Author Topic: New to the forum from the midlands.  (Read 3556 times)


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New to the forum from the midlands.
« on: August 25, 2015, 23:37:29 PM »

I just thought, I'd introduce myself. New to the forum, not so new to the hobby.

Started out with electrical helis in my childhood, left the hobby for many years, then got the interest again a bit over 10 years ago. The main reason, I got back to the hobby was my interest for aerial photography.

Either way: to lift a cam, a nitro heli was necessary. And lugging that around wasn't always convenient.

About 2 years ago, I sold my nitro heli and moved on to multirotors. I still have an electrical heli, but it's more of a toy. Might get myself a nitro heli again eventually.

Currently, I've got the electric heli, a nitro truck and 2 quadcopters. I recently sold the 3rd I had, as I'm upgrading for a hexa. I've also backed 4 multirotor kickstarters in the last 2 years, of which the first 2 of them only just now are about to be shipped. I've got another 2 rotor camera platform on preorder.

I love gadgets. And I love messing with technology. Exploring new avenues . Recently, I managed to modify one of my quads to a point, where I was flying it using 3G/LTE opposed to it's regular controller. Imagine the possibilities.
