Author Topic: What was little, green, and made by multiplex  (Read 7752 times)

Happy Days

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What was little, green, and made by multiplex
« on: June 03, 2019, 15:43:26 PM »
Originally purchased aprox ten years ago from a certain on line model shop in Ireland this little gem has survived untold numbers of 'unorthodox' (and sometime unauthorized) landings. Hundreds of charge and partial / total discharges. Temperatures of both Hot and (mostly on Big L.) freezing. Yet through it all, has given faultless service........until now. With the ability to charge a few hundred milliamps the time has come to bid 'farewell' to my old friend.

I was thinking of burying her on the west slope of Big L. with full honors and a possible flypast to salute all those years of sterling service shes' given me. But times being what they are I'm told she must be confined to the rather ignominious end of the local re-cycling center.

"Alas dear friend, I'll remember you well." Amen. :'(
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.