Well, what a day !! :clap:
Kind of days that remind me I'm not 20 years old anymore ! (that was hard the next morning!

First of all, thanks to the guys at the MCFC to welcome us once again ! :clap:
A nice day, lots of models, lots of action ! Good recipe for an excellent day !
Thanks to Keith for the multiple tows performed during the day, to Joe to show us that Silent flying is definitively the future

:lol: and finally Brian for the muscle tow with the Zeque ! (and not affraid to put a 4mtrs glider, absolutely not setup, behind his fine model!).
Thanks also to Dennis who joined us for the day.
Peter had some good flying too with the bungee launch, unfortunately, the day was really poor in thermals, the sun deciding not to show up as expected!
I don't have a lot of photos (ok, none...), was too busy flying ! But I have some good videos ! I'll put them later, at some stage, but here are some frames from the video :

Then, we've headed to the slope (told you, great day!

) where we had a guest, coming from Britany, Michel Leroyer, and his wife, Monique.
Well, all I have to say, is that I took a lesson in piloting ! 4 points rolls VTPR style with a 4.5mtr Discus, well, you have to see it!
And I think this is the first time we applauded a landing ! (why are you never do that when I land a glider in one piece ??

:cry: ), all in the video anyway. And I think his last landing, going full throttle on top of Nine Stones, I think will also stay in memories !
Thanks Michel ! :clap:
Michel left this morning, heading to the cliff of Moher, and I hope to see all the Britany guys next year !

So, once again, thank you all !
When are we doing it again ??
PS : Remember, 2 weeks time, our first ISR Glide-in of the year, with the first Race Meeting ! More details tomorrow