Well it arrived today.
At first I was told I couldn’t open the box because it was to be a xmas pressie. I managed to convince ‘Herself’ that I needed to check it out to make sure all the parts worked, as if I waited till xmas day and found something wrong the retailer probably wouldn’t replace any non working parts by then.
The ploy worked
and I was allowed to sprit the box away into the workshop. ‘She’ made me agree however that as soon as I had made sure all was in working order I’d return it to her for wrapping and wouldn’t make any attempt to fly it before xmas.
Well, you have to make compromises sometimes, don’t you. :roll:
It all looked to be in good knick. I checked the six servos and all was well. I connected a 3S Li-Po to the ESC,……and that’s when the problems started. The Speed Controller acknowledged the battery and counted the correct number of cells,…but wouldn’t arm the motor. :?:
"Bugger it," I thought, " this is one of those sensitive ESCs that will only arm when the Tx settings are just perfect for this particular speed controller." I Looked up the manual on the internet.
Spent ages setting and re-setting the throttle trim, end point adjustments, servo reverse and throttle positions, all to no avail, it just wouldn’t arm. I removed the ESC and motor to make sure the connections were in good order,…..it still wouldn’t arm.
I phoned up the retailer, they told me to contact Horizon. A long conversation with Horizons’ tech dept made no difference. :!: :!:
So I left the workbench and started searching through boxes , draws, presses and shelves looking for any spare ESC’s that I might have.
Finally I found one, connected it to the motor and battery,…BINGO! The motor spun up. “At last” I thought.
So, the e-Flight ESC will be going back to the retailer on Monday. :evil:
How frustrating would it have been if a complete novice had got this model for a pressie and tried to fly it!
Little Keith.