Well, after a good night sleep, a big massive thank you to all of you who travelled from all over the country to the event this weekend!
We were blessed with a very nice weather, straight on the "lazy" slope, and we can say the official "last" meeting of the season was a big success!
18 pilots on the Saturday, and I counted 8 on Sunday (but different ones than the Saturday... That shows that doing the meetings on 2 days is always a good move!
Lots and lots of flying done, on top of the usual banter, massive amounts of cakes (thanks for the cream cake!! ), coffee, teas and chats!
Highlights for me, was to see Joe magnificient 1/4 scale Grunau Baby IIb in the air. That thing looks, and sound good! Need a pilot Joe!! Also, 2 Cortinas on nthe same slope... Must have been something unseen from the 80s! Add a Vampire to the lot, and we call this meeting vintage!
First flight of my A10, also a non event, and of course, my Sonic crash who almost ended up by me doing a lot of paper work! (checked the logs, nothing special other than me pushing hard on the elevator, and putting flaps up 5 seconds before impact!) Really lucky on that one on all front!
Anyway, below are a few photos, I think in lowish resolution, I'll do a proper album.. Have a bout 300 photos to sort!!
Thanks all again for coming!!