Thought I would post a few pictures of my Wasabi, another pandemic build dusted down last week. I had this in the box for over ten years. Its a lovely model, actually reminds me a bit of the Ahi from Dreamflight (last pic), except that it is all composite. I think I bought it just before Fred offered his Wasabi ECO, or was it Joe, I don't remember now.
Pictures show the box contents first. Wings are finished now with servos installed, covers cut and pushrods made up. The red underside should make a nice contrast when flying. Ply servo tray was glassed into the fuselage tonight. When the epoxy dries I can trim off the excess and fit the elevator and rudder servos. I went off on a tangent and started to make up an elevator pushrod from carbon tube until Ralph suggested that I go back to my roots and use balsa square stock for the pushrod. I have that cut to length now with two threaded wire ends tack expoxied in place. I can sand and trim it tomorrow a little and then bind the ends with thread and cyano exactly as per my Mascot IC trainer when I was 17. See if you can age me now from that reference!. Elevator bellcrank is made up ready to be assembled once these jobs are sorted. Then its onto rudder pull-pull install, rudder post etc. A few evenings should have it ready to slope.