Planes > Park Flyers / Foamies

Voodoo up a tree


Here is a short tale of woe about my recent mishap with a P51 Voodoo Mustang park flyer from World Model ( do not ever buy this model)

There is a field beside my house suitable for park flyers. Hence my purchace of the Voodoo.
2 Weeks ago I was doing high speed low level straffing runs the full length of the field. Followed by a savage full up to vertical to narrowly avoid slamming into the trees at the end of the field. I had been doing this for a few weeks now and was getting right bloody cocky about it. This Particular eve I was out doing the same thing, (there is a rumour that I had a couple of beers at dinner time...but that is completely unfounded :twisted: ) So I pulled to vertical at the last minute, the setting sun blotted out the model and a sense of vertigo over whelmed me and SMASH!! right into the top of a tree. 200ft up!

There is stayed for the last 2 weeks or so, and last night I walked down to see if any miracles had befallen it, and lo and behold there it was on the ground  :D  Well actually in a ditch under about a foot of water.:cry:

It is my first true and total anihilation of a model. I do not think anything can be salvaged from this one.

Lesson here> If you put 400 quids worth of new electronics into a cheap piece of balsa and plastic, make sure that when you reach the stage where you are flying recklessly, because you think to yourself 'Sher I can put the gear into a better model if I crash' you factor in the tree and water hazard too  :?:

Nice (well, not so nice for the electronic !) story here  :)

I put a model in a tree once (a Piaf.. years ago!)... Had to walk 2 km with a huge ladder.. I can still hear the neighbours laughing at me, like I was not weird enough with my little planes at the time (and that one with a Fuji 049 (the Japanese  version of the Cox, with a real glow plug!)...Noisy !  :D  :D

There is a strange magnetic force that drags planes to trees! :)
Some others claim that the trees move in the front of planes.

I also had something like that, stuck a Depron GeeBee made by me in a pine tree.
A full flying field and a monkey (me) climbing up a pine tree to rescue the plane. It was a fun day.
Specially because it was the first thing i ever build from a plan and i discovered that it was so twisted that it would fly always turning to one side.
So as soon as it took off it turned to the left and embraced the tree.


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