Author Topic: Voltij  (Read 15134 times)


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« on: November 07, 2008, 17:42:07 PM »
Well I am finally ready for my return to the slopes.
Before I go on I want to congradulate Joe and Fred for this site and the good development work they have been doing. You seem to have a good scene going on here, with a great atmosphere.So well done  :clap:  :clap: .
How do I join.
Anyway I found an Aeromod Voltij on a UK shop website and I thought 'thats the job',so I ordered it.
I had it built for last W/E but was ill.
I flew it on Monday in light conditions. I think it will be very good.I just had 2 short flights in light that was failing,having waited for some mist to go away.No trim at all was required. I just did enough flying to set the mixes for the crow brake and the 4 axis reflex adjust.Will need to check all this in stronger wind.
First landing 9/10.
Second one 4/10, thats 0 for me and 4 for the model, as I let too far behind and should have walked back up a bit more so I coult see the top of the slope.It was out of sight for the last few feet of the descent. It was ok, must have had a good touchdown.
At least I did not catch the rotor.
I can't wait to get it out again.

Anybody going out in the morning ??

Serious Power

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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 18:39:04 PM »
Well done Brian! :clap:  Glad to hear all went well.

I was up on the southern slope of Big L this afternoon, I don't get on too well on that slope. Tomorrow the wind is supposed to be in much the same direction. :cry:
I'll probably stay off the slopes until Monday afternoon when the forecast is for westerly winds. :D  Loads of lift!
I could meet you up there then Brian. You could practice your landings, and I could practice my crashings. :!:  And in between we could enjoy some flying :D  What say you?

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 20:58:27 PM »
Hi Brian,

Congratulation on the maiden flight !  :clap:  :clap:
So, now, the question everyone is asking ! Where are the photos of the beast ??  :P  :D

Sorry, will not be able to join you tomorrow  :(  Going to Mullingar for the Royal County Club Bring and Buy... Going to stay there for the night and will only be back on sunday...
We'll keep posted for next week end !
Have the Wasabi in the car !  :D

And thanks again for your warm comment ! you can join at any time ! And it's free  :D
You have a F3A section in the forum few some good inputs and photos, just waiting for you !  :P
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!


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« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 20:58:27 PM »
Hi Keith,
Did you have a prob,, or just bad lift.
If bad lift we have to solve this south to south/west issue. Have you tried Annagh Hill, its not far and looks great for those winds. In fact it looks good for from east to south to s/west.
Yes for Mon at some stage,work allowing. Tues/Wed are looking good.
So you think the morning is not an option. Will be in touch.

Serious Power


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« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 21:21:13 PM »
Hi Fred,
You are welcome,it really is a fine/good job you two are doing.
Shane has circulated the site details to our members just recently, and we have a meeting soon where we will discuss it and how best we might use it.
As for photo I have just got a camera ,but as yet have not tried it out.I'm old school but will get there. Maybe Keith will take a couple of shots, with the 'camera' Keith. Although he's quite a nuisance really, when I go to the club field he's there disturbing perfectly good air and now I take up SS he gets up there first and stops the lift  :!: .Whats a person to do.LOL.
Look forward to flying with you again Fred.

Serious Power


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« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 21:27:16 PM »
:lol:  Like that !

And anytime to fly together !  :D  :D  Must come down at the field one day too ! Soon with the tow plane hopefully  :D

Shane has circulated the site details to our members just recently, and we have a meeting soon where we will discuss it and how best we might use it.

About that, if I can be of any help, let me know !
I can open a domain for you /members/club, something like, even have you own club section in the forum...
Lots of possibilities if you need !  :D
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!

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« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 22:15:22 PM »
Errrrr,.....where's Annagh Hill :shock:  Does it have a good landing area, and are there any TREES near by?
I have this "Thing" about flying near trees you see. I've already lost two models to the forestry commission around Mt. Lienster. :oops:  :oops: It wouldn't have been so bad if the models had been mine, but one of them belonged to Joe! (Oh, the shame of it all :cry: )

About the lift on the southern slope of Mt. L:
I've tried flying there many times, (well, least six) and found that for a given wind speed the lift there is far less than for the same wind speed on the north slope.
Has anyone else found that to be the case?
Today was a case in point. Wind speed of around 30mph, (that's about 50kph in new money) but not a great deal of lift, or at least, not that I could find! I caught the wing of my Elite on a rock when landing. Caused a bit of damage, but not too much :(

I hope to have finnished installing servos in a Filip 400 that Joe has given me, over this weekend. I'm eager to see how she fly's. (And Yes, I'll make sure she stays well away from any TREES!)

As for taking picies of your new bird Brian,........I might do :roll:,............  but it'll cost you at least a couple of chocie bickies!
Oh,.... and you must promise not to say any more horrid things about me! :P...........(Even if they are true!)

