Author Topic: Flight restrictions for the 25th of June 2016 - Dublin, Meath, Louth  (Read 5115 times)


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Attached please find details of flight restrictions for Saturday the 25th of June 2016.


TRA - Transit Route Alpha
(Airspace corridor over the M1 from the Northern edge of Dublin Control Zone to North of
Drogheda, abeam Collon).
Lateral limits: The airspace contained within the following coordinates
53°46´40N 006°29´43W
53°46´43N 006°19´04W
53°40´36N 006°11´51W
53°36´39N 006°08´11W
53°34´42N 006°18´04W
53°34´43N 006°07´35W
53°38´17N 006°24´45W
53°41´40N 006°28´31W
53°45´16N 006°29´52W
Vertical limits: Surface to 5000 feet AMSL
Duration: 0800 hrs. UTC until 1100 hrs. UTC on the 25th June 2016

TRA - Newgrange Co. Meath
Lateral limits: The airspace contained within a 5nm radius circle centered on
53°41´41.00N 006°28´32.00W
Vertical limits: Surface to 5000 feet AMSL
Duration: 0900 hrs. UTC until 1200 hrs. UTC on the 25th June 2016. (See chart page 5)
TRA - Transit Route Bravo
(Airspace corridor over the M1 from South of Drogheda to the Cooley Peninsula).
Lateral limits: The airspace contained within the following coordinates
54°03´46N 006°17´13W
53°58´04N 006°18´32W
53°41´56N 006°15´20W
53°37´38N 006°23´30W
53°41´25N 006°28´17W
53°45´17N 006°29´58W
53°52´55N 006°30´53W
54°01´16N 006°31´45W
54°05´01N 006°26´36W
Vertical limits: Surface to 5000 feet AMSL
Duration: 1030 hrs. UTC until 1300 hrs. UTC on the 25th June 2016. (See chart page 6)
TRA - Cooley Peninsula Co. Louth
Lateral limits: The sovereign airspace of Ireland contained within 5nm radius of
54°00´22.00N 006°11´01.00W
Vertical limits: Surface to 5000 feet AMSL
Duration: 1100 hrs. UTC until 1700 hrs. UTC on the 25th June 2016. (See chart page 7)
TRA - Transit Route Charlie
(Airspace corridor over the M1 from the Cooley Peninsula to the Northern edge of the
Dublin Control Zone).
Lateral limits: The airspace contained within the following coordinates
54°03´46N 006°17´13W
53°58´04N 006°18´32W
53°40´31N 006°11´47W
53°36´32N 006°08´07W
53°34´43N 006°07´35W
53°34´42N 006°18´04W
53°38´16N 006°24´40W
53°41´47N 006°28´32W
53°45´39N 006°29´58W
53°53´01N 006°30´52W
54°00´37N 006°31´50W
54°05´12N 006°24´23W
Vertical limits: Surface to 5000 feet AMSL
Duration: 1500 hrs. UTC until 1830 hrs. UTC on the 25th June 2016
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