Motor mounts.....Best to keep the motor as close to the firewall (and consequently as close to the CoG) as poss.
4000mAh battery?.......that's a big battery for such a model, 3000 or 3500 would be lighter. (Your choice of course.)
14x7 prop...Hmmm The motor is designed for a max load of 28amps. I would have thought a 14x7 prop would likely overload it.

If the model was last flown with a 10x6 that's the size to be aiming for really. You'll get a longer flight time with a smaller prop as an added bonus!

15.8oz / sq ft is a good wing loading for a trainer!

Goreyflyer;...yes my days of wheelies, stopies, and burn-outs are long gone,...along with my handsome looks and masculine physique! (But I'll have the memories forever