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 23:07:05 PM »
Hi Keith,
It's between Carnew and Gorey,but there is a shortcut for us.
I know it but wes never up top ,,,, there!
Try this;
Be in touch.
Would be a shorter drive for Fred and Co too.

Serious Power


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« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2008, 23:15:22 PM »
Welcome aboard Brian. Good to have another sloper on the scene.
Mt Leinster south side as you say Keith is not as good as the north but, it's not too bad. Most of the better lift is to be found way out away from the slope. You'll be surprised how far out it reaches. The air is also a bit bumpy on that slope as it doesn't have the nice smooth surface of the north. It is perfectly flyable in my experience in south and south-west winds. It's just a case of finding the pockets of good lift.

As for Annagh. The paraglider guys fly there in a north-east. Looking at a map. south-east and maybe south look good too as you say Brian. It's a question of access. If the para guys are flying there there is a road to the north-east anyway, and hopefully the south-east as well. Just need a bit of investigation!!

For south-east winds the coast is a nice change. With a decent wind you get perfect smooth lift that is a pleasure to fly. Beware of rotors though. Very easy to get thrown about and pushed straight down into the ground. Brian, Keith knows where I usually fly near Blackwater if you fancy trying it out. Land right on the edge or sometimes paralel to the edge (cheak out the wind on top as it does very strange things) with a moldy. Be very careful going behind.


Will be in touch when I'm home for a bit of a slope fix!!


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« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2008, 00:44:41 AM »
H Guys,
This will have to be checked out as it seems to provide those slopes that Lenister does not, one may complement the other.
Joe you are right about the slope directions,and I think it will work from south to s/west also.
Keith the trees ,as best I can work out,are on north facing slopes from n/east to west stoping at the crest.
The first pic on that 'green' site is taken from s/west off the hill looking back towards the hill.The last pic is facing east south east or just s/east, I think ?????.
Worth checking out and I can find out about access .
Also not so up in the weather as 'L'.

Serious Power

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« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2008, 07:01:17 AM »
Thanks for the advise about the south slope Joe. Next time I'll remember to go further out. (The trouble is that at my age I can't see as far as I used to! :wink: )

I have to say Brian you are "coming on" in leaps and bounds with your pc. Not so long ago I don't think you knew a keyboard from a kilobite. Now you're contrubiting to forums and even starting new threads. Before long you'll be trading on ebay! :)  (Pitty I can't learn to fly as quickly as you've learnt to surf!)
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2008, 10:23:11 AM »
Hi Keith,
You are right about today ,no flying,cloud @200' and rain on the way.
Will try for tomorrow, and wil try as Joe has suggested.
Have you found that detail re Annagh Hill, looks good ??

Serious Power

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« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2008, 16:00:13 PM »
Well Brian, I'm seeing rain forecast for the best part of tomorrow :cry:  AND my squadron of slopers is rather dimminished at the moment.
The Elite is proving harder to repair than I had anticipated. Rib No.1 is broken. Trying to repair it has difficuilties regarding the dihedral angle of the wing. Replacing it would mean more work making the new rib! I'm of two minds to just make a "candle wax and string" repair with CA and fly her, rather than spend a long time making a neat repair, only to damage it on my next landing!

Might have to think about building a "proper" sloper as a winter project. It'd have to be a strong bird that could take the knocks. (Not like these flimsy floaters)

The Filip is also far from airworthy.

My faithfull Zagi is the only bird suitable to take to the skies right now.

So, all in all I don't think you'll be seeing me tomorrow.

Regarding Annagh Hill:-

I've looked at the picies and if it's good for paragliders I should think it'd be good for us. Might pop up and have a look-see one afternoon next week.
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.

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« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2008, 19:37:15 PM »
OOOOOoooooo, it flys, it loops, it flys inverted, and does stall turns and fast rolls and I don't know what it doesn't do.

I'm talking about the Voltij, not Brian.

This afternoon we went out to the west slope of Big"L." Brian was armed with his Voltij, I was crashing a Filip 400 that I'd been given.

Cor! they don't 'alf go the pair of them, although Brian's bird can certainly out fly mine. (Hmmmmmm, I shall have to think about this matter. :?: )

It was good fun untill the wind just fizeled out, and with it , the lift. To add insult to injury, it started to rain.
So we went home! :cry:

I have to say that flying that Filip is more excieting than my Elite. I know what type new toy to ask Santa for christmas :wink:


p.s. Thank you Joe for the Filip.
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2008, 19:57:47 PM »
Hi Keith,
Thanks for the help,although I know it'll cost me 8-[ .
Yes a good afternoon,but I'M sorry I did not get there earlier.
That was no crash just a hasty arrivall.
Looking forward to the next installment.

Serious Power