guys, show us your planes !!  :D

Also, while I'm at it, a few updates on my website  :D
Since May, there is a link for the weather forecast on the main slopes we use... If you need more spots, let me know, and I will add them !  :D
And finally, you can follow the build of my latest glider (ASW15) step by step...

All here :

Weather :
Asw15 :

And more on the left menu...

Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!