While we are talking about PSS, here is a Jet, for a change !
And an original one, with the good old French Fouga Magister !
The kit is in PHD (High Density polysthyrene), so more fragile than EPP, but much lighter... Good for low wind conditions.
Combat ? hmmmm Why not !
Here are some really quick photos !
From the first photo to the last one, around 3 hours of work.
15 mins sanding
30 mins assembly (I have used epoxy 5mins everywhere!)
2.15 hrs decorating ! :!: :!:
So, here we go :

The wingtips tanks are made of round insulating foam, sanded and covered in blue tape... Must find another solution, don't look that great, but I've only spent 2 minutes on them...
I hope to have it finished for this week end National...
Left to do is the V tail, and put the 2 servos for the ailerons (you can see the white spots on top of the wings at the root where they are going)
Everything else is hidden under the canopy.
Stay tuned !