Author Topic: ASSET register problems  (Read 4380 times)


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ASSET register problems
« on: November 08, 2017, 12:32:45 PM »
To all MACI members,

Recently there have been emails from Asset International received by some MACI members requesting that users change their access passwords. As some of these members raised their concerns to me that they thought these emails were phishing emails I decided to contact Asset to find out if these emails were indeed from Asset. After sending emails to Asset International and receiving no replies I contacted Asset International by phone this evening and after a couple of calls eventually talked with the person in charge of the relevant department.

It turns out that Asset was testing a new computer system and somehow it got linked into their live system and started sending out the test emails. This email reminder for password reset is a feature to be deployed in their next system release.  These emails were erroneously sent during the testing of the new email feature. There should be no more emails until the feature is released and there is currently no planned date for that release.

However, if there are any new instances which occur after today please let me know and I will forward the information to Asset International.

I have been assured that the fault is now rectified and should not happen again. I have also been assured that any changes made to your passwords using the links in those emails will NOT be made to the existing system so any members logging on to Asset should still continue to use their old password. Just in case the impossible has happened and you encounter difficulties logging in with your old password you could then try your new password. If anyone still has difficulty logging in then please contact the Asset helpdesk at
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Tuff Choice.