Lets leave it there. My antenna theory is very (very) rusty and was never used in anger (except during the relevant exam).
Still, the human body is not a great conductor and weirdly, neither is the ground (it helps that there's a lot of it though), so if the shoes were conductive(ish) there would be a kind of reflector behind the antenna.
Remember that some antennae are designed with a built in ground plane to shape/redirect the radiation pattern.
Having said all of that you're right though. When I'm flying I'm usually too busy trying to keep my airplanes out of the ground (and trees...) and away from everybody elses airplanes, not wondering about this stuff.
And besides, my models would probably be invisible long before I reached the extremes of the default theoretical radiation pattern anyway, never mind seeing if it was extended in any direction.
Looking back over this dicussion I'm reminded of a VHF radio operators course I did many years ago. One of the participants (not me) insisted on stating that at VHF signals would go 'over the horizon' Whilst in the extremes of Maxwells Equations he may have been technically correct, for all practical purposes they don't, which was all that was important to everybody else on the course.
I'll shut up now and let people get back to posting about A and B certs.