Ladies, gentlemen and the rest of us, please find below the A and B cert schedules which have been proposed to be approved at the next A/B cert course next month.
1. Launch the model and gain height.
2. Fly for ten seconds straight and level across wind.
3. Fly for ten seconds straight and level across wind in the opposite direction to (2)
4. Perform one 360 degree left hand turn.
5. Perform one 360 degree right hand turn.
6. Perform two consecutive 360 degree 'thermal' turns, either left or right.
7. Fly into wind and perform a straight stall and recovery.
8. Fly a rectangular circuit in front of the slope in the opposite direction to that chosen for the landing approach.
9. Fly a rectangular landing circuit opposite to that flown in (

and land within 20 metres of a pre-designated spot.
1. Launch the model, gain height and complete one horizontal circuit (either left or right hand) in front of the pilot.
2. Fly a horizontal figure eight with the crossover point in front of the pilot.
3. Fly two consecutive loops across wind.
4. Fly crosswind left to right and complete a stall turn away from the slope.
5. Fly crosswind right to left and complete a stall turn away from the slope.
6. Complete 10 seconds straight and level inverted flight across wind.
7. Perform one axial roll across wind, either from the left or right.
8. Perform one axial roll across wind in the opposite direction to (h), rotating in the opposite direction to (h).
9. Perform a three turn spin with exit in the same direction as the entry.
10. Fly a left hand rectangular landing approach and overshoot.
11. Fly a right hand rectangular landing approach and overshoot.
12. Fly a rectangular landing approach either left or right hand and land within 15 metres of a pre-determined spot.
The course documentation will be amended to reflect the proposed schedules.
Examiners will be available on request at all of our event dates next year with a training weekend if required.
ISR Hon Sec