Author Topic: Area Open Electric Thermal Championship 2 Aug 2020  (Read 4210 times)


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Area Open Electric Thermal Championship 2 Aug 2020
« on: August 06, 2020, 19:11:15 PM »
Area Open Electric Thermal Championship 2 Aug 2020

The forecast in the run up to this event was awful, but despite this the decision was taken to at least turn up and see if it was possible to fly.
7 Pilots turned up and it was great to see Ronnie Armstrong out flying again with his ‘bitsa’, (Phoenix 200 fuz and Radian wing). The rest of the models ranged from Keiths Xplorer, costing in excess of £1000, Andrews Supra at a similar cost through Inside F5j’s to foam Radians and a couple of RES models converted to electric.
We decided to try and fly the event CD Paul Freeman stating the event as 5 rounds, (1 discard),  of 8 mins with the top 2 to go on to a 2 round fly off.
Flying commenced and the best lift seemed to be out towards the WNW and the turbine, but it was very easy to fallout of the lift and make a very swift descent from that point to a landing. Despite this there were quite a few flights close to or on the 8 mins and the scores were very close. During round 4 the sky to the west darkened dramatically and the air changed completely, getting heavy and humid. The decision was taken (in agreement with all pilots) to call the rounds off after this round, which still allwoed the discard.
The fly off proved you don’t need a big expensive model to do well as we had models at both ends of the spectrum. Keiths big expensive full house composite model and Pauls, largely wood, 2m E-PuRES.
There were a hint of rain in the air as the first round started which got heavier as it continued, then stopped almost at the end of the round! Keith had a fair lead ion Paul going in to the escond round and never really looked like losing it.
Congratulations Keith on another win.


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Re: Area Open Electric Thermal Championship 2 Aug 2020
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2020, 11:13:48 AM »
Thanks for the report and photos Bill!  :)
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!